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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Malicious envy, the desire for those who are more competent to be destroyed, is seen as an evil emotion. All emotions we have we inherited from our our ancestors and biological history because it served a function in terms of genetic survival. Malicious envy would serve the function of eliminating more competent rivals, rivals who one would be competing with for the rights to reproduce with various females. Seen in this light malicious envy makes biological sense.

[Audio of all this being read can be listened to here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23-X51uqeSk or here https://vocaroo.com/i/s0CXblnYlC6T as well]

Malicious envy in some cases helps ones genetic transmission when it eliminates reproductive rivals, however malicious envy can harm ones genetic interests if the rivals it eliminates are guardians of the tribe. If guardians of the tribe are eliminated it can result in the wealth and women of tribe being consumed by foreigners.

We are psychic beings, our thoughts and words exist within the etheric plane and the ether connects all minds into a psychic internet, a mind-field where forms of thoughts and words take shape. Our perception exists upon the etheric plane, the plane of ideas. How we see others is an exertion of psychic influence upon them that pressures them to act in certain ways by imposing upon them the image we see them as and that image pressuring them to conform to the image.

The people of Europe perceived their sage class to be in states of moral purity. That is to say that they perceived their wise men and women, both young and old wise people, as being pure good. This type of perception of them was a manifestation of malicious envy, it was a manifestation of the evil eye. The evil eye is malicious envy. By imposing upon sages a state of moral purity they attempt to castrate the sages of having evil impulses.

Evil impulses are necessary for biological survival, human beings are naturally a balance of good impulses and evil impulses.

The establishment of celibacy within the priesthood of Europe was an internalization by the wise men of Europe of the evil eye placed upon them by the general public, an evil eye that sought to castrate them of evil impulses thus turning the wise men of Europe into a social class of eunuch advisers. In other words this was a reproductive war by the people of Europe against their own sage class. This reproductive war happened on a psychic level through the sages being affected by the evil eye of the European people. Through this act the Europeans exterminated their own sages.

People afflicted by the evil eye can become wanderers. Saints practicing austerities in the wilderness, meditating for extended periods in the mountains or fasting for extended periods in the desert or wandering around as homeless beggars are all manifestations of being afflicted by the evil eye due to them being deprived of their bodily impulses through the expectation of pure goodness being places upon them, thus driving them to madness. In other words by being deprived of their right to balance both good and evil, they were unable to express the evil necessary to defend their place in the world and so became wanderers like Odin, Jesus, Nebuchadnezzar, and the wandering sadhus of India, all of whom were also victims of the evil eye. The expectation of morally good purity is enforced by the threat of others being disappointed in the sage who is not willing to emotionally castrate themselves in order to perform to the expectation of being pure good that was imposed on him or her.

This form of evil eye, perceiving another to be pure good, is a veiled form of psychic attack upon someone. It is the same as perceiving another to be pure evil by morally condemning them thus attempting to deprive them of the good impulse, if a person lacks the impulse to do good this can threaten their biological survival just as much as lacking the impulse to do evil.

For this reason there are two symbols which act as protections against the evil eye. One symbol is the star of David, and the other is the yin yang. Both of these symbols represent balancing good and evil and thus they protect people from people seeing themselves through the eyes of people who are gazing upon them in fascination with the evil eye, to gaze upon someone with the evil eye is to see them as pure good or pure evil.

Internalizing the evil eye and becoming saints is what exterminated many of the sages of Europe, the sages of Europe became trapped by the mind-fields of European and consumed by the world due to being victims of the evil eye.

The eye and awareness of the mind rays of influence stream out them.

To balance good and evil we should bless those who have done us good and curse those who have done us bad, with an exception to perhaps forgiving friends and family members.


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The above explanation regarding the extermination of the sages of Europe through the evil eye of the people was taken from here: https://westwardmagick.wordpress.com/2019/03/11/envy/

The people are responsible for the political situation they are in which is a reflection of the mind-field which they all influence through the rays of influence of their consciousness, everyone has influence just be being in the world, just be breathing.


What is the definition of "good" and "evil" here?

I generally agree with the fact of attracting deleterious mental influences and having to keep them at bay (Atkinson has writings about this).

Just not sure what you mean by "good" and by "evil" here.

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