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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Many are engaged in a search for 'gnosis' and for truth.

Practice caution on /fringe/, pls…

Remember to not give yourself over to demon-manipulation and as I learned from /x/-paranormal to always research and understand something (at least as best you can) before trying it.

There is a lot of weird shite out there and I have witnessed negative happenstance here before and elsewhere on the web which often has irl repercussions….

t. srs intellectual who has read many books



It's true that you should research things alot before you try them. But if you spend your whole life reading and not experiencing, no matter what kind of grand shit you know. You'll not be able to get it working. Has to be the balance between experience and knowledge.



Well spoken, m8.

t. OP



inb4 smiley



I think I know what the OP is trying to get at, but I also agree with you. Unfortunately most fringe users are impatient and skip the theosophical meat when it comes to studying. Most people here are inclined to skip reading the Kybalion and jump straight ahead to The Key of Solomon and Libre Primus. Having limited knowledge in certain areas can really mess you up spiritually and mentally if you understand how to perform a ritual, but don't understand the meaning of the processes on a philosophical level.

Basically what I'm getting at is something like such

>larp wizard learns about tulpas

>larp wizard creates succubus tulpa

>larp wizard never read about succubi though

>gets mentally fucked by his tulpa

Succubi? More like suck-you-dry, amirite lel.


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I can haz neko girlfriend just like in anime?!


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Thus why I said larp wizard.

>mfw I will never have a demon waifu




This is probably how I'm going to just fuck my shit up (per >>129539) because I didn't even into tulpas first. I don't even know what a tulpa is, but I'm ready to go full balls deep into the Qliphoth and I don't even know what it is, thus proving >>129522 absolutely fucking right. Yeah. I'm probably going to die soon. I dove head long into this shit with zero fucks given. :(


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there are always paths of redemption and forgiveness of sins child



I had one. they're more trouble than they are worth imo.


Be strong, be true, be kind. don't let things take advantage of yyou you will be fine. I never fucked with tulpas but I did have magickal experience prior and some is probably necessary to keep yourself sane/grounded.



I'm sorry to have the bearer of bad news. However, as the previous posters have stated, there are ways to redemption and getting back on track. There is always a way. Here's my advice.

>perform cleansing and banishing rituals throughout your home

>meditate with the full intent and desire to cleanse your mind every day for at least 15 minutes

>wet fast for 3 days during this process

>cleanse your body with garlic, onion, and distilled water. Avoid garlic and onion afterward

Doing this ahould mentally and physically "reset" you. Spiritual matters are up to you, as your desire and intent will determine that. Make sure you practice your banishing rituals, because they're less effective if you can't properly draw a pentacle or hexagram in the air, let alone visualize the entire process.

I wish you the best of luck, my friend. And next time remember to READ READ READ. But never forsake responsible practice.


fucking ratpiss occultists


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>condemning occultists

>on an occultist board

Excuse me, what the fuck?

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