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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So what's the scoop on the thesis that Ayys are demons?

1) Crowley's Lam looks like a grayy

2) theorists like jaques valee say there's parallels between the abduction phenomenon and medieval accounts of demon possession/harassment

3) people have reported encountering decidedly evil entities like reptilians

4) the crafts appear non-three dimensional and change shape, colour, speed, etc. in a way that seems like they're spiritual energies instead of physical crafts

5) people have reported abductions stopping after calling out Jesus' name

That's just off the top of my head. What say you?


Aliens = umbrella term for any entities not originating on this world

Demons = political faction of a specific race of entities (who likely didn't originate here)

Demons may be considered a subset of aliens, but not the other way around.



I can't remember exactly where I read this story as it was years ago on some backwater forum, but it was something really interesting:

>person gets astrally abducted by Ayys.

>ayys look like humans, and start explaining how they're going to help him, and the rest of the world.

>person starts praying to jesus to help him see through this.

>ayys freak out, panic at what he's doing.

>instantly sent back to his body.



I sometimes have interactions with entities and decided to test out the "calling upon the name of Jesus" thing. It had zero effect. This makes me believe there is nothing in that name at all and it's the intention behind the action that matters. For me I have no emotional investment, knowledge, or belief concerning Jesus.


>So what's the scoop on the thesis that Ayys are demons?

I prefer the term "entities" or "astral entities" or "sentient thoughtforms" or "hyperdimensionals".

Demon used to be a neutral term but these days it means a very negative being.

I don't think ayys have ever had a physical presence in our world and I am not sure where they originate from but I think they are either created by us OR pulled out of wherever they really come from by our thinking about them.



I dont know much, but i heard a guest on coast to coast talking about how people high up in congress and the pentagon don’t want to study UFOS because they believe that they are demonic in nature. I dont remeber the guests name, but he was more on the mainstream side of things


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Hello, /fringe/. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I read your sticky that told me not to start my own bullshit thread. So, I picked a thread from page 1 to post my nonsense, which has surely been asked before. I wouldn't be here if not for "serious business", but I'm at that point and decided it's time to ask the experts. So, long story short, I'm incel, not by choice, had an accident that fucked me up, summoned a succubus in my time of need, too lonely, shit was SO CASH, been with her/him/it a few times, and now I want to know, what did I just sign up for?

I'm at the point where my house is haunted and weird stuff happens without my doing. Minor stuff though. Nothing dangerous. I kinda like my succubus and want more with her/it. Is that part of the trap? I didn't think this stuff would ever work, but it did. What do I do now? I like her/it. Feels good and feels like love. How can I make the most of this, or do I need to get off this ride while I still can? Please help. Thanks.



Having astral sex with an entity is not necessarily a bad thing, but starting such a relationship (or any kind of relationship, potentially) with a random entity you know nothing about is quite dangerous though, and could lead to disease and even death.

Since you essentially have no clue what you've invited into your life, perhaps it would be wise to cut ties and clean up. A more adventurous but dangerous approach would be to get some proper communication going and find out who you'll dealing with.

Yes, you've put yourself in quite a mess. Now it's time to git gud at magic or find someone to help you (IRL).

Good luck.



>summoned a succubus




Hauntings are normal in different cases, one is if you used blood for the ritual, that will attract nasties. Don't use blood.

The other reason for hauntings is that your house already had loads of spirits and the succubus, being the biggest bully in the area, is now working to get rid of them which will increase their activity as they are trying to resist her attacks. A succubus doesn't like opposition and will keep at it until other spirits submit or leave. After that it will stop, unless you did the first thing, if so you would need to somehow nullify the blood pact you accidentally opened which let those hauntings in. A succubus doesn't want your blood so it won't effect her.


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>could lead to disease

Last time I had blood work done, my white blood cell count was elevated. They tested me and I'm not sick, no infections, no disease. They can't explain why.

>Get some communication going.

