I'm sorry to have the bearer of bad news. However, as the previous posters have stated, there are ways to redemption and getting back on track. There is always a way. Here's my advice.
>perform cleansing and banishing rituals throughout your home
>meditate with the full intent and desire to cleanse your mind every day for at least 15 minutes
>wet fast for 3 days during this process
>cleanse your body with garlic, onion, and distilled water. Avoid garlic and onion afterward
Doing this ahould mentally and physically "reset" you. Spiritual matters are up to you, as your desire and intent will determine that. Make sure you practice your banishing rituals, because they're less effective if you can't properly draw a pentacle or hexagram in the air, let alone visualize the entire process.
I wish you the best of luck, my friend. And next time remember to READ READ READ. But never forsake responsible practice.