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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I have successfully sensed unique bodily emotionally-charged sensations most closely regionally related to each of the areas associated with chakras. I do not believe this to be proof of chakras -on the contrary, I believe this proves the basis of what the chakras were based on. This will be a quick analysis of the sensations I felt, where in my body these were felt, and what chakra is symbollically associated with each region. I conclude because of these sensations being known to me and associated with biochemical processes I experienced, chakras are thus symbols based on these biochemical processes rather than chakras being the basis of the biochemical processes. This analysis will not focus on the obvious functions of these areas, but specifically on emotionally charged sensations which could reasonably be considered 'spiritual' by a normal person who had little to no understanding of science, even if one who understood science sufficiently could otherwise explain these sensations away as non-spiritual in nature.

Crown - Sahasrara

Relaxation. If I focus on the crown of my end, and specifically try to relax it, it will cause the rest of my body to relax and has helped me to go to sleep faster. This is not as much the case when I focus on any other area of my body, including my head in general. I would consider this the mildest and least interesting reaction and have otherwise found no emotional or strong experience associated with this area.

Head - Ajna

Mystification. Specifically, ASMR. The auto sensory meridian response is triggered exclusively in me by 1 of 2 different triggers: something incredibly comforting, or something incredibly meaningful. If I hear music that sounds 'epic' (1812 Overture Climax, Lacrimosa Dominae) or picture in my mind an epic event, that will cause me to have an auto sensory meridian response which means tingles of euphoric pleasure will occur within my mind and travel down my body to various random areas all over. If I watch a good ASMR video on YouTube (Gentle Whispering ASMR) I will experience the same thing though it will feel slightly calmer; I avoid ASMR done by men because for me personally, comfort-based ASMR is a sexual form of euphoria, even if it does not directly affect my sexual arousal.

Throat - Vishuddha

Authority. Speaking causes one to feel a sense of authority depending on the outcome and amount of individuals on the receiving end. If I speak well, have conviction and a positive attitude, and especially if I do so toward a large amount of people, this area will cause me to feel as if I am King. Upon having a successful positive interaction or message conveyance to an individual, especially to a group of people and more so toward a crowd, my voice will sound incredibly confident and leaderly. It will gain a naturally pleasant commanding tone, even I find persuasive, just by hearing its sound. When communicating via text with similar results such as tons of upvotes/comments/favorites/replies, a sense of success, pleasantness, power and authority will fill me, but not necessarily be centered on any single place in my body I can pin down.

Heart - Anahata

Sincerity. This area is very rarely triggered, and is tied to when a person appears to be communicating in a manner which is highly sincere. The sincerity must feel transcendent or feel as if is 'piercing' the normal barriers of communication/interaction, in such a manner where one would subjectively say they feel the 'soul' of the other person's intentions. This area is entirely socially reliant and hinges on an overwhelmingly sincere moment between individuals. I've noticed this is not triggered if the message is indirect or targeted toward many people as opposed to being exclusively directed toward me. When active, I will feel as if the other person is absolutely equal in value to me and I will feel compelled to provide them my best possible care and my fiercest protection as a result of this valuation. The time length of this felt valuation/obligation varies but is more easily extended if the person maintains routine social interactions with me. This feeling however does translate to respect which lasts permanently, unless they do something to significantly undermine said respect.


Upper Stomach - Manipura

Hope. This area feels slightly warm and incredibly positive when triggered. The only way to cause this area to react in a peculiar, emotionally-related way is for me to be inspired or 'moved' by someone's actions or words. This I suppose would make this center a politically-oriented one, as when it's active I feel a sense of righteous obligation to act according to what I am inspired to do, and feel absolutely blissful in the process. It can be triggered by speeches, persuasion, or actions that are incredibly noble from my perspective. For me this center is rarely activate as I personally have high standards of what is righteous and thus need to hear something exceptionally righteous from my perspective for it to activate. But when it is, it hits me hard and I will be compelled to act regardless of barriers.

