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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Since there is no thread up about the greatest happening of our time right now I will take the liberty of creating it.

What is the /fringe/ take on Brenton Tarrant?

I read in his manifesto that he contacted "the reborn Knights Templar" to quote it exactly.

The Reborn Knights Templar… who are these guys and what are their doctrines? If anyone here is from the Knights Templar will you speak up?

There's also conspiracies that the whole thing was a hoax and a lot of other conspiracy angles but I refuse to believe these as I do not want to be deceived by the "everything is a hoax and fake" crowd into believing there are no heroes in this world. They want to deprive us of the reality of this great victory.


I believe /pol/ is a better board for this thread, thank you very much. Speculation is not fringe.



Templars are /fringe/ and /pol/ doesn't know anything about them and is too busy discussing anything but the Templars.


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File: 6b177bda177850e⋯.pdf (733.17 KB, Manifesto.pdf)

He mentions in the manifesto that he recieved blessings from the templars after contacting Breivik so that may be a good place to start.

>But I have only had brief contact with Knight Justiciar Breivik, receiving a blessing for my mission after contacting his brother knights.

Also found this


>I just said that the original Knights Templar do not exist. However, there is a modern organization which uses the same name. They are a completely separate organization with no connection at all to the historic Knights Templar. However, they chose to copy that name because they are inspired by the historic Knights Templar.

>This organization is a Masonic Appendant Body. That means that they are a separate organization from the Free Masons, but they only recruit from the Free Masons. Therefore, in order to become a member of the Knights Templar, you first have to become a Master Mason. Then you have to join the York Rite of Masonry.

>So, in order to become a member of Knights Templar, first you have to become a Mason, and complete the three degrees of Blue Lodge. Then you have to join York Rite and complete the four degrees of Chapter. Then you have to further join the Council portion of York Rite and complete the three Cryptic Degrees. Then you have to join the final body of York Rite Masonry. Only then can you call yourself a Knight of the Temple.

I know little to nothing on masonry let alone the templars, so take it with a grain of salt



>fucking /pol/

/pol/ couldn't speculate its way out of a paper bag


Heroes? This guy was a hopeless romantic that threw a hissy fit and killed a bunch of people. The result of this isgoing to be even more tolerance and support, maybe stricter views on guns for some people and the usual fear-mongeribg that keeps the general population meek.

Conspiracies or not, what hedid was dumb and useless.

And this thread belongs in /x/.


Isn't anything on /x/ also applicable to anything on /fringe/?



>This guy was a hopeless romantic that threw a hissy fit and killed a bunch of people

This guys will be an inspiration for many more to come.

His video and manifesto are two of the most feared things on the internet. The effort to shut it down is huge.



You have to understand the power and sacrifice of a living meme. Spread it far, spread it wide. Let no one be denied to have it.




As far as I've heard about masons, the order itself is very widespread, but the practices vary on a local basis.

Is the New Zealand shooting a conspiracy, in that it's an elaborately set up hoax to take away rights? I doubt it. Most shit like this is opportunists waiting for the right moment to push their 'fuck-your-rights' type shit, and this happened to be the right moment.

Could a mass shooting be instigated metaphysically? Absolutely. But the mechanics behind this are much more simpler than you think.

one of the following could be the culprit:

>Some (((douchebag))) wills forth someone mentally ill to go nuts and shoot a place up for political gain, a sacrifice for his worshipped god. or whatever opportunity.


>A low-tier entity, slowly stokes the anger of a paranoiac to feed off his loosh, and rides him as he commits his atrocity, gorging itself on the misery the shooting causes.

Either way.

>Media sees a easy story to make outrage bucks on.

>Sociopathic Politician who's been waiting for this moment tries to cash in on the hysteria to give themselves more control over the people.


Media nowadays relies on outrage to push its agenda but they're losing steam, even old ladies who do nothing but watch news are getting tired of the outrage machine. This moment is not the act of an organization that has the power to maintain its machine. It is the dying act of abusive personalities who are desperate to maintain their destructive, petty schemes before their tower of cardboard boxes falls apart.

Lies from both are sides being exposed and falling bare onto the ground for all to see. The truth will be exposed.


File: 8f277909315bf30⋯.jpg (59.44 KB, 773x747, 773:747, Mason_Anders_Behring_Breiv….jpg)

File: 9c073ed910be4aa⋯.jpg (444.44 KB, 1311x1305, 437:435, BreivikIsAZogTool2.jpg)


I wouldn't be surprised honestly. Not sure on the accuracy of the second image.



