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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Its a cosmic horror of orders of magnitude more horrific than works like I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I mean it ends with a vast majority or everyone who ever lived writhing in eternal agony. This is not a book of hope. If it in anyway conforms to reality,

its primarily a justification for antinatalism.



>"be fruitful and multiply"

You're way wrong OP. The Bible is a book that is summarized in a couple lines. "everything is fine, stop trying to revolt, just accept your fate and spend your early life fucking and being merry."

It was the perfect tool to pacify the jews which were fed up with Roman domination



I don't care what the demiurge says to do. I don't trust him.


File: 782387e6ad07823⋯.png (217 B, 16x11, 16:11, 16x11epycwynn.png)

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~Epyc Redacted Wynn


It really is. I have a theory that either the most liberal interpretation of Christianity is true and everyone is saved or that the Bible has been toyed with. The whole thing is horrifying.


I was always partial to the theory that the Bible is sanctioned by a sort of lesser, ‘impostor’ God, rather than the actual creator of all that is. My guess is that this imposter god, whatever its intentions, is somehow responsible for the events which kickstarted the agricultural revolution around 12,000 years ago and led to the domestication and mental enslavement of all of mankind, leading to the disaster we see around us in the world today. You can sort of tell this because two of the fundamental premises which the god of the Bible operates by are that mankind is separate from and above the rest of nature and must live his life by a set of fixed, rigid rules upon threat of punishment, attitudes which run completely contrary to the way that nature actually works. The biblical god has a disposition more similar to that of a government or a centralized state, rather than the type of being that would create something like the natural world.


File: 2c4b29da0ab3692⋯.jpg (422.52 KB, 615x960, 41:64, epycjesus.jpg)


Let me enlighten you. Christian God is just Jupiter aka Zeus aka Thor/Odin, bastardized and rebastardized from one religion to the next as one great memetic infection that seems to always shit itself into the next religion that goes mainstream. It's not a God you have to worry about, unless you believe that meme is conscious, which given its influence, it's not the most ludicrous leap in logic, albeit a massive one nonetheless.

tl;dr your logic only works if meme magic in religion, a religious meme having sentience, is real; which is difficult to prove.




~[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]



~[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]

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Even "heaven" as it is typically thought of (as some kind of material paradise) is very incorrect. The actual Bible states that the only thing you do in Heaven is serve God. Wash His feet for eternity. You, personally, get NOTHING but the privilege to do so. It's not a reward, it's just eternal slavery that is somehow considered okay, because it's better than serving the Other Guy.

But really, it's just propaganda written by Kings to subvert the peasants into working themselves to death for nothing in return, just so they can die and serve someone Greater. For the peasant, the Kings tell you, there is no life except for service.



Well, I see no reason that the impostor god which I referred to would necessarily need to be sentient or to have motivations that would be recognizable or intelligible to everyday humans. It could very well be something analogous to an alien, malevolent nonsentient memetic force operating entirely by its own detached logic, which due to the mechanistic, overly-systematized, kafkaesque nature of civilization and institutionalized religion itself, seems plausible enough to me.



This is such a sad a really weak attempt to depict heaven.

Heaven is not really a place, it's a state of being.

Given how egocentric, selfish people end up in hellish existences, and ALL major religions advocate for selflessness and a disillusionment from ego, I think it's safe to say that heaven is a community of beings who are in a selfless, giving state, meaning that people take care of each other out of love for each other and out of love for God.


Your words are in the context of the contemporary world, where we have so much privilege compared to our ancestors. Of course the world seemed more scary and terrible back then, it was!



true. it amazes me how many people on this board don't recognise that all religions are esoteric (of development of the spirit) in nature. Hell is the depression you get after being gluttonous or lustful. Heaven is the peace of ego death, and so on.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Personally I beieve that salvation is basically being resorbed by the mind of God. Essentially people are working towards nonexistence. The award for being pious enough to be saved is to no longer personally exist. Here's an example of someone in this process.



I wish that guys ugly face was spoiler-ed.



>wanting to get gobbled up by the demiurge

>giving away your individuality, Source's divine gift, for some dubious "greater good."

This is garbage, spiritual poison and you should feel bad for posting it.