Lower Stomach - Svadhishthana

Aggression. When I am challenged by external forces I genuinely view as 'evil,' 'unethical,' or 'definitively wrong,' this center will become warm. It will feel as if my muscles and blood-flow are directly affected by this area, I will feel mental stress, and my posture and tone will take on a distinctly aggressive stance, which includes how I communicate through text. All of my body will feel as if life force has taken on a fiery quality extended from this area, and this will remain the case for the duration of any combat, verbal/text argument, competition, act of planning, or otherwise an attempt to engage the unethical enemy. This does not apply to enemies I don't view as unethical or evil, as such forces are viewed in a more playful or respectful manner undeserving of my ferocity, and my body responds accordingly. This means this center is directly affected by my mental interpretation of the opposition's ethics. However, it somewhat applies to one who I consider evil who is on my side, as there will occasionally be a stress of thinking around the off-chance of if the 'unethical' ally will turn on me or how the ally may act.

Groin - Muladhara

Attraction. The body I chose for this analysis was one I use and observe to be heterosexual and male. In this case, attraction does not refer to the basic arousal which triggers an erection, but specifically to tingles of pleasure in this area associated with finding someone attractive. These tingles which do not in themselves trigger arousal, create a feeling of pleasure when I observe a subjectively cute kind woman interacting with me in a kind or intimate manner. This occurs when interacting via text, or even imagining the woman. This applies to any woman, provided my opinion of them is that they are both cute and kind. These tingles are highly romantic in nature, and would be separate from ASMR tingles, insofar as these tingles have no relationship with meaningfulness and are far more strongly influence by how sexually appealing I find the woman.

All of these descriptions of my feelings associated with these areas have been made with a relatively complete ignorance of the descriptions of these chakras, as I barely remember them at all and only got their names from Google. Thus, any relationship between these experiences in these areas and these chakras would either be coincidence, or evidence of a direct relationship between my biochemical experiences and normal chakra experiences.


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>An [redacted] Analysis

not reading this


'Chakras' are based on sensations that are known as ASMR today. They're flares of a developing energy body. The '7 major chakras' are main circuit points where the sensations are the strongest.

The further one develops the stronger the sensations get. They can feel tingling, hot, cold, magnetic, electric and dense. (This is 'Yang Chi' interacting with 'Yin Chi')

But bullshit occultists wouldn't know and can dabble at best, hence all the mystification and superstition about 'chakras' and what they actually are. Most sources don't even get the locations of the 7 major chakras right.



I appreciate the sincerity in your approach. You would do well studying the book "Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days" by Robert Bruce and see if your attitude of it being mere biochemical processes changes upon your experiences. Unlike all the other trash you read from this board this book will expand on what you're already doing.



and also "The Multi-Orgasmic Man"





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Is there hypothesized to be a 0th/8th chakra theorized to be below Muladhara, associated with an area near the base of the spine? Something similar there?


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The other 2 'bigger' chakras are extracorporeal, the Earth Star chakra and Soul Star chakra.

A major chakra located literally on the base of the spine is one of those "wrong locations" of the Muladhara, like "between eyebrows" is for Aina.



How long have we had that flag?


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Yes, there are actually infinite chakras both above the head and below the base.

Below the Base, you will find the Core Star, but even below that you have the Center of the Earth. That's where Kundalini energy "comes from" and where negative energy should be released to.

Most of the Chakras outside the body are shared. But the connections to them are unique, and the most foundational part of energy work.

That is, work on getting connected to these infinite energies, to charge up and ground yourself, before you move energy around your body purposelessly. Otherwise you'll find that you can dislodge blockages in your body but the negative energy sticks around.

Most people have implants both above the head and below the base, to cut off conscience/dvine guidance and vitality, respectively


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not sure. but if you want to ascend, join the chamber of light. dizzc0rd : BKJC8ss



What is the source of these implants?


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Most energy blockages are from karma, basically negative energy that you pick up throughout your lifetimes. Some blockages you pick up in day to day life if your energy is high enough, because you're basically pulling in negativity for the purpose of purifying it.

Like osmosis, both positive and negative energies seek to maintain an equilibrium. So that means that anyone with a lot of spiritual energy radiates it, and others around them will pick it up. However, that process tends to dislodge the energy blockages(negativity) of those same people, and the blockages get vacuumed up by the person with more energy (since they have fewer blockages). This is the function of the Buddhafield. This is why it's useful to spend time with higher-energy people and particularly with a Master.