That's why I'm here. She gets shy if I try to talk to her. The sex was to make me happy, but it doesn't seem interested in anything more than sex. Sounds crazy, huh?

>git gud at magic

I plan to, but not sure what to study regarding my succubus friend.


I'm no wizard, but a lonely man who got desperate. I studied as much woo as I could regarding the summoning process. What I came to learn was that it was more about the intent than the ritual itself. You can't just say "Hocus pocus send me a sexy demon." You have to really desire it and you have to believe that they will listen. I've been religious in the past, so I'm familiar with praying. I started by writing and burning letters to Lilith and asking her to send me one of her daughters. This is what you normally see when you read up on the summoning process. What eventually worked for me was praying to Naamah, continuing to write the letters coated in seed sacrifice while fantasizing about what I wanted physically with my demonic woman and burning them before sleep. The desire, the loneliness, the intent, and the belief was all there. Namaah answered me. That's when the nightmares started. Ghosts, demons, monsters, supernatural stuff that I never had dreamed about in the past. Anon >>129400 describes it accurately when he said that my succubus bullied off all the other demons or spirits around me, or in me, that I wasn't even aware of till she showed up and cleaned house.

In my first post, I say he/she/it because at first, it was just an astral being of sorts in my dreams. Once the nightmares ended, a course of about a month, making contact that didn't frighten me was next. I too had to understand that it wasn't trying to hurt me and to not be scared. I felt how powerful and dominant it could be. The best description I can give about this spirit would be comparing it to a Dementor from Harry Potter. It was formless, but wrapped you up like being swallowed in smoke. Anyway. We were trying to figure each other out, you could say. Eventually, I learned to not freak out or panic and it learned that I wanted a female and how to behave in a manner that would please me. After we got through this bumpy phase, it's been pretty chill. The astral sex was more like a sexual dream at first, but progressed to a lucid dream with orgasm. Feels great. The spirit only shows a female side now. I asked her name once and she said it was Lorelei, but I felt that she was making it up, like it's not her real name, but that's what she told me because she knew it would make me happy. I get a good night with her about once or twice a week and it's been great ever since.


The haunting is what brought me here because I had read that they will sometimes reveal themselves in the physical world somehow. This haunting thing is a recent development and I think she's going to try to be with me more in this world instead of our lucid dream dates. I live alone and nobody other than me ever comes inside my home. In the past month, I've been awoken by sounds making me think that someone else is in the house. I grab my gun and search the home, but nobody is ever there. The other morning when I woke up, I went to the bathroom and all the bottles of shampoo were lined up on the edge of the tub. I chuckled nervously because I knew that she was the only person who could have done that. I took it as she was trying to be funny by playing a joke. That's when I realized, if she can move bottles and open cabinets and doors, then what will she do with me? I know she likes me and I like her, but I have a feeling she might get angry if I ever try to break up with her or jealous if I bring another girl around. That's when I decided to ask /fringe/ for advice on this matter.

Thanks for all the advice so far.



>funny by playing a joke

This is what I meant when I said it can lead to disease and death. Spirits are the closest thing to the word "alien" one can get. Not only are they not human, but their very conceptualization of reality is completely different from ours. I don't know if this is your case, but what I mean by this is that you got it to understand what you want from it, and you're having an energy exchange with it. But still, it's not human. It's not even animal. Its frame of reference is nothing like ours and you shouldn't assume you view the situation the same way.

Think of how a cat can be purring on your lap, sharing a loving moment with you, and the next second it looks up and bites you, leaving you perplexed and bleeding, wondering what the hell you did to provoke the attack.

Well, spirits can be like having a pet tiger. There are many different "species" and types of entities out there. Some are more human, some are more alien. Some will give us complex information and take part in human politics, while others will disembowel you on sight as an innocent way to say hello, or sate their curiosity. That's why I said to establish communication and leave nothing to misunderstandings.

Please keep reporting. This is valuable research data.



