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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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2 years ago I used chaos magick to get money, fame and pussy. It fucking worked. Beautifully. Now I’m stuck in this weird place. I’m way better than I was but I want more. A lot more.

Help me /Fringe/ to get more. A lot more.


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chaos magick is just the beginning


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Just sign here _

no need to read the fine print



t. confused edgelord


Everyone who has walked your path before has been in that situation you're now. Once you realize literally any thing you might desire is within your reach, it loses a bit of value, and you start wanting “more”. But what is “more”?

You’re on a pretty cool path, so I wont spoil it for you, but don’t be fooled like the faggot I quoted earlier. It’s not a matter of what path you take. All paths can lead you to your destination. The answer is within you, not without. Just keep desiring, and keep seeking. You’ll eventually get there.



Maybe I was a bit cryptic. I’ll synthetize: desire, cast, attain, repeat.


What are some key books people read relating to Chaos Magick?



Ghostemane get out


Congrats bro. Challenge yourself, what's somrthingnyou c0uld never have or achieve? Make it happen. Do note that this advices comes from someone who has difficulty reliably manifesting outcomes.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Drunk and stoned comic book writer explains everything you need to know.


Can you describe in whatever detail you can how you did it?



Do you want more money, fame and pussy? Or do you want more and more diverse benefits of the usage of magick?



Op here.

Yeah… I'll try to be as detailed as possible. Wall of text incoming.

I realized that the hardest part to make my sigils work was forgetting the original desire and don't be eager to get results. So I made myself a 'Blind Desire Box'. I started by writting all the desires that crossed my mind in a notebook and challenge myself to not cast any sigil until the notebook was filled. As usual I tried to be as clear and concise in writting the desire as I could. It took me forever to fill the whole notebook (not forever, like 6 months). I wrote huge desires like making a shit ton of money easy, or fucking that or this girl, but also wrote 'small' desires: having a great meal, to have a nice talk with my father, finding a rare book. Once the notebook was full of desires I re read each one and expunged those that didn't make any sense, were repeated or I simply didn't desired them anymore.

I found a package of old paper, yellowed and kinda moldy and drew a sigil for each desire. I took my time doing this. Maybe a month… Once I drew all the sigils on paper, I burnt the note book, spilled the ashes to the winds.

Then, I got an old tin box and put all the drawn sigils in it. The paper and the box had to be old because I felt these objects would be charged if time had passed through them. Also, theatrics. I put the sigils in, and waited for 3 new moons to start casting them. Why 3? because I like the number 3.

Then whenever I felt like it, I would cast one. I used the usual methods, jerking off to it, running like mad, spinning, walking aimlessly for hours, fasting, hyperventilating, getting drunk… I would usually burn the sigil afterwards. I buried a few. And everytime I charged one of them I would shuffle the whole pack, so everything was randomized.

The beauty of it was that by the time I cast the first sigil I had already forgot the desire, also it was easier to forget the sigil itself while maintaining a soft tension for non-specific-results. Also every sigil was treated equal, no matter how big of a desire they represented.

I would realize that I had already burnt trough an specific desire whenever I got the results.

That was pretty much it.

Also, an unintended bonus I got from this work was that by drawing so many sigils, I inadvertedly made myself a desire alphabet. I'm getting weird but interesting results with it.

There ya go.



Both. I mean, one will bring the other and viceversa.



Can you share the alphabet?



Does forgetting the meaning of the Sigil make that much of a difference to the outcome?


I've been chaos-pilling a femanon from /pol/ who is in my province.

Her heart chakra is shut down and no doubt the upper three chakras that make one not an NPC are blocked too.

I want to try and unblock it and I have various ideas to test out but would like to hear some from you all.

Her exact words: "I know I said it before, but it feels like there's something in the middle of my chest that prevents me from really believing in anything esoteric or spiritual or whatever you want to call it."



Nope. At least not yet. I think I have to refine it before doing something like that.

Also, why would you want to use someone else’s desire alphabet?



In my experience it seems to be the case. I guess everyone is different.



What exactly do you want to achieve? For her to start believing esoteric stuff? Why?



What exactly is an alphabet of desire? I've seen the term but I've never understood. Also, how do you make one?

Thank you



For her to be opened to divine gnosis and be a real human bean.


