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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.12927[Last 50 Posts]

ITT: Meet up with anons in your area to urbex, explore haunted places, summon demons, and do anything else /fringe/-related.

For a list of haunted places in your area, refer to theshadowlands.net/places


>what /fringe/-related things you are interested in doing
>contact information


QC, Canada
819 Area Code
If there's a haunted house near maybe I'd visit it


West Midlands, UK
If someone is nearby I can provide email

Tried to set something up through a similar thread on /x/ before but the other person was too scared. I hope /fringe/ has more courageous users.


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678/404/678 area code
anything really
will provide email if match


USA, 703


>implying there's any other occultist in this city apart from me


Eh, a kaybecker.
No I ain't a franc, I'm your mortal enemy, an Ontarian protestant.
Not actually, just Ontarian.

But I remember visiting QC, and they'd have signs on certain buildings that were supposedly haunted. As well as ghost tours and shit.


I don't want to meet up with others until I have my vrilcraft operational and can just fly to you all.


Sweden. Yes.


Brasil, paraná. Mais algum brazuca por aqui?




I did one of those tours once and there's nothing spoopy about it. It's still nice to visit plus the stories around these places are nice too.


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ATL area here 404/678


we can chill and talk


319 Iowa. Cool with southern Minnesota. Used to having to drive for hours to do anything.


Northern Idaho/Eastern Washington

Just whatever.


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well im up for anything so here is my Skype thebelt2


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New Jersey, US. 609 area code. I'm in some bands(with mundanes) and we travel around a lot so if I'm ever going somewhere where one of you guys are I'll post in here about it.


wass good with south fla?


United States/Minnesota/Minneapolis
United States/Utah/Salt Lake City
Urbex, haunted places, pretty much anything /x/-related



NYC here too, where at?


California Bay Area 650
I just want to know if there are Fringe Wizards in my area




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South East PA 610.

Funnily enough, I have some solid urbex spots.


California Foothills 209


Anyone around Paris?


Paris France ?




Ayyyy sf here. No, I will not meet with you.


Anyone from Argentina? ;_;


Let's not become halfchan's /x/ - Socializing and skelingtons


Despite this area being overpopulated these days, I'm certain none of you are from around here; 727, Florida.

/x/ was actually rather indystrious back when it was more social and less /b/, from productive urbex meetups to various esoteric projects.


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Hello fellow denizens of our dystopia.


Brasil também, mas na Paraíba.

Had a few encounters with good and bad folks that deal with /fringe/ content, watched some of them invoking demons/entities, shit gave me the giggles.


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..made one for fringe. Didn't know what to say for stuff to do. I tried my best..


California, Ventura county area. Researching and practicing reality creation.




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Allen greenfield will be on coast to coast am, tonight in an hour

He wrote 'secret rituals of the mib', which is fuckin crazy green pilled

Just a heads up. Posting here cuz I got nowhere else to post


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I live in California never on the same place but I can make myself appear on any of these cities.
-El Segundo
-Long Beach
-Rancho Palos Verdes
-Redondo Beach
-Santa Monica

Any /fringe/ related theme is welcome. but I specialize in abandoned asylums, hospitals and the sort.


Pretty gud.


407/321 Florida area. Basically around Orlando. Deffinetly looking for conversation, I feel lost in life, figured like-minded individuals could help.


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Tohditko tarkemmin kertoa?

t: Pohjois-Suomi


3201 area
Any wizards or enchantress down here?


Tohinhnan mie; Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, lähellä Oulun seutumia.


ny 516


>tfw used to live in Long Beach
I left 8 years ago and never looked back. What's it like now?


352, saw two other Florida bros on here, both at least an hour's drive away, which isn't that big of a deal if we could plan something worthwhile. Down for whatever.


no toronto fags? am in sauga


There's me.

…but I am currently stuck on a "sleep during the day, awake at night" circadian rhythm and also I can't drive to you.


lets go to vapor central one day and talk about jews all up in this bitch

I don't plan on touching weed for at least a few more weeks so in time


lol your're telling me. mind you, I was awake for 25 hours day before yesterday and then slept for 18 hours last night. I was on your cycle some time before that but it's fixed now


I'm here too. Also nocturnal for the time being.