I feel so done with my Church group my god I told them about how depressed I am and how frustrating Calvinistic doctrine is. I don't even believe in this salvation crap. No benevolent god would force you to go to hell for eternity and besides it doesn't make sense. That which is eternal is without beginning or end; it is always. The Bible if it wanted to make sense would say infinite hell or infinite heaven. But no – as far as I can tell, and I may have to research more, it says "eternal life" or "eternal hell". That is a big mistake. I am going to just keep reading the bible and studying on my own but my church group is retarded. I am going to go back to how I was doing things before they led me astray.




Why aren't you using your flag?



Yeah Heaven and Hell sound like shitholes.

I believe in the trinity, and the second death, and a lot of concepts that are in Christianity.

Not salvation though.

I think that everyone usually dies about once with their physical body, then, they die with the astral body (lake of fire), and the result is reincarnation. The lake of fire in my view destroys the lower personality completely and frees the divine spark.

I believe in something akin to salvation called The Great Work where you can attain perfection. This is done here and now, you don't wait for it to happen after death. You work at now and you can keep working at it when dead. In this way you attain a higher personality, more god-like, and can avoid having to reincarnate for longer and longer periods of time. The eventual end-game would be to attain total perfection but there's no pressure, you can do it in just a few lives, or over millions of lives. It would be the inevitable course of the spirit though when it gets bored of lesser things.


I found it! FINALLY!


I was just writing a very long message to one Christian where I was admitting that I don't believe in their heaven/hell dichotomy and then god himself told me to look this up.

First I found all the Bible passages about it and read those.

Then I found this wiki article about it.

Sheol is PROOF the Bible is incoherent and self-contradictory. It is the bullet I've been looking for that proves it's not the "word of god" but a fallible collection of books of varied age detailing the history of the jewish people and their ideas.

Christians who believe the Bible is infallible are in great error and dooming themselves to believe in the word of man.

I need to start reading the Apocrypha now and digging deeper. I'm done with this "the bible is infallible and read only the bible" thing.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I find this guy interesting he's having a lot of thoughts like me.

Mentions the Bible is infallible.

Hates Churchtianity.




Going to read only Jesus's words and see if I agree with them or not.



Well yeah. The ideology was created by the Romans in order to pacify the Jews. Of course they'd want to hook them into a pessimist system of anti-natalism, they refused to be integrated into Roman society and represented a constant problem.



I do believe you but evidence for it being a Roman Psy-OP?


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Contrary, I do not feel bad because it demonstrates how inimical God is to the nature of man. The solution is to stop creating people and putting them on a conveyor-belt to hell that they must desperately run against and yet not fall off its narrow berth, even under the seductions of demons (as I have done).



Anti-natalism just leads to the best people who have the best chance of creating a person who is not going to go to hell ending up having no children while all the worse people who have the worst chance of getting their children to heaven all have the kids.

You're going to need some other solution to fight god. Something like a plan to destroy the universe or to ascend so high that you're able to take on Yahweh himself in cosmic battle.



No, that would be ridiculous and edgy. All I'm doing through promoting antinatalism is saying I'm not getting blood on my hands, and neither should you.



All you're doing is believing a lie. Yahweh is not God. Salvation is not a thing.


Why Christianity is bullshit, part 1: The Bible is stupid

Imagine that you were the perfect, omnipotent, all-knowing Lord and Creator of the universe. You decided that you were going to give one – just one – book to humanity. It would be their moral compass, an insight into their nature and into yours, and act as a guide for how they could live rightly and walk a path that would lead their souls into an eternity with you.

Obviously, the first thing you'd want to put in there are some totally unscientific, archaic behavioral codes for menstruating women, and for pregnant women after they give birth. You'd want to be sure to help them regulate slavery, and specify how badly they were allowed to beat their slaves. And of course you'd want the book to be chock full of mythology – a creation myth, a flood myth, a fictional exodus, and hagiographical stories about how your loyal armies killed the shit out of everyone who dared to worship the wrong gods.

There's a point here about the Bible that, in my estimation, really cannot be understated: there is absolutely nothing in the Bible that could not have been simply made up by Bronze-Age human beings. Nothing at all. There are no profound scientific insights that such cultures could never have known. There's some bogus cosmology, a flat Earth, and instructions for how to slaughter animals among other profound insights.

Now, some Christians are keen to point out that the Jews did apparently get some things right. They had a sanitation system… but so did ancient Egypt, the Hittities, the Elamites, and the Aegean civilization. So, big whoop. They also had some codes for cleansing themselves after handling dead bodies or lepers, but these rituals also included ritual animal sacrifice. Not exactly cutting-edge. Moreover, the rituals themselves were stupid – after handling a corpse, for example, you would be "unclean for seven days" [Numbers 19:11]. This obviously had little to do with hygiene.