Nightmares and spooky harassment via visions is a usual sign of initiation. So congrats, you’re a wizard now Harry.

If you have doubts you should work with Naamah.



What you say about succubi being bullies is true. They wont stand for anything else in the area unless they work for them.


And yes they are also very jelous. What you have to understand is that they are predators/carnivores and you are their prey. I dont mean to sound negative about it but that is the way they work. Another woman is percieved as a threat simce they might take your seed, or in their eyes their food.

And to them you are there property. Which is another reason they don't tolerate anything else in the area, particularly things that might harm you. They want you in top condition.

I have some experience with succubi, but my main form of communication was through a channeler of sorts.



There is a "questions thread" for things that don't deserve their own thread, why the fuck did you post your question in a thread that was not relevant? ffs


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>thread that was not relevant

>Ayys = Demons


>Succubi are demons

Well, considering that I'm dealing with a demon and I want to learn how to communicate with demons, the first demon thread I found seemed like as good a place as any. Is my demon an extraterrestrial from outer space? That remains to be seen. I think she's just a demon, although, the topic of demons existing in space is intriguing.


>their very conceptualization of reality is completely different from ours

I've gotten this feeling from her before during the "getting to know each other" phase. It was like trying we were metaphorically speaking foreign languages. I've never held a good conversation with her. My lucid dreaming skills aren't as good as they once were. It seems like trying to talk to her breaks the dream or that she doesn't want to talk, but I get the feeling that it's more that I don't know how to talk to her or she doesn't understand what I'm saying and leaves. This is why I want to learn how to communicate with them.


Naamah was really the best choice. Since first reading your post, I've studied a lot about her. It seems that she was the right one to ask for my request. Some sources even say that Naamah may have chose me and lead me to her. To think that she was the one who chose me and not the other way around is quite flattering, that is if you're the kinda guy who wants a demon goddess dark angel of prostitution in his life.

From what I've read about Naamah so far, she seems like the best demon goddess for me. She's pretty cool, as far as Queens of Hell go. I don't know how you guys are with external links on this board, so I'll break it.

http :// www. infernaldialogues. com /2013/04/the-satanic-feminine-divine-part-ii.html

The users who commented on their experiences match perfectly with my own experience.


Well, I'm glad that she wants to drain my balls instead of draining my blood. I had said before that I got the feeling that she didn't want to harm me. And yes, since she cleaned house, no more scary dreams or other demons or spirits that I know of. It's kinda cool and terrifying thinking that she's following me around telling the others "This one belongs to me."

Regarding communication, I'm seeing the Qliphoth, Zohar, Kabbalah, and the Left Hand Path. I always knew those Hollywood jews were a bunch of Satanists practicing ancient Babylonian witchcraft. If thousands of jewish elites believe in this stuff, they must be on to something. I don't think I'm ready for full on Satan worship, but knowing how to communicate with these forces is my goal. In the meantime, I'll try to work on my lucid dreaming skills and draw Lorelei out again.

So, where should I start? Any advice or reference material is appreciated. Thanks again, lads.


Going to bump the thread with Ayy relevance for the anon who wondered why I posted my succubus story here.


It's possible, but as someone who's studied Christianity, I don't think there are many people in this world who believe strongly enough or are pure of heart enough to wield miracles in today's degenerate Clown World. I think if the Ayys wanted to kidnap you, they could do it.


I also like to think of them as astral entities. I think it's more complex than Angels vs Demons, Good vs Evil.


>RIP Art Bell

Funny you should mention that. There was a GREAT television mini-series that explored this entire explanation of the Ayys = demons timeline. I highly recommend you go watch it. It's LONG. Longer than longcat, but totally worth the watch. The name of the movie is "Childhood's End" and here's a link to the trailer.

https :// www. youtube. com/watch?v=tC2j-AZsJIA


Is it a demon if its the part of me that was subdivided in my mind. They took the part of me that was my fighting instincts my protective nature the male part and they caged it into something to leave me meek helpless and submissive as a pet.

