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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 66rd Attention-Hungry Games
/nothingness/ - R I S E U P

December 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 8c3c504915c306e⋯.jpg (3.65 MB, 2708x4150, 1354:2075, yggfinal1.jpg)


This is a model of the universe I made using a hybrid of concious and unconcious runic sigil development. I discovered a lot of unintended patterns that would surprise any diligent student of rune meanings. This is the best evidence I know of that runic forms constitute the fundamental objects, concepts, and building blocks of this construct we call reality.



take your pills mate


Thanks for not explaining anything in detail or including any clarification on your picture, that was really helpful



I think it's just numbers. 0-5, 1,2,3,4/9,8,7,6. They mirror each other.










I've heard of people getting aneurysms and just start spewing out numbers instead of words.

I've read of people dropping acid (not recommended) and mastering video games in one turn because they could "see" the algorithm.

The movie "π" is a good look into how to go crazy while understanding the code. The Universe is responsive, but there are safeguards.

I'm personally fond of the Tree of Life model, though I don't read much kabbalah stuff anymore.



I'm intrigued, but not intrigued enough to spend a week decoding your painting.

At least give some hints, ffs.


oh boi I remember when I believed I could reduce the universe down to a structure that my mind could grasp

you'll learn eventually mate, maybe try getting your head out of your own ass? The fastee you accept your limited scope of perspective the sooner God will bless you


Thank you OP for writing a cryptic and vague post, and accompanying it with an equally nondescript image. Your thread is really useful.

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