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Tipp's Fringe Bunker



Post your experiences and success performing Occultist Magic. Especially relating to the Key of Solomon, 6/7th Books of Moses, Book of Honorius etc.,


Hey, everybody!



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>Key of Solomon

>Bullshit Occultism

What the fuck are you on about, schizo-bro? Have you had some interesting revelations while dodging the Orderly's tranq gun? I know physical exhaustion can bring about new realizations. Please share with us your incoherent explanation as to why a core practice of the Thelemites is "bullshit". Please, oh wise one, please inform us, oh great Catpiss Magus!

On a serious note, this thread will only attract the highly imaginative, mentally damaged, neurotic, and egotisical types. Then again, this board has little to do with spiritual enlightenment, and more to do with teenage angst and impatience. I'm beginning to side with [redacted] insofar as saying all of you are mentally insane larpers. No one here reads books. Everyone here seeks validation for their mental illnesses.

Go take your meds.




Books led me to occultism, i started being heavily interested in the biblical Apocrypha, Gnosticism and other Esoteric mysticism and eventually found the Key of Solomon.

I hoped there would be people on this board who werent just larping schizos who could share their experiences.



>pretenses to knowledge

>memes neophytes and others as 'larping' and schizo unironically and not in good humor

>claims 'biblical apocrypha' led them to occultism


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Key of Solomon is just tulpamancy with extra bullshit. All you are doing is creating imaginary friends that you choose to let influence you; the rituals are only for getting your mojo flowing (getting into the mindset of doing shit). If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: this is just you the imaginer doing shit any normal person can do to hype themselves up into getting shit done.

You'd be better off inventing your own symbols and imaginary beings and manipulating them in your own creatively chosen ways. At least then the originality would improve your mind and give you some insight into the nature of the imaginary mind. Demons and angels are just imaginary entities -if more people realized this then they'd at least be creative enough to come up with their own.

Key of Solomon should be treated as a hypothetical template for how to make shit up; that isn't to say it's useless, but rather should be treated as inspiration for coming up with your own imaginary symbols/entities/powers. I know it sounds a tad on the postmodernist delusional side, but imaginary power really is a valid form of power if you accept that it is just imagined.

We live in a world where our imaginations are connected via the ideosphere, our minds are connected by hivemind entities, and memes permeate us all -imaginary power is useful in this context. This is Kybalion generalization #1 users; though I'd add that while ALL may be imagined (emphasis on 'may,' since we don't know how much this universe was created by an administrator versus by reactions between nothingness and existence), some imagined things are more pragmatic than others.

tl;dr suck my magidick read the fucking post

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



danks for the shoutout mah boi

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



Dank post. So tulpas & magick in general are more of a placebo effect than something real?

And the placebo will help you to understand your own mind, thus making you better at harnessing 'imaginary' power



Gnosticism led me to occultism dingus



I think you need to study Plato more and consider what his philosophy implies about imaginary beings.



The word you're looking for is subjective.

Magick has objective manifestations and thoughts are an actual objective thing manifest on the mental plane. They are not contained in a subjective sphere of existence.

The placebo effect is a catch-all term for "wtf that guy appears to have spontaneously healed / improved, spontaneous because we can't identify the actual causal mechanism, since we deny the reality of thought-influence".


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Tulpas (imaginary friends/beings) on average have around 5% free will and 95% you the user acting out their thoughts; I pulled this number out of my ass based on how strongly I feel imagined beings of my mind had free will starting out. The better you get at it, the more the former percentage overtakes the latter percentage. For point of reference, the average human being I'd say is 80% free will and 20% a product of the universe's actions; again, a number I pulled out of my ass based on observation and experience that definitely varies from person to person. A person who can actively pursue their free will despite the environment's immense opposition might have 95% free will and be 5% a product of the universe's actions; again numbers I made up as a general way of understanding this concept.


This also applies to hivemind entities aka imaginary beings made of memes that exist across multiple people simultaneously, with the multiple people being 'servers' of sorts that host copies of the hivemind entity that together make it stronger. However, hivemind entities have to have active communication between their hosts in order for the hivemind entity to start gaining unified free will that transcends an individual's single brain and instead exists as one free will across multiple individual minds. Somewhat like establishing a more powerful country by unifying other territories under it.

What I'm saying here is backed by our observations -there is as much reason to believe in favor of this Theory of Hivemind Free Will, as there is to believe in the commonly accepted theory that there are no hivemind entities -which brings into question why the latter is accepted over the former when there's equal evidence for both.

Placebo probably plays into this but I haven't thought much about the placebo effect.


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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So in the case of Solomon, he was essentially just a hardcore tulpamancer?

theres lots of literature that references him being able to control and manipulate legions of Jinn (Demons), were these all just personalities within Solomons mind? can the Jinn themselves only exist within the mind of the person who summons them or do they exist in a spiritual realm before they are summoned, is a Jinn/demon/imaginary being only brought into existence when someone creates it?

As for hivemind entities, does that mean that the God of Abraham (Yaldabaoth/Saturn etc.) only exists within the minds of the "servers" that follow it? or was the Demiurge an entity or frequency that existed first and began calling people to follow it, and the more followers it has the more powerful it becomes


So are the effects of magick are subjective to the user, but come from an objective thought in the mind

I'll have to get around to reading the Kybalion eventually too



Solomon's probably not real but if he was real and if the claims about him are true, then yes he absolutely was just a hardcore tulpamancer. Nobody ever admits it, but pretty much anyone who genuinely believes they were or are in contact with religious entities were in contact with imagined beings.

An imagined being solely comes into existence by being imagined into existence.

Hivemind beings exist across multiple minds which is what makes them especially powerful because if one person wants them gone, that in itself won't get rid of them. Ideas by themselves can only go so far but memes have influential power to them. Thus, the hivemind tulpa always trumps the single-minded tulpa.

Servers in this case I mean more in the technical sense, like a video game's server; but it simultaneously also would mean server in the religious sense.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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