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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 84rd Attention-Hungry Games
/tg/ - 8chan's leading board in actual discussion

Infinity Cup Draw Stream - August 4th, 3PM Eastern, 7PM UTC
July 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Do you want to self improve, become the best version of yourself, physically and mentally?

Are you a man of principles and faith?

Do you do nofap, do you want to get the maximum out of life?

Chamber of Light is looking for new blood.

Transgender, genderneutrals and leftists not allowed. We are a beacon of light floating in the shit. Esoteric Wisdom, Health Gains, Financial Gains. Join us on Disc0rd(code): BKJC8ss

there's an age limit, you need to be 21, or atleast not be so fucking retarded like most zoomer kids.

like meditation, nofap and ascending? this is for you.


File: d6bbb07cb7488e4⋯.png (352.06 KB, 2550x1650, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 54ea408e229982f⋯.gif (20.15 KB, 225x528, 75:176, themagiciian.gif)


its an easy platform. IRC sucks.


File: 9d2b3e5abd71d46⋯.png (276.25 KB, 2550x1650, 17:11, epyctrash.png)



>censoring trans people

>censoring lefties

>censoring zoomers

What a giant pile of flaming shit-coated dicks. This also violates the rule against posting Discord links outside the Discord thread so, feel free to repost this there and request a mod lock this shit. I recommend locking this thread so people know what complete bullshit looks like.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


oh wow if i join you guys are going to finally tell me the secret?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

homoerotic pseudo-moralist meet up, ugh…. yeah, ill stay with my mentally challenged roleplaying millenials on the /x/ discord, and I even prefer the furfags from /tulpa/.




>no leftards or trannies allowed

This is already great, good luck with your future endeavors.


While I like the stance against degenerates, this thread is nothing but sneaky discord spam advertising.



This, basically.


I'll come to your discord and check it out. Already checked out a bunch of "occult" discords and they were all shit but I'm still curious.


File: 3a6303509971b24⋯.png (209.33 KB, 1574x638, 787:319, moonkmd.png)


occult servers are dens of degeneracy usually. the mods are usually trannies or transgenders, the places are filled with low life scum that usually hates themsevles.

Chamber of light is not a place for such people.

strong men or men willing to improve. Strong girls and girls willing to improve. is what we want in Chamber of light.

no vegans allowed. fuck the vegan death cult.

no trans or genderneutral people allowed. fuck your degeneracy.

no leftist libtard scum allowed.

no virgins allowed, go get your dick wet first.

there's no place for Sickos in the chamber of light, don't want any retard influencing the sphere with their sickness, there is no place for hate in the chamber of light. Hating does not make you grow.

Chamber of light is about ascending, reaching optimal physical health and discovering truths, while not falling in rabit holes that depress you.

Dream walking, astral meetings, astral projecting can still be discussed, but unlike other servers where the top tricks you into their expirments we are clean and proud.

also I didn't think this thread would still be up.


oh ya we also trade cryptos. , or atleast a big part of us do



inb4 but you are hating in your text, no I don't actually hate anyone, I just want a group of likeminded people. not a shitfest of everything and anything with transgender mods and demon people, tricksters, evils sick fucks messing up everything.

so no, I do not hate any of what I just called out, but, I do not want them in the group.

That is all.

le bye.



I don't understand this "hate is bad, never hate!!" mentality, which is (((coincidentally))) pushed primarily by Marxists. If you want to hate something, go for it. It's ok to hate evil and injustice. Hate exists for a reason, there's no need to try and shut down or rationalize your emotions.



you can't really grow when you are constantly hating thats all I meant.

if you wanna come in and constantly bitch about da joos. then its better you take your shit elsewhere. not that I like tha joos. or whatever, but still. we had this super sperger from /pol/ came in and he raged so hard kept spamming his jew hate and it was very annoying. thats all.

also he seemed a very sad and depressed person. don't want that in the hive.