Any New Zealand wizards?


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>There will never be a /fringe/ wizard below 500 km near me

Baltics are a lonely place.

I wonder, if I'd attempt to make a vrilcraft myself at some point, would I get a visit from the EU's gestapo?


I'm in Boise, Idaho.

Relatively mundane, recovering NEET. I've had some success with sigils.


Hey man, 321 here as well. Just moved to Port St. John


Minneapolis/St. Paul


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I have never been out of Florida.


Fucking Fairfax


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Melbourne wizards! Send me an email at Khanmelichior@gmail.com if you wish to be part of our Melbourne meetups and IRC channel.



Skype: powzmagick


London here but I've only been learning about fringe material for a week or so. I'll definitely be around for a while though so when I become more versed and confident in my understandings i'd totally be down to meet


North England here. I just wanna see what you people look like.


North Alabama, 256 reporting in!
Down for 'sploring, anything really.

Can provide email if someone else is nearby.


563 iowa. I don't meet others and when I do it ends bad. Also I live innawoods in a cabin.


Feel free to socialise on the irc guys:

irc.occultminds.com #fringe

also BS21 UK


I'm in K town(613), would love to meet some other wizards.


Helsinki here


Kitchener? forreal? Am also like 40 mins from mississauga…




I am in Waterloo, Ontario does anyone want to meet me and do a series of magickal experiments?


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im in ottawa


I seem to be the monkey in the middle.

>TFW no car

>TFW I ain't even mad


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Boone, North Carolina.

I've never met another occultist, so hey.


it might be a good thing
>sitting in my physics lecture, waiting for lecture to start
>see a metal-head with greasy hair type of guy walk in
>various edgy red pentagrams on the black shirt with the words left hand path on the back
This is the sort of people you'd be associated with if you let anyone know you're an occultist.

I know for a fact there are other occultists like me who manage to blend in with the uni crowd but we'll never meet due to people like that shitting our image of good STO wizards.


I'm from Hamilton.
I'm pretty neophyte without too much experience under my belt so I'm not sure how much help I'd be.
You have evocations in mind or something simpler?


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865. Knoxville, Tn.


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Mon esti de criss le 819 enplus. Moi je reside dans le coin de st ag. I hope you have skype or steam.


Lots of people from ny here! I live on the island, but getting to the city is easy enough. And there should be tons of fun places to explore in NYC, considering that it's enormous and terrifying.


Hey a neighbor. :0 What part of Hamilton? downtown? When would you like to meet up?


514, sup.


Sure, just give me a date.


613 ottawa here


Oulu-Rovaniemi akselia olisinkin veikannut. T: eri


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Juuh, nyt vaan on kadonnut tuo keskustelu mitä käväin erään Oululaisen kanssa. Missäs päin itse olet, mennäänkö loitsimaan?


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If one of you want to plan something add UloveBobElvisGratton on steam, il keep lurking to


Yo same…

am >>27438 this guy, 18 y/o will meet up with anyone within an hour of tri cities. kitchener/hamilton/cambridge/guelph.

Anyone from that area add maddix_huge (sorry for the name made it pre highschool) on skype


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Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts.
I'll be in Salem this Thursday.

Willing to start a Boston Occult IRC channel to create something of a community, and larger meet ups!


Monroe NC here. We can have no one to talk to together.


Stoney Creek.
What do you consider to be attainment?


If you spiral upwards then let us break the barriers.
I aspire towards a measurement of understanding coupled with fearless determination within my own actions.
Se Elohim.


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I live in Greater Boston and I'm down for anything.

Bridgewater Triangle sites abound so let's explore.

I have actually seen the Thunderbird on numerous occasions so if anyone wants to work that angle I already have a bit of a relationship happening with that energy.

Hit me up and let's make something happen.


Ill be moving to St Pete next week


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Hello NSA!
>tfw participating anyways

>>>USA/Georgia or GA/South of Atlanta

>>>All of them.


Catalunya here
I sometimes go exploring abandoned houses for fun


>Bridgewater Triangle Sites
A close friend of mine and I have been wanting to explore it for a while! Shoot me an email at phoenician36@gmail.com

First off, I'd like to hear about your Thunderbird tale. I never took that for being an existent.


mexico city


South Texas


I wrote to you.