Because I know the torture of the lower planes of consciousness and wish to rise up, given the opportunity to do so, those who reside upon that plane. It is a great joy for me to do this even for one person, even if it takes a week or a month, or what have you; it is one less person suffering and lost.



Dude. Read on chaos magic.

An alphabet of desire is a writing system made out of sigils. For example, I used a lot the phrase "it is my will…" to state desires, son this whole phrase became a sign.

There is also a sign for sex, money, fame, power, or for "may my will become matter" and so on.




Design a series of instructions for her to cast a sigil. Convince her to do it, just this once. Tell her she doesn't have to believe and just give it a try. Ask her to send you photos of the ritual, whatever it is.

Meanwhile, you sigilize her success. Expect the best.



>tries to bring a soulless female to Gnosis instead of a worthy young lad

cucked and bluepilled.


Yeah, why choose a chick? Because hope of pussy and female validation, obviously. It will be a waste of time, trust me.


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How can I fix my solar-plexus chakra?

At least I think it's that one, it's just below where the bones of the rib-cage in the middle begin.

It's pretty fucked up.


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how do you mean fucked up

you need to draw on the lower chakras. solar plexus is your inner sun & personal power. self mastery is key to it radiating. unevolved solar plexus, severe lack of confidence, insecurity, attempts to dominate others

strengthen root chakra - no (or just less) fap, take a walk, anything physical and earth related is good here. to strengthen sacral chakra - some kind of meditation is helpful. anything emotionally cathartic (music, art, creative expression) will help release tension

now you’ve built up power to your solar plexus.

start setting goals and following through. respect your own intentions. accept and honor your power through responsibly acknowledging your needs by manifesting your desires

naturally we’re all manifestors. solar plexus affirms that our creative expression of intention is indistinguishable from whatever you are manifesting; trust yourself anon


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>how do you mean fucked up

It's the worst of the bunch. I have an autoimmune disease centered on that area. If I pay attention to it I can feel "pressure" there. It doesn't bother me usually tough. Kinda like the "you are now breathing manually" thing.

The pressure was way stronger when I started no fap seriously, then it came back to normal after I did, involuntarily tough . Hasn't increased or decreased since.

>anything physical and earth related

I take walks, should try and get more varied exercises tough. I admit that's a flaw.

>strengthen sacral chakra - some kind of meditation is helpful. anything emotionally cathartic (music, art, creative expression)

I'm good at those, it just feels a bit frivolous to pursue them right now. I'd rather preserve my energy for other things.

>start setting goals and following through

I'm kinda drifting right now. Don't know exactly what I should be aiming at. I've asked/prayed for guidance in this. "I wish I knew what to wish for" . Heh, it'll come eventually.



Plot twist: OP is a girl btw


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Any discussion of magic on this slow motion train wreck of personality disorders called a /board/ are cool with me.

If pinnacle achieved, move on to psychedelics.

With caution of course.

What you should already be experiencing if your on an initiative path can be achieved, technically, with psychoactive substances.

If your not on an initiatory path then you'll just have a nice trip, and cool stories to tell. Along with some lingering "things".

I'm not a big fan of drugs or of fucking druggies and all the bullshit they inevitably drag along with them. Even after years of being off of drugs, you can still tell the druggies. They slip into that fucked up state of mind at the mere mention of cough syrup, and start rattling off their tales of far off realms that anyone with a degree of innate magical prowess has long moved past.

Still, I'll take a druggies phanatical ramblings over a "muh science" spending hours explaining away why they lost their shit when something paranormal happens.


I guess this is just chaos magick general now then. What are some weird ways you guys like to cast sigils? Here are some of mine:

>Wim Hof breath work

>falling over while staring at it in a trance during the brief moment of panic

>holding in a dump/piss all day past the point of being busting for it and staring at it as you finally release

>putting it right next to your alarm when you wake up so you see it immediately after waking up in that confused panic state where you're trying to turn off your alarm


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>open eye meditation and energywork visualization

>fapping (reconsidering due to massive energy loss)

>leaving it in plain sight over months until it becomes invisible out of habit

>candle magic/incense oferings (this one is very hit and miss)


Can you be more specific as to things you achieved? For inspiration. I myself got two salary raises, a change of job and random free money and food. Perhaps other things I forgot. As you can see I’m a bit lacking in ambition.