Understandable, I'm just saying it's ok to hate, but letting it consume you is obviously not a good thing, same with anything else. I hate Marxists and Jews as much as the next guy, but you shouldn't turn it into an obsession. Everything in moderation.



>strong men or men willing to improve.


>Strong girls and girls willing to improve. is what we want in Chamber of light.

lol you don't have a gf?

>no vegans allowed. fuck the vegan death cult.

t. angry faggot that people make different life choices

>no trans or genderneutral people allowed. fuck your degeneracy.

I can agree with this.

>no leftist libtard scum allowed.


You got anything original?

>no virgins allowed, go get your dick wet first.

>not understanding how sex works on the metaphysical planes

>advocating for people to make poor choices but wants "strong men"

Why do you want STRONG men but want them to CONFORM to what YOU want.


File: d10fef42d2e59f6⋯.gif (117.19 KB, 225x534, 75:178, wheeloffortune.gif)


because I don't want the hive to have brains in that don't conform. One strong block. I don't need a bunch of libtard depressed vegan losers. they will affect the hive.

this is like asking:

Why don't you want packs of violent nigs that deal drugs near your house.


>Chamber of light is not a place for such people.

By conforming to yor standards it already is by default. Rotten to the core.



>we had this super sperger from /pol/ came in and he raged so hard kept spamming his jew hate and it was very annoying. thats all.

>also he seemed a very sad and depressed person. don't want that in the hive.

That was the board owner, newfig.


File: 65c26542c55055d⋯.gif (52.2 KB, 225x534, 75:178, judgement.gif)


no stop projecting. your standards are the rotten ones, go do some jerking on on sigils or something. then go have your veeeeeeegan beans so your brain rots some more.



>no vegans allowed. fuck the vegan death cult.

>no trans or genderneutral people allowed. fuck your degeneracy.

>no leftist libtard scum allowed.


>no virgins allowed, go get your dick wet first.

>there's no place for Sickos in the chamber of light

that meme-tier hypocrisy


File: d5485632232d55d⋯.png (158.26 KB, 1344x530, 672:265, ENJ.png)







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File: 33567786ab473c7⋯.png (242.99 KB, 1405x775, 281:155, doubledovernight.png)


target: moon.


File: 3f4fbdf97de03c0⋯.gif (58.64 KB, 225x537, 75:179, death.gif)


this board is dead, no one even moderates it anymore



RIP /fringe/

1992 - 2017



There are moderators but they're told not to enforce most of the rules. You've got to wonder why the rules even exist.


File: 61aa4413fd60592⋯.gif (15.7 KB, 225x534, 75:178, theEmperror.gif)


Join the chamber of light then fren. we enforce the rules! no trannies, no degens. : )


File: fe5b8de77394533⋯.png (636.81 KB, 1686x1090, 843:545, e.png)


>we enforce no rules

>except these

God that is dumb.Don't act like you're doing something you aren't just to appeal to the shit-tier anarchy-lovers who don't know you don't actually embrace true anarchy.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


File: 4d3b28b25a9ee1b⋯.gif (28.43 KB, 222x533, 222:533, thesun.gif)


I said we enforce the rules! : )

also, r u a tranny?


File: 75f8d0639cfd78f⋯.png (132.56 KB, 2000x2200, 10:11, antywynn-melwynn.png)


Oh I misread because advertising you enforce the rules is the worst means of advertising I've ever seen. That's like advertising "we abuse our power" when you're talking about the rules of a Discord server.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



Some people like the rules to be enforced if they resonate with what the rules state. You clearly don't. Probably because you are a tranny or are doing some really black magic tier things that fuck up your psyche.



>fuck up your psyche.

pots and kettles and stuff, that egotrip


File: 1c774657070616e⋯.png (102.09 KB, 666x733, 666:733, 1c774657070616e2d2eedc787b….png)


I have done nothing but transexualize my black penis for my past 5 lifetimes.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


Shouldn't this thread have been locked long ago?

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