Then we have the New Testament. Written by anonymous authors decades after the events purportedly happened and filled with internal factual contradictions, with no trace of the original manuscripts and thousands of copies rife with errors, there is nothing about the New Testament that demands that a rational person should believe it to be divinely inspired. I talked about this in detail in my post The Gospel Challenge, where I challenged Christians to show that the evidence demanded that we believe the supernatural claims of the Bible are anything more than made-up. There's simply no reason whatsoever for any rational person to make such an assumption.

Is the Bible really the best God could do? Is this book of myths, scientific blunders, and ambiguous or even downright demonstrably bogus historicity really what anyone really thinks the omnipotent Lord of the universe would bestow upon humanity? That this God would ignore humanity for the bulk of its 200,000+ years on the Earth, only deciding to reveal his One True Religion to a small, mostly illiterate Bronze Age tribal culture?

Think of all the things the Bible could be if it were really divinely inspired. Think of all the knowledge and insight such a holy book could contain that simply could never have been made up – profound scientific insights, timeless moral instruction, and revelation clear enough to prevent the innumerable schisms in Christian theology over fundamental issues, like how to attain salvation. Any sane, rational view of the Bible shows it to be little more than the confused scribblings of Bronze Age tribes.




>mundane religion is bullshit

No shit, Sherlock


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White separatist Orthodox Christian Anarchist Chris Anderson makes a video about incels



fuck em



It is an compilation and extraction of older books, prehistoric.

It isn't meant to be a moral guide, just a guide.

The entire point of the book is reliance on God. Hearing the voice of God.

People get distracted by the rules in the old testament. That is the job of those rules, to draw away those who are more comfortable just following a set of rules versus living by their conscious intuition.

The new testament is the same. More straight forward since the rule followers are the once condemning and then crucifying the one they've been waiting for.

You either get it, or you don't.

The book has power. Read aloud it affects atmosphere.

It's abhorred by those who hate humanity.

At the same time it is used by those who hate humanity. But only selectively. Mostly by appealing to those who need an authority figure to justify their inhumanity.

If you have even an inkling of the role of one's holy guardian angel you will find hope in it. But religion is antithetical to its purpose.

The book isn't concise, provides no direct theological premise, and is essentially nonsensical to the non-spiritual.

Yet it provides a direct connection to source for those seeking it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>People get distracted by the rules in the old testament. That is the job of those rules, to draw away those who are more comfortable just following a set of rules versus living by their conscious intuition.

>"high falutin spiritual interpretation…"

Ignores the subconscious relationship to conscious thought.

Has never read anything by Jung, or has explained it painfully away in order to maintain his pretend reality where the subconscious/higher consciousness plays absolutely no role.

Works for the machine state, like Peterson. Globalist goal to reduce humanity to insectile beings in accordance with their demonic/illuminatti masters.

Step up your game faggot.

Pretense has no place here.



After a second listening, I don't know whether that video was meant as an actual rebuttal or an affirmation of my point.

You can find depth in any work. But you can't fake "depth", anymore than you can fake "laughter". It's reductionist bullshit.

Fake religions are full of rules, just doing what your told make you into a magical saint.

Phake Philosophy makes you into a phount of wisdom, because your sophistry is so sophisticated. But still runs dry when it comes to actual life or creativity. Soulless nonsense that gets celebrated solely by the intellectual soulless class.

Real laughter comes from exposure to the spontaneous. It's a litmus test for what is life and isn't.

The insects/lizards are confounded by the spontaneous. It scares them because they only understand control, scripted responses. Anything off the script and they lose their shit.


What you find most often is cleverness being masqueraded as creativity. Copying something creative and trying to then pass it off as something new.

Unless you are connected to your higher self in some fashion, then you are most likely going to be running on old programming.

This is why christian churches are always about "knowledge", or what a particular verse means in it's original Greek or Hebrew translation. Tickles the intellect and avoids the hassles of humility necessary to access the divine voice within.



its only hopeless if you dont believe in Christ.

Revelation kills everyone but only puts nonbelievers to hell.


Seems to be a lot of anti Christian(anti White) posts on the internet lately.

Oy Vey


i agree with OP

i love Jesus but i think that the Bible is a bit questionable…might be like a serious eternal sin to its writers

t. devout novice christian (never been to college)

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