Not OP, but I made this post at the time. >>129649
I've been thinking about this a lot lately, so allow me to ramble a bit.
I'm not familiar with the John Titor style of time, but if it's anything like the "Books of Seth" type of time then I sort of get it (I think).
Personally I believe that one's subconsciousness is basically the arbitrator of your existence, that is to say: the subconscious encompasses both individual and collective sub-, as well as individual and collective personal consciousness. As such it holds the blueprints of, at the very least, all of your personal belief-, thought-, emotion-, behavior- ,etc, mind-patterns. The conscious part of your mind, the observer-participant, holds the keys to your subconscious part(s). It is possible therefore with enough will to fine-tune basically all of your mental capacities/experiences. I have also found that semantics serve very little, as it is the "emotional"/energetic force behind a thought or action which provides the impact. I read somewhere that the subconscious mind is able to process over 40 million bytes per second, while the conscious only reaches about 40 bytes. Everything you perceive gets stored and managed by your subconscious, aswell as every choice that is presented to you. Somewhere in your subconscious lurks your shadow, your higher self, your true will, all of your "splinter personalities" or "soul children", your spiritual "implants" as some call them, alongside your physical processes and your connection to higher and lower "dimensions" or spiritual/mental realms. Just as the input in your physical ears is managed in the brain, so too is input from the external and internal "non-physical" world managed.
Accounts of people (re-?) experiencing "past lives" are very easy to find. From personal experience I know that I had very very spookily accurate future-telling experiences, which have convinced me that it is possible to "see" both future and past, in ways that are not permitted so to speak by the societal mainstream discourse. I also remember watching the shazaam movie with sinbad on the tv as a kid, and not in english mind you. The explanation for the "mandela effect" that >>129673 gives, is what I used to explain to myself at the time that "lel I'm just retarded I guess". But if you really think about that: the idea that a single person can say one thing differently and it changes the beliefs of thousands and millions within one generation or two, is completely mind-boggling. One dude misremembers it once but states it like it is undisputed truth, and everyone around him just accepts and maintains and spreads that idea to the point where millions have heard of it? I understand that that can and does happen through ideas and discoveries and memes, but something easily provable like the "beam me up" example? Do those people then actually hear "Scotty"?
If consciousness is a two-way 4D radio, then the belief in a differing quote or meme makes it so in the collective conscious to the extent of the total force/will of the individual believers. If you add to that the notion of free agency and therefore proba-/possibility, shit gets spine-tingling yo. With every new choice arises the possibility and therefore the blueprint-like existence of each choice. When looking at a single or multiple futures or pasts, you are more or less looking at probabilities that ultimately your subconscious provides for you. It should therefore in principle be possible to achieve all kinds of time-fuckery. If you could go back to the point where the word time was invented, you could choose to enter the world where in english the word time was chosen to be "tiktik". That is, if you are both observer and participant in the experience. If such a feat is able to be done with one singular mind, and is done constantly by collective minds, it is probably possible to do it synthetically with a machine. CERN. In both cases you would need a big amount of energy to do it with many specifications, so indeed it would be a great feat to do so consciously. I will start with meditating on a timeline where, as stated in my first post, the world is greatly filled and filling with many energies pertaining to spiritual growth and physical power. Do me a favour and do the same. I will do so until I feel it is enough, whatever that means. I have also decided that I will become powerful lizard, whatever that means.
Sorry if I wasted your time, but I'd be really interested in any opinion or critique. I haven't found a logical reason for why these specific items like the bernsteins and pikachu would be changed but I imagine it is simply a by-product of the chosen timeline. However, I know of the wisdom of higher forces, so it might be that those changes are in a sense a marker or warning sign.