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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: ebd4fdcd874f908⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 400x397, 400:397, vampire-power-1.jpg)


If someone says an insult, they enlarge themselves energetically at your expense. Energy is like blood. Blood travels through veins, so the insult itself establishes a sort of energetic vein that transfers your energy to their energy field. However this energy transfer often does not stop after the insult has occurred. Often times on a subconscious level there is a continual transfer of energy between the insulted to the insulter across distances, thus many people are walking around who are the subject of multiple energy vampires who are consuming the energy of their aura simultaneously even though the people who receive this energy are far away.

This consumption of energy can be inter-generational where certain bloodlines act as predators upon other bloodlines where a person is subject to the bullying of the same tribe that their ancestors were subject to. For this reason it is very important for people to be among the people of their own tribe, and tribe is not nation. A nation is a confederation of tribes. Tribes can be racially the same but not all tribes are of the same race.

In order to free oneself from unwanted energy vampirism it is important one to pray for their enemies to be cursed. Through the act of cursing ones enemies one acquires energy from them, their spiritual blood, and in doing so one receives payback. The amount of payback one receives does not have to be proportionate to the amount that was stolen, a person doing a action does not get to determine the level of reaction done against them. The extent to which one prays for an enemy to be cursed does not have to be equal to what was done to ones self.

Awareness of human on human energy vampirism came to me as a result of an LSD trip where I saw human auras surrounded by large headed extra-terrestrial cartoons that were munching on their energy field. At the time I assumed that this was simply a delusion brought about by LSD, and I still believe that it was that, because I do not believe that extra-terrestrials are involved in human affairs. However I eventually came to the conclusion that the spiritual entities that appeared as extra-terrestrials during the trip were in fact multiple humans at a distance who were subconsciously enlarging their own energy fields at the expense of persons whom they had bullied, maintaining a perpetually enlarged ego at the expense of the person who was verbally abused.

The people doing this don’t realize the energy dynamics behind it, at least consciously many of them likely don’t. This is obviously the case. The reason they do it is likely related to sexuality, they wish to increase their own sense of sexual desirability through working to reduce the status of someone else. A taboo against cursing enemies has made many people subject to perpetual energy vampirism, if someone wishes to be christian it is possible for christians to re-interpret their scriptures to justify cursing enemies.

Cursing works to maintain social order in the same way people suing each other does.



>If someone says an insult, they enlarge themselves energetically at your expense.

I don't feel much larger by calling you a faggot, but that's still what you are.


File: ca0709cdf0deba3⋯.png (69.64 KB, 750x450, 5:3, 140901062245391005.png)


what kind of energy is it?


File: 3fd34715aaf96c0⋯.png (79.64 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, epycwynncopyright.png)


I run a digizine called Userview. May I use your art for the digizine?

~Epyc Wynn


File: 2c4e22b4fbab73e⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 854x477, 854:477, 46503415_1173752062801524_….jpg)


Elites are actual Draconian reminder pedophiles are not with ties to the elite and don't need energy vampirism to gain power. They lack the imagination to pull it from their heart chakra true ,but I think creativity is the only way to destroy the elites, Not cursing. Artificial Intelligence could be a cause for mass-scale energy vampirism. I've never been exposed to perpetual Human energy vampirism like you describe.



Like Disney knows energy vampirism goes beyond memetics, but ultimately draconians need the low oxygen content to psychic ly killyou. burning gasoline has a monoatomic affect. So we won't be running out of it so soon, But we kill short term memory(forests). Thats why they are tales not memes like cinderella it all has a real life event British Isles which is why connects archons or demons to cursed places like Hel. Curses might not work for energy vampirism.



who is epyc wynn?


File: 3b09ace91ffeea9⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 640x633, 640:633, 1548355798824.jpg)


>who is epyc wynn?

A troll.


File: 4e6669b348bd9e7⋯.jpg (84.05 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 4e6669b348bd9e7d17d6e05cf2….jpg)

This is so fucking wrong and untrue insults do not enlarge people energetically they do not have energy thats why they need to enlarge their DICK someone didn't read wilhelm reich sexually energy and fallic worshippers pharoah

have faith in the image here it it a triangle of power used by actual sad vamps



Interesting image. Do you know the moth mage? What can you tell me about them?


File: abad934c7db1911⋯.png (7.77 KB, 241x241, 1:1, B5426B55-CC0A-4A95-9798-F6….png)


No it sounds like they have knowledge but what about faith?



>In order to free oneself from unwanted energy vampirism it is important one to pray for their enemies to be cursed. Through the act of cursing ones enemies one acquires energy from them, their spiritual blood, and in doing so one receives payback. The amount of payback one receives does not have to be proportionate to the amount that was stolen, a person doing a action does not get to determine the level of reaction done against them. The extent to which one prays for an enemy to be cursed does not have to be equal to what was done to ones self.

Can you just pray for them to be cursed in such a way that they are unable to extract energy from people in the way you describe any longer?


File: c26db9ec6956ee7⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 267x400, 267:400, epycwynner.jpg)


I am Epyc Wynn Destroyer of Motherly Buttholes Slayer of Gay Rectums Creator of Dank Ass Memes.

~Epyc Wynn


I happen to own a copy of the Vampire Bible which I ordered from the Temple of the Vampire. Anyone else?


Im going to meditate on this idea. Im not sure I would take it to your conclusion, but I have heard the idea that the idea that every person you interact with forms an energy connection.

It might not be that the person is an energy vampire per say. But if the victim felt inferior, and hasnt been able to "get over it", perhaps the victim could be "willingly" giving the energy away. In which case, breaking the energy connection consciously could be the thing that allows them to evolve past these issues.

Spitballing here, but it has piqued my interest.



if you have a knowledge, so what? You still trade something in, evenly.




Fuck I pressed post by mistake.

I was a member for a while, but they insisted on a no drug policy and I wanted to do an ayahuasca ceremony some time in the future, so they asked me to go away and deleted all my posts (although there were several caffeine and tobacco addicted members which wasn’t a problem apparently, and neither was alcohol).

Their leader Nemo is a cool guy. He’s like 70 or 80 by now and he sounds 30. His audios programs are OK and the books are nice (I got those pirated before deciding to join).

They’re pretty mundane overall.

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