Psychic protections are important, because going out in to the public areas, not only will you tend to take on random negative energies from the people, but there are plenty of magicians sitting around waiting to steal some of your energy. Ever feel drained from being in public places?

The worst blockages are implants. They are purposely created by black magicians to control people, steal their spiritual energy. They are propagated by the black magic groups, of which the higher ups get a portion of the energy for being puppets complicit to the cause - Satanists. However, there are people who themselves have been implanted (again, most people have) that unknowingly spread the implant to others. They do this because the implant tells them to do it.

The majority of the energy goes to the REAL black magicians, who are very advanced entities mostly living on the astral plane. They don't care about you, and they certainly don't care about the people that help them, but they will give money and power to those that work for them. This is the true meaning of the Faustian bargain - you will keep your soul, but in reality you're on the losing end of the bargain because you're only being used, you get implanted too, and ultimately to make any real spiritual progress you will need to then go back and remove all the implants.

Implants are the worst kind of blockage because they will literally control you, by sending thoughts to you that aren't yours. Generally addictions but they can also convince you not to do things that would be good for you. They're much more difficult to remove than other blockages because they're purposely created and therefore have their own protections that you need to break through. Since you're also tied back to the Black Magic group and through them the entity that's siphoning your energy, frequently they can re-establish the blockage in you even if you remove it.

Energy Enhancement teaches how to remove implants, so that they actually stay gone.

That's all for now; I'll be around and probably make a thread on the topic, because the things that are really important are not being discussed on this board.

More reading:




That website is fucking ridiculous. Massive one page clusterfuck.

Who ever created it needs to learn CSS and redesign it completely with some sort of indexing because there's no way majority of people would even bother reading the entire thing.


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It's an old website and so much content that it's a huge task to do that.

But honestly it's not about the information. It's about the energy, and just demonstrating that the creator of the course (meme related) knows what everyone else doesn't, and can teach you how to unfuck yourself as a result.

Working on getting the articles up on a blog, in order of importance, try this one on for size:


Perhaps more pertinently:



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Not the person you replied to, but that "if you don't like the website then you're spiritually slow" response is absolute bullshit. The writer of the page could have just used black text on white background and kept the distraction to a minimum. But he chose to use a lot of distracting colors like red on a yellow background.

It takes way less time to keep a nice and tidy website than it does to keep a shitty ugly one like that one.

It is actually pretty lame to try to justify your terrible sense of visual language and use of vertical space and just blame it on the viewer. He decided to use colors that just don't fucking work on a website. That's all. He could have just put up a link to a word document with all the info, there's nobody that he can blame other than himself



>But in reality, they are complaining about the Buddhafield, the pure perfect Spiritual energy emitted by the www.energyenhancement.org site.

This is ridiculous.


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I personally think that second article is tongue-in-cheek.

Surely, he could make the website look better. But, he actually does that to trigger people. It seems to have worked.

I reiterate: if you can't look past that to the information being correct, and the energy of the writing, then you're stuck at the intellectual level.

And that's a dangerous place to be, because a lot of occult things can be made to sound good with a logical argument.

If you're going to criticize it, at least say "he's wrong on x point". Otherwise, you're making a very superficial point against the writing, and ironically, that could be interpreted as you being "spiritually slow".

Which idea, for the record, you have introduced here in what seems pretty clearly a case of projection. Having blockages is the default for people, and they are what hold you back. They are in essence, not you. That's the whole point. Prior to my shady comment above, no attacks on your character were made.

Would you throw away spiritual progress because it doesn't look pretty? Most people do.

"There are many paths and the most popular are those which can not work.

And the people know this. And that is why they choose these paths. "

-Swami Satchidanand, from the article

Anyway, something inside you decided to attack the article despite there being no substance to your criticism. Perhaps that's something you should reflect on, and then realize that's only proving the point being made, which "you" were attacking.

Spooky, eh?

Here's one of the books. You will find that it offends your sensibilities less.



>Would you throw away spiritual progress because it doesn't look pretty?