Also Chaos Magic general, nice.


This'll sound rambly but I'd like it off my chest if you anons don't mind.

I started out with discordianism because top kek, Prometheus Rising and the like. I have a shamanic (siberian and native american tradition) grandma and a lawyer (linguo-"magic") father. I've felt from a very young age that it is only cheating if you get caught and I've always had an interest in higher truths. I'm rediscovering how deeply emotions go (I used to cry alot as a child and green was always my favourite colour) and it is almost as terrifying as it is beautiful and elevating.

What pricks my mind is the idea that one should preserve energy. 'tis true no doubt. However I have these moments of synchronicity where I have an original thought and a crow crows or a dog barks or the upstairs kids trample around like wild. I look at the clock and it's some double or triple number, I walk around and see car plates with relevant numbers and letters, again at pretty much the exact moment where I feel a truth within me to have surfaced. Recently I came home and out of nowhere the phrase "the less you look, the more you see" popped into my mind, and at that exact moment the power shuts down.

What I have trouble with is the fact that all of this stuff seems too perfect to be real. It consistently spooks me even though I know to expect it. My body feels it coming and rejoices mightily, and yet my ego(?) tells me "but those cars are real cars, built, owned, numbered and parked by real people". I guess my problem is that, atleast at the surface both explanations of "it's you" and "it has nothing to do with you" seem valid, only one to my gut and the other to my mind. When I go deeper though I still find the same problem, no matter HOW deep I go. At the same time, because of my impossibly high ambitions, my mind tells me "if it is real, why not go full solipsism instantly and become not just A god, but God".

I guess my question is something like "how do I trust my emotions and tell my ego to shut up for long enough to achieve my desires" because everytime I make progress my ego likes to interfere with the thought of "but it could also be random". That voice of doubt is getting more silent, and I meditate regularly and am getting better at it, but I still feel that block. I'm really fucking good at visualizing, I see the merkaba, a few months ago I evoked two demons(?) by "accident". Spooked me out hard and I told myself those were just figments of my imagination until they went away. I just hate the fact that my ego keeps telling me "it could also just be schizophrenia", which, considering I have a history of mental illness, might not be too far off. I've gotten tested and all but still.

Is there a technique, a phrase, to make my ego accepting of my emotion's wisdom? To dissolve the wall of doubt and mistrust so as to let the power of creation flow freely?

sry for the wall of text

tl;dr: how to trust myself and my spirits?



I had the same problem as you, and it doesn't seem to go away. That doesn't mean it's an obstacle. Just a quirk you live with. However, the trick is not to try to make it go away, but to realize there is no spoon there is no conflict. Realize that it is your imagination. In fact, everything you experience is a figment of your imagination. As Lon Milo DuQuette says: "it's all in your head… you just have no idea how big your head is".

There is no difference between those two explanations to feel conflicted about. Reflect on that.


When you say 'chaos magic' do you mean that lewis carrol thing or is there a deeper, less toungue-in-cheek work?



Op here… sure. I’ve achieved insane stuff trough chaos magic. Wall of text incoming. The biggest 3 wins have been:

1. Losing almost 50 pounds. I was a fat isolated neet. I sigilized to lose weight while thinking “I rather be dead than keep being this disgusting blob” so I better lose weight. Two months later I was puking and shitting my guts out due to a very aggressive bug. When the ordeal was over I could only eat non sugary oatmeal and grapes for weeks. I lost almost 50 pounds in 3 months and learnt that chaos magic is only for you if you are able to laugh at the twisted sense of humor the universe has.

2. Winning two literary contests a month apart each.This is the two things that have changed my life the most. During my neetdom I wrote 3 novels. I spent 5 years trying to get them published and never got anything but rejection letters. I sent them to contests. One fucking morning I woke up to the phone ringing. I had won this national contest (I don’t live in the US) and a transnational publishing house would publish my novel, along with an exclusivity deal and a pettry hefty payment. I gave interviews for national media and did a blitz tour trough the country. I became a sorta celebrity in my town. Then, 22 days later I won another contest. The whole thing repeated again. Both publishing houses got into a bidding war to get my work published and I got to choose the best one. Anything and everything I’ve done since then, has been painted by this two things.

