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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: ac5bbcc5b8c5a1c⋯.jpg (176.75 KB, 613x1600, 613:1600, Spirit House.jpg)

File: fe2d2bf5199156b⋯.jpg (97.88 KB, 600x414, 100:69, Keebler-elvs.jpg)


Roman Pagans kept a household shrine to the ancestors to venerate the ancestors, as do Confucian household shrines do in East Asian cultures. Everyone should have a shrine to the ancestors. BY PRESERVING ONES FAMILY LINEAGE YOU PRESERVE A VESSEL THROUGH WHICH THE SPIRIT OF YOUR ANCESTORS CAN BE REMEMBERED AND YOU ALSO ALLOW THEIR LIKENESS TO BE REPRODUCED IN THE FACES OF FUTURE GENERATIONS OF PEOPLE BY PRESERVING THE BLOODLINE.

So your DNA is your family tree. The company that makes keebler crackers and cookies has a advertisement with elves living on a tree. Elves living on a tree is like the spirit of your ancestors living on your family tree which is your DNA. This Tree stretches back into infinity.

The purpose of loyalty to your family is you are being loyal to the tree that allows the likeness of your ancestors to be reproduced in future generations and you are loyal to the tree which preserves the ancestral consciousnesses. The ancestral consciousnesses live upon the family tree and by being loyal to your family you work to keep alive that family tree DNA upon which the consciousnesses of your ancestors live.

Does reproducing the likeness of your ancestors mean they literally reincarnate? I doubt it but I don't want to say for sure, I do believe the consciousnesses of our ancestors live upon our DNA, I also believe they have independent existence as spirits in the ghost realm, the luminiferous ether. I also believe it is important we feed these spirits the attention of our remembrance: otherwise they could become hungry ghosts which is like a hell.

Remembering and honoring the ancestors is important, venerating ancestors is important, loyalty to family is important, and helping your family have offspring is important, and also having your own offspring is important if you are in a position to do so.

Our likeness lives on in the bloodline. The christian concept of an afterlife totally divorced from the family tree is maybe technically accurate if you think about the ghost realm as a place where spirits can exist independently however the preservation of the bloodline is very important and it realy can be enriching to spirits to be remembered and have their likeness be reproduced upon the face of the earth.

Also read Grogaldr from the eddas, it talks about a man asking his dead mother for both blessings and cursing from beyond the grave, spirits of the dead can both bless and curse the living, this is why in Thailand they create spirit houses to placate the spirits.


Spirit houses thailand


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