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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 5eb6271727b08f4⋯.jpg (111,38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Does anybody have any leads or has anybody ever come across something akin to a 'conspiracy theory' which shows an alternative theory to the postulation that Atlantis was a powerful unknown nation and people connected to the Mayans in Central America?

I hear a lot of people talk about Atlantis, and say that they were the most powerful magicians and had a more complete esoteric understanding… being an empire with supposed connections with Egypt and the Maya across the ocean.

Is it possible that this is disinformation? Either by man or by the gods and higher forces?

Would it profit the gods and higher forces to spread such disinformation at this point in human history?


Read Colin Wilson - The Occult. He dealt with this topic in detail.

My current thought on it; Atlantis was a single island in the Mediterranean and about as powerful or great as Athens. Definitely not a continent.


It was invaded by Martians that proliferated kabal magic


maybe there is a conspiracy theory in which some possible conspirators are trying to rob the west of their history of supremacy by citing "true esoteric knowledge" came from some sort of unknown civilization?



dumb /pol/tard shit. civilizations are dust in the wind. even savages from bumfuck nowhere have access to the truth.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it's in the sahara,

and then just look at berbers



There is such a conspiracy. There is also a conspiracy to wipe out true history by destroying every monument. The Christian Church and the jew-controlled ISIS and other groups have been systematically destroying ancient history in order to create something called "Year Zero".



File: a959bd78b3a3a72⋯.png (136,43 KB, 500x452, 125:113, blackscienceman.png)



I wonder if Atlantis is nothing but the previous world order.


File: 950a6d228f7b599⋯.jpg (27,9 KB, 335x241, 335:241, arton11076.jpg)

File: 20e22931ff6906c⋯.jpg (38,06 KB, 546x454, 273:227, dWlF1Yp.jpg)

File: 52fe047d7619bc0⋯.jpg (87,64 KB, 845x403, 65:31, main-qimg-6d8ebec0034cd9f6….jpg)

File: 2bd52e138f94615⋯.jpg (87,85 KB, 500x603, 500:603, Traditional-Berber-costume….jpg)


you obviously haven't done any research of your own if you believe this propagates kungz crap. that one twin reference at the end was just a joke and north africa's negroes are imported slaves.

apart from often looking perfectly european, berbers have a very high rh neg rate, clearly indicating a possible link to what plato was writing about.



Why is this ignored? I thought /fringe/ of all people would know about this.



I want a Berber wife (4th one)




The word reminds me of one person and one person, only. Pic related.

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


Psychiatry is a practice for the mentally ill.

War is on the horizon.

The odd belief is internal to the Oedipus complex.

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