3. With fame and money came the women. 6 months after I won I got to meet this girl. Upperclass but insanely hot bitch. His father liked me because I was a writer, spent a few nights drinking in his McMansion. This bitch would never look at me in any fucking way, but I sigilized fucking her. I did. And word spread that I was sleeping with her and women started knocking at my door.

So yeah… even if it sounds like an infomercial chaos magick made who I am today. Wanna hear how I had to pay for it all? As you know everything has consequences.



You mean Peter Carrol. But yeah, that one. Although more influenced by vid related in >>129732


I tried to avoid drugs like the plague. I’ve seen a lot of people drown in that sinkhole



>Wanna hear how I had to pay for it all?

Well, don't leave us hanging now! It's a fucking brilliant story.



This. Don't blueball us OP.



Op here… here we go.

Chaos magic has a tendency to create non intended secondary effects. Sometimes detrimental effects. I think all magic, regardless of the system, creates unintended consequences. Depending on your belief system, you either become blind to them or you just postpone them for another day.

>But muh banishing….

yeah, no matter how thorough you are about your process you will always have leaks…it’s like the universe has a tendency to balance itself out:

>here, have this gem, but at the same time, have this two pounds of shit. Good riddance.

So, 4 months after winning these contests my father is diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. Doctors gave him 6 months to live, he died 3 months after the diagnosis.

>have this fucking diamond, but also this metric ton of shit.

So… yeah. And I think this is how the universe works.


>Leaving it in plain sight over months…

Does this work for you?



Human life is short and random. The universe is long balancing act. Short term coincidences are usually just coincidences. Long term patterns are usually the reliable thing one might call balance. Alas, short are our human lives, but long is the universe. Do not live in the shadow of fear in thinking you must suffer in order to eventually be happy. True balance is ideal by its nature -in the end it does not require suffering. Mistaking this flawed universe as the ideal model of balance would be a disservice to the balanced future humanity will some day achieve.


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>His father


I'm curious if you think these "wins" are necessarily incremental. Like, purely for example, if you only cared about that girl and nothing else. Would your sigil for fucking her still find some other (or the same) path to her or is it better to consciously manifest the prerequisites (being unfat and unpoor, etc.) even if you don't actually want them in particular?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I would like to offer an alternative explanation to you, because I haven’t experienced that supposed balancing.

You got inititated. Good and bad synchronicities are going to start for you because you’re now open to a wider reality and you have been noticed both for good and bad. There are a lot of predators out there that will try to loosh you, and a lot of entities that are always looking for “awake” humans to help them fix something or other.

You will start to notice others’ karma and your own unravel more clearly, like a superhero in the middle of a city full of crime.

And of course you can decide not to take on this shamanic role, but then you will have to learn to navigate it nevertheless, so that you don’t have unintended consequences you can’t seem to understand.

Don’t fall for the wicca meme of balance or the judeochristian guilt complex.

>no matter what it balances iut

>chaos magick creates secondary effects

>all magic has unintended consequences

These are all assumptions. Have a better scientific mindset. Test your hypotheses and you’ll see things are much more complicated than that. I can assure you these statements in particular are not true for all magic, only for magic done with insufficient expertise and understanding of the mechanics of it.

Understand, overcome and master. You are opening up to a whole new reality. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot before you’re even started.



By the way, don’t think for a second you are responsible for your dad’s death. He himself is the sole responsible.

Good luck and I hope you don’t give up. Think outside the box. Don’t get trapped by what others have written about magic, no matter how big their names or established their traditions. Build your own understanding of the universe and use it!



It takes the path of least resistance, like a stream of water going downhill in-between rocks so that the greatest effect is done with the least energy by probabilistic selection. And it also takes the path of least expectancy for different, more complicated reasons.

Sorry for the multiple posts.



So what would have to be done say, to save the white race? In terms of what I would give for this, I would give my life, on the condition that the white (europeans) race survives and doesn't have anymore "close calls" as we are seeing today.

What would be the negatives that would be imparted on me for this to materialize into the IRL?



If the things are correlated, and that's a big if, do you believe that, in hindsight, it was worth it?



Op here…

Yep. What >>130064 said. Least resistance, least expected. And yeah, I got problems with nouns in english


I have a scientific mindset. I have 6 magic journals full of trials and all the time I've found there is a layer of stuff getting out of control. Some sort of 'chaos' if you will. Might be that chaos magick provokes these reactions and other systems don't? Sure, I'm open to that explanation.

