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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 29e7b4cbdc02811⋯.jpg (310.43 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ce7eb1b4cf876914c2507a5c8f….jpg)



Do they believe in this?

He's talking about a second, dead woman above Adam. Isn't this Lilith, God's 'failed' dominant design? Did they actually kill her?

Now, did God actually kill my waifu?


File: 693ec59dfe68bd6⋯.jpg (104.81 KB, 511x765, 511:765, Eris 014.jpg)

Fuck Lilith, worship Eris instead. She is still alive at least. Fucking Lilith cuck





You again?

I hear Eris is the goddess of discord. I'm very pro harmony though.





top lul


File: c29037bcba1909d⋯.jpg (251.63 KB, 640x468, 160:117, goblins.jpg)

I was watching a video about the sidhe and someone said that Iceland has a belief that the hidden folk were the race spawned from Adam and Lilith.



I thought Lilith was the wife of YHWH and not Adam. Also Adam was not literally only one man. Adam and Eve are a metaphor for the first race of humans who were created. Not two single beings.

Feel free to correct me tho


Pretty sure they say very clearly in the doc the woman above adam was most likely Eve. Adam was her son and after the "catastrophe" they repopulated. The whole read was actually very grim.

Also Eris doesn't want your worship.



>Also Eris doesn't want your worship.

It's not about wether she wants it or not. It's about you going out of your way and being a true fnord






>I thought Lilith

Lilith was Adam's first mate, made from the same clay as Adam. She refused to be subservient to him, fled the Garden, screwed some archangel, and then wouldn't go home when the Big Dog told her to, so she was permanently booted.

Basically, the world's first feminist.



Are you sure about that?



>Do they believe in this?

No, they just archived that file because it was marginally relevant to some case, then someone made a FOIA request on said case, so CIA just dumped all of the random files they had onto their reading room website.

For example that library also contains manuals for Lineage 2 they found on some Al Qaeda computer (apparently Islamists play Korean MMOs a lot). Doesn't mean CIA believes Lineage 2 universe is real.


I read this whole thing and was terrified for days. Can anyone debunk it? Are there at least some stretches of land we know hasn't been underwater in well over 10 thousand years?



I am pretty sure Adam and Eve were the first two humans to awaken from NPC status (2nd density animal consciousness) into full blown PC status (3rd density human consciousness that can think about itself, self-reflect, truly sentient).

In that case there were only these two and the other humans around were still animals.



The document says the opposite. I actually read the whole thing. It says that Eve is the daughter of Adam.

Not sure how serious to take this CIA document.


File: 4caae79c38cfbae⋯.png (209.84 KB, 954x1845, 106:205, Screenshot from 2019-03-11….png)


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