Let me know if you didn't get the email or something and we can try again.


Additionally I am looking for someone to do sex magic/k with.

I had someone that was really great for this stuff, she was definitely my manic pixie dreamgirl, but she turned out to basically be a sociopath so I'm looking for someone who is reasonable but adventurous.

Like I said before Greater Boston area, can do Providence/RI if necessary for the right person.

I'm a decently attractive guy and I'm straight so please keep that in mind if you're considering taking a crack at me.

I am really open and empathetic as a person and will do meet up stuff with pretty much anyone but as far as the sex magic/k stuff goes I'm definitely looking for someone that has some chemistry going on if that makes sense. I guess what I mean is that I'm probably going to be pretty selective in regards to the sexual stuff so I want that up front.

But like I said before I'm willing to do meet ups with whomever as long as you're cool.


209 here, I live on the edge of waterford , small farming town near modesto.


Kajaani, Finland

Seriously surprised if anyone is here


I meant to write pheonician36@gmail.com, sorry about that.


No problem, I'm about to get in the car right now but I'll email you when I get home.


Why not post with this flag?



couldnt have bothered. Well, let's bumb this up with proper flag:

Kajaani, Finland


Just a reminder to our Melbourne neophytes that the meeting day is closing in soon. Remember to send an email if you have not yet been sent details.


Long shot but, any one from Portugal here?


Just to report in and encourage other /fringe/fags to give this shit a whirl I did actually meet up with the dude I was talking to in this thread and we had a good time discussing Gnosticism and Philip K Dick and eating Mexican food near a school for the blind.

No joke. It was fun, planning to hang out again.


Sounds good.

I don't know if W. Midlands is too far for you to travel but I'm willing to show my face.


sp-sp aqui.


melbfag here, get in touch, burner e-mail in subject.



Melb \fringe\ meeting on this Saturday at lunchtime. There's 4 of us confirmed coming.

Shoot Khan an e-mail if interested.


hmm… for me: to know thy self, find truths, and to help if i can,just change for the sake of improvement .
And you?


Brisbane, Australia. Any other Brisfags out there?


Niagara fag reporting


Oxfordshire here.



hey wanna hang out this week? say Thursday or Saturday? Eastgate? or my place(there's an occult store near my place and we can play some fighting video games)? up for it?



I'm from Adelaide.

I don't know much about the occult but I've always wanted to check out haunted houses/places or explore /fringe related stuff.



Houston here



Hooked on holistics?

I live nearby, by St Francis.

I'd be down to chill on Saturday if you're still willing.



>Hooked on holistics?

lol ways of wisdom


great place, just don't talk about downloading or finding book's else where, or some entity in there will get in your face(it will just pester you a little, no harm at all).

>I'd be down to chill on Saturday if you're still willing.

may I have your direction's and then we'll see.



holy heck that's quite unexpected.

what haunted places are there in Adelaide even?



The place I've heard referred to most is the old Adelaide Gaol. They still have ghost tours there I believe.

I also have a friend from work who swears her sisters rented house is haunted. But I highly doubt she'd ever let me visit.

And my mother swears the old house we lived in when I was a child was haunted by the previous owner who died there. But again this house is owned by someone else now so I doubt they'd let anyone visit.

I also know of a place along the beach where a woman was murdered in the sand dunes 10 years ago and the police had to cordon the area off.

(I was riding my bike by at the time at the age of 10-12).



There's also the places listed here;


Contact email is in subject





whats up man. where abouts are you?



janky ass southern colorado, it's haunted as shit


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22/f/atlanta area



>That merkaba-like thing

Where is this from?


Besetztes Reich Deutschlands ;_;



It's just a visual representation of the Minkowski spacetime formula, I thought the picture was cool with it's uncanny resemblance to sacred geometry


California. 661, Santa Clarita


OR, southern WA?



Rheinland Pfalz hier, meine Interessen sind unter anderem Kunst, Technik, Programmieren, Natur, Gesundheit, Meditieren, UrbEx etc.

Und Tinfoilhattery (:

Woher kommst du?



Not who you responded too, but I'm in dickinson just a little south of Houston.


South Texas,

I've got afew occultist friends down here with me, we could do some rituals and just chat

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