Its something I have had Alot of interactions with in my dreams it was part of me and i released it from a terrible purpose to keep myself sane and safe and to feel okay.



I'm gonna be honest man, this is pretty much a relationship with a nympho BPD girl but on steroids. If you think you're strong enough to deal with it go for it, but the longer it lasts the more it'll hurt.


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I don't think the part of you that was taken was a demon, but a demon or Ayy may have subdued it. I experienced something similar during my nightmare phase. I would encounter ghosts and spirits. My gun would always jam. I would punch, but it was ineffective. I would scream and nothing would come out. A few times, I would use my lucid dreaming skills to break the dream. Breaking the dream didn't mean that I wouldn't have a nightmare again though. Eventually, I learned to submit and believe that they wouldn't harm me. So, in a sense, they took the fight out of me too. Fighting them was pointless.

The /christian/s have a saying. "Let go and let God." It's basically telling you to submit to God's will and He will handle the rest. God Himself, even in religious terms, is a spiritual astral entity / deity. I think that their purpose is not to take the fight out of you, but submission. Be it an Ayy, God, or demons, they want you to submit to them.


I'm glad I decided to post in this thread. I've given it more thought and I think Ayys and demons might be interchangeable. I mentioned the movie "Childhood's End" in a previous post and it got me thinking about religion and Ancient Aliens. Various religions around the world have documented "visitors" from the heavens. The Bible talks about flaming chariots streaking across the sky. The fish that swallowed Jonah had ribs of iron. That's a submarine. I'm pretty sure the Greeks or Romans had no subs in their fleet. The only rational explanation is that these flaming chariots and iron fish were the Ayys and this was the only way these primitive people could explain what they witnessed.

Both Ayys, God, demons, and angels have been noted for being able to communicate telepathically. I once read that Ayys were for people who didn't believe in ghosts, spirits, and demons. There may be some truth to this. A hardcore atheist can still believe in UFOs. Just like in the Bible, it must be an Ayy because you don't believe in religious magical sky daddies OR it must be an Angel or Demon because you don't believe in grays in flying saucers.

You might not believe in Ayys or Demons, but they believe in you.



I'm enjoying it so far. It's definitely different. I'm not ready to go full mgtow or incel, but it is embarrassing to think I have an imaginary girlfriend or that I'm going to start wearing goth clothes and shopping at Hot Topic. It's the kind of stuff you've been raised all your life to think of as crazy and weird. I don't have to larp as a warlock though. I could look like any other regular normal guy. Some people pray to Jesus for healing and protection. I pray to a fallen angel for a demon girl to give me wet dreams and hang out with me.




Why do you pray to a fallen Angel?



Is it because of the book of Enoch?


To the succubus dude, I find it curious your interactions are similar to my own, and so I wish to share something with you, something you might already know. If so, ignore me.

Basically, I was in touch with a Qarinah, a succubus that heralds from Arabian belief. There's scant little out there, but what little tells that this Qarinah is more or less a spiritual lover, in Christian terms, a Spirit Husband/Wife. Unlike in other cultures of belief, the Qarinah has no negatives to her, except that you are going to be alone on this earthly plane, for she will harm anyone you attempt to hook up with.



Thou shalt not put thy God to the test,



If you want to know the truth, anon, it's because Naamah listens to me. The always been the only one who listened. She was there when I needed her.


I haven't read the Biblical Apocrypha, but now I'm interested. I need to read up. What does the Book of Enoch say about this?


I've always gotten that feel. Hooking with Naamah and Lorelei wasn't hard, but trying to walk away will probably end me. Kinda ties in with what you said about Qarinah. I embraced a path when I did this. There is no going back. I signed up for this deal till the end. I accept this though. She's good to me. I want to know how to make the most of this fate, as a servant to Naamah and for my Lorelei. Maybe I'm okay with that and maybe they're okay with me.

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