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Y'all need bible study. Or so Doreen Virtue thinks so. Doreen spent a lifetime profiting off of new age movement and fringe topics, then turncoats and denounces all prior work saying it is the work of demons and you are all controlled by demons if you don't follow Jesus and bible study.

Here's her nonsense rant about everything new age she made plenty of money off of, then denounces A-Z style: http://doreenvirtue.com/2019/01/21/an-a-z-list-of-new-age-practices-to-avoid-and-why/

Did she have a Thomas Aquinas moment, where she had a mystical experience and decided all her writings were straw? That in itself is not terribly interesting to me, the whole thing is rather silly - the hypocrisy is apparent in the post. My personal take is she has a guru complex and needed a shocking mic drop to cull her followers(a major cult tactic, she has a Psych degree after all…)

What is interesting to me is after years of digging and searching, would you consider the possibility that you might have a major mystical experience and find one thing to cling to? Or are we all in too deep and would never subscribe to any one line of thought? If you channeled Jesus like Doreen has (even though she also denounces channeling in her post) would you be willing to drop everything and follow that?






She must have tried a lot of different practices when she was young and well, but desperate as she ages to find something "definitive" she probably went with Christianity because it has a very specific set of rules and prohibitions, rewards and promises. If you're raised in a crazy hippy family you'd crave order and punishment to balance it.

I wouldn't pay much attention to what she writes, I already didn't when she was talking about angels and past lives, so I don't really see what has changed.



>everything is demons

>sit in a pew and let someone else tell you how to think

If she's not a narcissist then she was probably a useful idiot for satanists and God delivered her. Without any actual substance to her spiritual life, dumping everything and just focusing on the bible really is the best thing to do.

If she is a narcissist then she just found a better angle to get her narc supply.


Tempted to pass this on to a Christian I know but I don't want him to condemn my interest in the occult more than he already does sigh.

I think that saying it's "all demons" and expecting me to drop stuff like that is very stupid. Many Christians think everything they don't understand is all the work of demons.

Even if it was as she says "all demons" I still wouldn't even know what she really means. Is a rose not still a rose by any other name? What is the underlying reality of the being she refers to as "demons"?

Anyways here is a list of all the female philosophers I know:

1. Ayn Rand (The Virtue of Selfishness … and some other books)

2. Mabel Collins (Light on the Path … only book of hers I read)

3. Helen Rhodes Wallace (Psychoma : Soul Sleep … only book of hers that I have read)

4. Madame Blavatsky (I've read snippets of her stuff here and there)

5. Dolores-Ashcroft-Nowicki (Magical Use of Thoughtforms and I read a few other of her books)

That's it. I can't think of any others. Of these ones I mention only Mabel Collins is truly unforgettable and actually wrote something that I hope will be preserved hundreds of years into the future. I can name like a hundred or more male philosophers and many of which wrote incredible and profound works. Women are terrible at philosophy and religion.


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>misplace something

Ah, those pesky demons at it again!

>stub your toe

Curse you Beelzebub!

>business is slow

Must be the work of demons.

>Someone gets healed and not in the name of Jesus

Oh no! Those demons are out to deceive again!

>bad weather happens

Climate change doesn't real, it's demons!


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*type TYPE*


Not sure what's going on in this thread but I'd just like to point out a clear difference in modern day Christianity and Islam

The former has no concept of good demons. They are all bad apparently?

The Quran was a book for all entities in the entire universe that has capacity for thinking. Meaning it's for humans and other entities, jinn, etc.


Don't get the wrong idea though. Muslims have no idea what the fuck is happening in the Quran. Those that do, don't speak English Except for me, but humanity is not worthy



>t. grandiose delusion haver



Try me



>Except for me, but humanity is not worthy

This line alone is proof that you are on the same level as a twelve year old

You sure are worth a lot lmao kek xd



Dude, Muslims that actually read the Quran, are really rare. Well ISIS is probably an exception, they likely read and memorize the whole damned thing, every one of them. Regular Muslims just say they are Muslim because their parents are Muslim and they observe a few traditions.



The Old Testament has angels and stuff. New Testament as well. However they have highly contradictory and ill-defined ideas of sorcery. It seems everything is okay if you do it "in the name of Jesus" and everything else is not.

It's silly.



>It seems everything is okay if you do it "in the name of Jesus"

How do you think I know you dont know shit about christianity?




>Regular Muslims just say they are Muslim because their parents are Muslim and they observe a few traditions.

Exactly. Someone ask these stupid mother fuckers why Muslims are joining ISIS



>The Old Testament has angels and stuff. New Testament as well.

No you don't understand. In the Quran angels are made of light. They do not have free will

Jinns are made of fire, they have free will.

Humans are made of dirt, and they are God's most beautiful creation. lel

Point here is that Jinns can be good or evil, but the nonphysical entities that have free will in Christianity happen to be only called demons and devils. Also everyone is born with original sin. Obviously both of this shit is completely retarded

In the Quran it is said that everyone has all the understanding and is truly a Muslim meaning they already know the contents of the Quran and in exposure of the material world they forget all the spiritual truths….



>How do you think I know you dont know shit about christianity?

I am talking not of my own opinion/viewpoint but that of Christians I talk to.

Your reading comprehension is shit-tier.



Original sin means a tendency to fall into sin right? Don't we kind of have that tendency? Isn't original sin another way of saying humans are fallible?

Then again how can we even sin against God? We can sin against each other in that we can do harm and undermine one another's self-interest, but how do can we sin against God?



>Original sin means a tendency to fall into sin right? Don't we kind of have that tendency? Isn't original sin another way of saying humans are fallible?

No it means that Adam sinned because he took from the forbidden tree and all his descendants inherit Adam's sin and then Jesus came and died for everyone's sin and you have to accept Jesus or you sin no matter what but after you accept Jesus you are forgiven no matter what.

Seriously, this is what (((Christianity))) has become. As was said here


>It seems everything is okay if you do it "in the name of Jesus" and everything else is not.

But as for as saying humans have that tendency, is silly because sinning is due to circumstances of the world I mean it requires context of worldly affairs. When one incarnates into this realm they are exposed to the nature of corruption and degeneracy in this material world and then at the very least develop that tendency.

As far as sinning against God… depends on what you think God means… Is sinning against humanity not the same as sinning against God?

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