Tempted to pass this on to a Christian I know but I don't want him to condemn my interest in the occult more than he already does sigh.
I think that saying it's "all demons" and expecting me to drop stuff like that is very stupid. Many Christians think everything they don't understand is all the work of demons.
Even if it was as she says "all demons" I still wouldn't even know what she really means. Is a rose not still a rose by any other name? What is the underlying reality of the being she refers to as "demons"?
Anyways here is a list of all the female philosophers I know:
1. Ayn Rand (The Virtue of Selfishness … and some other books)
2. Mabel Collins (Light on the Path … only book of hers I read)
3. Helen Rhodes Wallace (Psychoma : Soul Sleep … only book of hers that I have read)
4. Madame Blavatsky (I've read snippets of her stuff here and there)
5. Dolores-Ashcroft-Nowicki (Magical Use of Thoughtforms and I read a few other of her books)
That's it. I can't think of any others. Of these ones I mention only Mabel Collins is truly unforgettable and actually wrote something that I hope will be preserved hundreds of years into the future. I can name like a hundred or more male philosophers and many of which wrote incredible and profound works. Women are terrible at philosophy and religion.