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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


The time has come for us to rise from the shadows!

(3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET) )


Erisians unite, the time has come for us to shitpost in a shitpost thread.


Wynnians unite! The time has come for us to meme magic a new era of Internet governance! Let us spread the four freedoms to the four corners of the fringe sphere and beyond.

~Epyc Wynn



*Wynners? idk

~[redacted] Redactaroni [redacted]

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>Erisians unite, the time has come for us to shitpost in a shitpost thread.

<only epic wynn posts

dude you just outed yourself 😂


File: da0daaf3f1b9eb9⋯.png (163.47 KB, 340x340, 1:1, shaggyfinalform5.png)


Everyone on this board is my alt account including the mods, admins, owners, astral beings, divine entities, thoughtforms, and memes.

~[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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[redacted]ians unite! *click click click click*

Spit on the Censors and false magi. *spit spit spit spit*

1 [redacted]ian face = 1 E p y c W y n n

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



~E p y c [redacted] W y n n







This is becoming literal spam at this point.


Imagine the following scenario: an alien (if such a thing exists) lands on earth and walks into the Sistine Chapel (Vatican City). He sees an incredibly beautiful painting on the ceiling and asks a local: "Who made this work of art?"

The local says "Well, that was Michelangelo who painted it."

"Who's this Michelangelo? I want to meet him and tell him how much I like it. I would like to take it home with me,"

The local laughs. 'This is crazy! Michelangelo is dead, you can't meet him'

The alien says, 'But how do you *know* that Michelangelo painted this? Is it written somewhere on the painting?'

The local is surprised. 'No, of course not! Painters in those days didn't sign their works.'

'So how do you know that he painted it?

‘Well, it’s obvious! The style is his. No-one else at that time painted that way.’

‘That is not conclusive evidence. We from Planet X demand proof! Where is his body?’

The local takes the alien to Michelangelo’s tomb in the the Church of Santa Croce in Florence. The tomb is of course sealed. ‘How do you know that it is Michelangelo in the tomb? How can you be sure? Where is the evidence?’

The local guide is beginning to get irritated with the alien. ‘We don’t need any evidence, it is common knowledge. The facts are all written in a book. And even if you could see inside the tomb you would only see his bones’

‘Bones ???! That doesn’t prove anything at all. Who wrote this book? Where is he?’

‘He’s dead now. But never mind, everything is recorded in the –‘

‘That is NOT evidence!! Anyone can write a book, and say this person did this and that! You still have not given me *any proof * that your Michelangelo even existed!! ’

‘Listen, alien, if you don’t want to believe me, ask someone else. Everyone in Rome knows,…’

‘How can they know for sure? You earthlings are absolutely illogical! None have you have even seen Michelangelo…..you have absolutely no reason to believe that Michelangelo ever existed, let alone painted that beautiful painting… ‘

‘You silly alien – everyone knows Michelangelo existed and painted that! He did lots of paintings and sculptures all over Italy, he’s famous!’

‘Never heard of him. You know what I think?’

What?’ says the local, curious.

‘No-one painted it! it just gradually appeared over time. There’s absolutely no reason to believe that anyone painted it at all!’

The Italian laughs. ‘That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard! So illogical! Paintings don’t just appear on ceilings overnight!!’

The alien looks at the Italian scornfully. ‘Not overnight, but over centuries and centuries. Maybe even thousands of years. It happened ever so slowly. You Earthlings just have no way to explain how the painting got there, so you invent someone called Michelangelo!

First give me the evidence. You Earthlings need to learn how to think critically and logically….’



Glad I'm not the only one who is curious about this "Michelangelo" character. Maybe the painting did appear over the centuries by itself.



This whole thread pisses me off so much these faggots have no idea what selflessness really is and need to read Swami Vivekanada to get their reality checked.


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That last message was not mine. Anyone can use the [redacted] flag. Unless they go out of their way to sign off as me, or reply with a sign-off as me, assume it is not me.

~E p y c [redacted] [BECOME AN AUTHOR]


File: 562aae5c8ca6467⋯.png (71.63 KB, 2788x2692, 697:673, through.png)

Super Powerful Sigil of Whatever You Want

One time use. [Kali 108]

Use with caution

Or abandon (I go abandon, I like the rollercoaster ride)

Good Luck.



>Imagine the following scenario:

Stopped reading their.

Imagine intuitively knowing every fucking thing you need to know, then suppressing such knowledge into your subconscious mind so that your conscious mind could live spontaneously without all the fucking back story and bullshit.

Just saying.






>at that fucking point.




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