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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 42686ffa27684a3⋯.png (4.19 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, epycballzshenpepe.png)


I believe the Cult of Kek is worth discussing due to maybe not necessarily magical… but AWFULLY interesting parallels you can use it to draw between Egypt and modern memes. It is worth noting because there has always been an observable phenomenon of modern religions ripping off earlier religions, in a way which perpetuates certain memes. These certain memes one could say have a natural persistence to them, due to either timeless factors or perhaps some other force. There is also the potential to experiment around with what does and doesn't work magically in relation to religious memes.

The first King of Egypt was named King Menes (memes) who is arguably the first major political leader to ever exist. Kek is the Egyptian God of Darkness, and is also the name of a meme laugh commonly used by pepe-meme users. Kek is shaped like a green frog, and pepe is praised as the current God of Memes (sorry Trollface you had a good run 2000-2010). Meme Magic is tied to chaos magic/theory, and Kek is a god associated with primordial darkness which is directly tied to chaos in ancient religion. The hieroglyph representing Kek looks like a man sitting at a computer screen. 7s are considered the ideal repeating number in posts, and are considered the symbol of perfection in Egypt.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



i engaged a lot in 2016 and 2017 in 4chin posting redpills and spreading truth but also kinda with kek posts and trying to get tripz and stuff

i experienced a lot of weird syncronicitys in that time

with 11:11, 7777 8888 things like that






>Tor users may not delete posts.

Such is life of Tor user.


The /tok/ board on this site is very interesting for exactly this OP. I stumbled on it one night by accident. Some of the same types of ideas are posted as here though it has it's own unique perspective. Tinged with /pol/ as well but it doesn't overwhelm. Only thing is most of the posts are from a particular time, a few years ago. Not much activity but threads are worth a read through.



I might add it is a great place to find nice gondolas.



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