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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So It was by chance I came across the text by Nineveh Shadrach about the Arabic Version of the Key of Solomon. Titled "The Book of Deadly Names"

Just for fun while picking through I tossed his name into YouTube and listened to a couple podcasts he was on.

Now when I first heard something on YT with him, he claimed to have discovered the manuscript at the University of Toledo. Or I could swear I heard that, but now can't find the source of that little audio bite.

This is where I might be committing a occultist faux paus. I notice that in the text… he doesn't source where the manuscript came from. And his story doesn't quiet add up.

First.) Where did he find the original manuscript?

Second.) His story doesn't make sense… supposedly he told the guys over at "Light in the Void radio" that it "fell off a shelf suddenly unprompted" yet according to his own description it a manuscript from 1428 that was preserved by spainards and found in a spanish palace in Ocana, Spain. Which begs the question… what kind of university Archivist leaves a centuries old manuscript on shelf to be knocked over? Youtube link of audio interview

Time Stamp of Origin Story of Book

Ok well maybe I'll suspend my disbelief on that but it made me genuinely curious and I couldn't resist to reaching out to The UofT because I am semi-local to them to see if they still have the manuscript.

According to an email exchange I had with an archivist there, no record of said manuscript. (I'll provide that if needed, because now I can't locate thr source where he said allegedly that's where he found it).

I enlisting a help of a spanish friend to reach out The University of Castilla in Spain which is in the Toledo province (Ocana spain is located in that province, so I'm check to see if my brain… jumbled the data). To see if I'm mistaken in what I heard and he ment that University. (Which geographically makes more sense but still doesn't excuse him knocking a 600 hundred year old manuscript off a shelf.. ).

Now my intended goal wasn't to call him our in anyway but I guess the truth seeker in me wants to know. Where did this mysterious manuscript come from, why did the author omit where he discovered it in the text? Seems like that be a nice little tid bit to add in the foreward. If it is an entire fabrication why did the author lie about it? Sense the there is already a ton of Solomonic lore and Lore on the Djinn that he could of wrote the thing stating it was oral tradition or a middle eastern view of the same texts.

Whats odd also the book contains copied pages from the alleged manuscript, none of which from glances appear worn or faded. But I'm not an expert on 13th century manuscripts written in African style Arabic … maybe the ink doesn't always fade.

The Archdoxes of Magic is of similar age and it held up the test of time. (I have a copy of that manuscript second edition 1975, scans of the 1656 english first edition) so it's not unheard of a manuscript this age standing up to time.

I would love to know If anyone else has done any leg work on this particular text? Proved or disapproved.

The claims made by the author are interesting and further more if it's all false hoods at least one prominent Black Magician has used the work as a "source" for a Grimoire and would in a sense expose them as a bit of a fraud and the coven they work with. (Seriously if it the original is false it has deep implications for a few popular Left hand path authors…)

The idea that Geotia Demons of Solomon may of actually been Genies of Sumerian lore might help undercover the truth behind these entities outside the Abrahamic context so this manuscript (if real) needs a deeper look. I was curious if any one here has encountered anything about it?


I have got radio silence from the University in Spain, any spanish anons wanna investigate?


Can't really help you with the Spain part. I was in an old library in Manchester once and all their books were massive as well as chained to the shelves and I think another chain in front of them. Not sure if Spanish libraries looked the same back then, but such a book wouldn't just fall off, and even if it did would be heavy enough to injure you.

OT: I can recommend going to that library in Manchester, it had a really nice vibe to it, built in an old monastery that nowadays also hosts a prestigious musical school. Admission is free, you can tell the security guard you want a tour of the library and they call someone to come get you.



Yea, when I spoke to the University of Toledo in the states (Toledo came up both in an interview he did and from a mediation I've had on the subject).

The Archivist I actually spoke with on the phone, they explained clearly that any original manuscript is under lock and key.

I'm trusting them as far, because they have no motivation to lie to me.

What bugs me, is that things don't add up, but when I hear Nineveh speak, he seems like a straight up dude. Down to earth in a sense, but it could be just a well curated act.

He also claimed the Djinn could "Destroy the earth in less than 24 hours" which I found… to be a silly claim.

Occult and Esoteric media is so frustrating so much disinfo and bullshit artists. For the actual truth seekers it becomes a frustrating game of tracing the charltan's inspiration, the kernel of truths in the schizo ramblings, and uncovering the cryptography of some other writings.

I'm the type that can sit down with something like the Azoetia and "get it" while I encounter this kind of stuff and I can sense that nugget of truth but it's wrapped up in "woo".

This mystery will drive me mad I swear it. I'm so interested in decoding the Abrahamic context that we have of "demons" or "The Watchers" or "Fallen Angels" because I know that they're something else in a sense and really finding that lineage of Summeria's pantheon, the fallen mentioned in Enoch, the bound demons of Solomon and the various gods of European and Indian peoples could be greatly assisted by figuring out what these Djinn really were.


Asspainnerd here, i found some info for you.

First, I don't fucking know where are the manuscript in this moment, because legally is part of the patrimony of the Mendoza Family, so maybe it´s not in any public library anymore, i have no clue.

Second, yeah, those manuscripts exist


The story of that guy Nineveh it make sense, be aware that when he found the manuscript it was nearly three decades ago, and we were then even more incompetent than we are now (that´s a fucking lot).

Also, fun fact: in the link above says the manuscripts survive a traffic accident when Mercedes Mendoza transport them to the University of Granada, where her aunt Joaquina Eguaras were supposed to say if that shit for real, but after the accident was Julio Porres Martín-Cleto (Those names are weird even for us), an expert (supossedly) who let his neighbours (for some reason) check the old papers, then Samso Moya (I never in my entire life hear of someone with that name) came to his house and ratified the authenticity of the documents.

Incompetents, like i said.



Holy shit Anon. Thank you. I owe Ninevah an apology!

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