That research I believe was debunked; which applies to 99% of this board's pseudo-science whenever it attempts to back its abstract theories with evidence in an effort to grasp a nonexistent grain of scientific validity every scholar and their professor would scoff at.
As for your more valuable notion: "Can we make Gods by utilizing collective consciousness?", you are onto something I believe.
I theorize we as a human race have misinterpreted the nature of individuality and collectivity, as we do not seem to understand these can be one thing at the same time. We think because there is one biological body, that that single living biological body must be a conscious individual, and likewise we just assume that more than one biological body equals a collective of conscious individuals. But why would we define an individual as one body? -it's highly arbitrary considering the category 'conscious individual' is a fairly malleable concept. Why would we not just as easily assume two biological bodies are not one conscious individual?
I posit that there are countless billions of collective individuals -beings that exist spread across nodes of thought across a few to a few billion individuals on Earth. That each biological human brain contains a 'node' or nucleus of thought that is connected via all forms of human communication to other nodes in other people. The collective consciousness of black culture would have nodes spread across human beings that are naturally heavily influenced by people who identify as part of black culture. This collective consciousness however should be viewed as a single individual -one thinking being that exists overlaid across countless minds which contain its nodes. This would apply to philosophies as well, such as the individual known as Traditionalism.
I further posit such mass meta individuals, or individual free-willed beings which exist as thoughts communicated across multiple people, have free will and think separately from the humans they are made up of, while simultaneously being heavily influenced by the humans comprising them. I posit this goes both ways -that individual humans are influenced just as much by individual meta masses as individual meta masses are influenced by humans.
In other words, think of it as imaginary friends but with slightly more free will and they exist as separate free willed beings across multiple computers we call human brains.
My evidence for this is simply that I can prove this to the degree anyone can prove a human being is an individual -the degree to which you can argue for the interpretation that a human body with a thinking mind is a free willed individual is the same degree to which you can argue for the interpretation that a meta mass with thinking minds is a free willed individual. Ultimately this would simply be a philosophical change rather than a newly evidenced change, but given you can argue either side of this notion I propose with equal evidence depending on how you choose to interpret evidence, I believe this thus is a meritorious argument.
With all of that in mind, I believe you are calling these meta masses Gods, when they are in reality simply cumulations of various interrelated thoughts that together comprise a networked consciousness across multiple interwoven brains and communication networks.
I stand by this assertion as philosophically valid and entirely logical, and would gamble this can be sanely and comprehensively argued in a scholastic setting to a degree that can win debates and convert professors. I implore anyone reading this to heavily consider this argument.
~Epyc Wynn