Yes, if it isn't just not pretty but also fucking annoying to the sight.




R e

Ad a w


O l

E b



I f it was all written like this? You wouldn't. No matter what it said, you would be extremely annoyed.

It doesn't matter how #woke you think you are. Your brain still hates bright colors on bright background. There is not reasoning around it. "Oh, I'm so woke. I love bright yellow and red fonts."

It's just common sense. Are you above your own brain? Obviously you think you are.


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Here is a very #woke message and if you find it difficult to read it means you're stuck at the intellectual level and also you suck and should just give up being such a retard


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Here's a representation which shows both the higher and lower chakras outside the body.

As you can see - Sanskrit terms - it's been known about. But, it was taken out of all the occult information around (it was occulted, lol)

So, I will reiterate, if you haven't learned about these, find something that does teach you proper information. Because without this, you're lost, just playing around with psychic powers and probably not making much actual spiritual progress (you have 7 internal + technically infinite external chakras, so if you're stuck on 3rd eye powers, you've still got much to learn and higher to connect)

I've given links already to what's confirmed to work. I'll be around to answer any genuine questions.


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From what I've been reading so far it seems the base chakra is responsible for aggression and the sacral is reproduction. Possible you have those two mixed up in your list?


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I experienced these sensations naturally in the specified physical locations. If the chakras are not exactly lined up with the sensations, then that indicates 1 or more chakras are incorrectly placed in charts. Anyone can make up chakras, but if my experience says otherwise then experience by default overrules colorful theories.

My experiences indicate that Manipura should not cover the entire stomach -just the upper abdominal area. My experiences indicate the lower area of Manipura is where aggression is focused, and in turn should be where Svadhistana should be located -indicating an error with present chakra charts.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



fair enough, thanks



You've probably simply caught on to something most chakra charts get wrong these days:

There is actually two chakras, one major (manipura - actually properly translated as Navel Chakra)

One minor - solar plexus.

The solar plexus is higher up and is, well, at the solar plexus. Upper abdomen only, like you said.

Navel chakra is lower down, around the navel.

They're both interrelated and impact similar things, but often conflated to be one chakra, and thereby misplaced. I personally haven't bothered getting the specifics pinned down on the point of exactly which does what because I deal with them on energetic levels. But, they're definitely separate.

Sacral chakra is also too high up on most charts.



This would translate well into the more detailed and systematic Chinese Metaphysics and Medicine: Where the Large Intestine and some Small Intestine is is where you describe aggression, which is of the Yang polarity of the Metal and Fire element▬if you google 'yang metal'/'yang fire' you'll find descriptions of a hardcore or aggressive disposition. Higher up is the liver and gallbladder, which are Yin and Yang polarity (respectively) Wood element; google it.


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I'd been avoiding Chinese models due to a fairly widespread culture in China of covering up the truth with pretty feel-good lies from their beauty to their politics. But, if normal Eastern and Western models are failing to acknowledge the chemical sensational difference between the upper and lower stomach emotion-wise, then that indicates an atypical model which does may be more accurate.

May look into this later and produce a second analysis accordingly.

Reminder all chakra/spiritual models are highly inaccurate in regards to their spiritual meanings and should only be valued as symbolic maps of where the strongest emotionally-charged bio-chemical reactions occur in our bodies, as a means of us better understanding ourselves. But should I find any spiritual evidence outside merely the bio-chemical, which I am more than open-minded to experiencing despite existing evidence experientially to the contrary, I'll certainly report it earnestly as soon as it happens.

~ E p y c [redacted] W y n n



You avoid ASMR done by men because you're afraid to acknowledge your sexuality.



He's wrong about purposefully trying to trigger people. That's acting from the ego in order to maintain a perceived spiritual superiority. Whomever came up with that is a fraud.

Present your information in black text on white background and let it find whomever it needs to.

Who does he think he is, playing smartass like that? I feel sorry for his lowly ego based antics.


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No it's because ASMR is low-key sexual regardless where it comes from and men sexually disgust me.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


give this a watch, it goes deep into the intricacies of memetics and its implications. keep in mind this game came out in 2001

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