I would say /x/ covers most unexplained stuff even if it is mainstream, but /fringe/ is for things that are overlooked by the majority of people



I think Brenton Tarrant made a mistake in what he did. If he wanted to help his race he should have started a cult and led a polygamous lifestyle impregnating many women. He is only in his mid-twenties. The young men on the far right are not receiving enough guidance from older people in the far right, and as a result the younger men have been engaging in bad behaviors because they don't have all the information to make proper decisions. An older man would have likely explained to Brenton Tarrant that he should relax and they he should not engage in terrorism. I think it was bad for Brenton to do terrorism. Australia already lost gun rights. He was greeted by a man at the mosque who said "welcome brother". I am not a fan of islam but to be treated with such welcoming humanity to be called brother is rare in society. In the movie highlander religious institutions are respected as sacred sanctuaries where warriors do not engage in battle. Religious institutions should be safe places, and mosques should be safe too. I disagree with terrorism and I think Brenton should have started a polygamous cult instead if he wanted to help white people.



fuck off kike. The man is a hero.


I don't know how I got here but my family are in the Masonic lodge. We trace our roots from the Templars. I'm not sure if I will come back, these anon message boards are hard to navigate and I'm too busy with family and work to really care what strangers think.


>If anyone here is from the Knights Templar will you speak up?


where do u think u are?



>He was greeted by a man at the mosque who said "welcome brother".

He literally saw a small white man approaching who was about to point a gun at the crowd. That was a fearful attempt at appeasing with moslemic solidarity.


His manifesto was based on flawed information. He stated his goal was to get the government to oppose gun rights, particularly in the usa. And he was hoping this would provoke a reaction among American right wingers. If American right wingers were prone to react in a revolutionary way, they would have already done so by now because the government has already started removing the testicles of young boys, and that is more of a reason to oppose what the government is doing than second amendment rights.

Right wing Americans tend to talk tough but they tend to keep it at a level of boasting, they very rarely act on their boasts. So I think Brenton Tarrant was incredibly naive and ignorant when he calculated that he could start a revolution in America by giving the left a reason to take peoples rights away, it's clear he didn't understand Americans. It's just really stupid for young people people in political movements to go off and do random stuff on their own without trying to learn about the world from older generations, and its also stupid for people in older generations to be arrogant and think they know everything. Both older and younger people have things to learn from each other.

In order to engage in effective political activities you have to be a scholar and have a team of scholars who research things and discuss the way the world works together. You don't just run off and do things based on half baked ideas. You have to think about how the world works and study things.


I’m glad to see some sensible common sense in some of you posters. This place is not completely lost.



take your medicine and go back to your containment board



Lets be realistic, criticism of the typical right-winger isn't necessarily endorsement of the opposite viewpoint.

We can wish to be better while recognizing the failure of our political alignment.


yeah they put spies in the toilets and aliens with snakeheads are controlling the oil industry. clearly. and the world is gonna end in 2012.


Brenton Tarrant should be idolized for sweet revenge he took in Christchurch. I adore 'Identitarianism' and preach on values that exhibits in. I may be of different colour - but fight for my identity and for my people will never go in vain. What Brenton did is a class subject for younger generations to 'adapt' and executes to extinct radical Islam.

One breed that we identity factions should destabilize and remove from the face off our planet is radical islam.

The force is ready to smash your fucking face with our rich healthy good looking attitudes.



> executes to extinct radical Islam.

So regular Islam then? You ever read the Quran? If anything the Sufi (a small and persecuted minority amongst Muslims) are radical for deviating way the fuck off from what the Quran actually dictates while groups like ISIS embody what Islam is about the most.



We'll break him out and help him start that cult.



according to nu/pol/ anyone who doesn't fall for the hollywood caricature psyop must be a leftist but revering the people's republic of china is perfectly fine


>>are radical for deviating way the fuck off from what the Quran actually dictates while groups like ISIS embody what Islam is about the most.

I don't know what you're trying to say here.


>>I don't know what you're trying to say here.

Exactly, I don't know what he means.



The modern Islam you're thinking of is a CIA creation.



Have you ever actually read the Quran?

If you had you'd see ISIS is just doing what Quran tells them to.



Have you ever actually heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

If you had you'd see the Sith are just doing what Darth Plagueis the Wise told them to.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


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Have you ever actually seen Middle Eastern culture?

If you had you'd see ISIS is just doing what the CIA tells them to.



I see you've taken the [redacted]!

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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