>Understand, overcome and master

Wise words.

>Don’t shoot yourself in the foot before you’re even started.

Yup, I know that. I'm still searching and testing shit out.


>By the way, don’t think for a second you are responsible for your dad’s death.

Not for a second I think I'm responsible for it. The thing is, I believe chaos magick opens up a cosmogony that needs to accomodate a twisted sense of humor in order to understand the place humans occupy in the universe. You are hacking to the main matrix, devoid of a belief system as a firewall… It is only logical there will be shit going on, even if it's only one's own confirmation bias going haywire.


>If the things are correlated, and that's a big if, do you believe that, in hindsight, it was worth it?

Chaos magic doesn't –I think– deals with casuse and effect as we understand them. It's something similar to that annoying analogy of the butterfly and the tornado… Or whatever. Probabilities become so infinitesimally improbable, and yet they happen, but they are so far removed from what we humans understand. I call them consequences for lack of a better terminology.

Having said that, if my father's death was correlated to me succeeding, would it be worth it?

Yes, yes it would be worth it. As I see it, if there was correlation, there were only 4 probabilities:

1. I didn't succeed, he didn't die. This wasn't viable. I was so fucking sick of neetdom. I probably would've died before he did.

2. I didn't succeed, he died. This would've put me in an awful shithole.

3. I Succeeded, He died. This is the version of reality the universe set upon. And it's the best outcome of all. Me succeeding meant I had the inner and outer networks to cope with his passing.

4. I succeeded, he lived. This is the absolute ideal universe. But everything has a consequence to it. And no, this is not the 'judeochristian guilt complex', it's a matter of fact.

So yeah. If it was related, it was worth it.



>So what would have to be done say, to save the white race? In terms of what I would give for this, I would give my life,

You can cast all types of spells and enchantments and whatever to win the lottery, but if you don't go out and actually buy a ticket you won't win shit.

So, if you are willing to sacrifice your life to save the white race, then go out and impregnate as many white women as you can. If you are willing to die for it, you'll be willing to fuck them by the means you see necessary. A prerequesite for this, obviously, would be that you find a way to ensure the survival of your offspring until they are old enough to fend for themselves. Find and gather similarly thinking men as you, start a white birthing farm.

>What would be the negatives that would be imparted on me for this to materialize into the IRL?

You'll have to renounce your life to achieve this, also pretty much all humanity will be against you. But hey, you are willing to give your life to this cause. It should be easy for you



An individual saving a collective needs massive balls. As >>130080 said, create a birthing farm. Or. if you're into it and since this is now chaos magick general, try the guerilla methods of discordianism. Spray paint stuff that activates subconscious parts of people, stuff that gets them thinking, makes them uncomfortable to look at. "It's okay to be white" was already quite genial, but in your case not nearly enough. Maybe something like "why is black pride good, and white pride evil?". Better yet, try accelerationism. Try "race war now" or some shit if you have the balls. Just remember who the real enemy is. It's NOT the antifa useful idiots. It's the people that supply both their and your side. Ultimately it's about confidence. Most spells in DnD are cast with charisma. Remember tho that whatever happens on the internet stays on the internet. All people are dogs, there are no women, nothing is believed on the internet, but IRL is another matter entirely.

Build your charisma, get some demons or whatever to do shit for you, red /green/black/indigo/iron pill more and more people, watch as Schlomo whatever you call em tries his best to create more and more distractions, gets worse at making them actually interesting or believable, rinse and repeat. (((They))) know the playbook so you should too HAVE TO . Find a deity to be your partner in crime, find people that you can trust your life with, people you would march into war with without a second thought. Ultimately, be as accepting as you can because even most people that would actually say yes to "holocausting the white race" still do so from a place of righteousness and compassion. Don't break someone's legs if the person who sells you the bat, and who mends the leg, is the same person. Especially if that person is not on the streets fighting you, but watching from their tower, sipping their blood-stained martini, painting their excrements onto a wall calling it art, fucking their serving-boys into their asshole, smoking their hand-rolled-on-the-thighs-of-virgins cigars while spitting into your beggar-father's face because he couldn't pay rent to a dude who owns ten fucking cars. I hate these people so goddamn much, fucking elitists that do nothing but divide and conquer while telling you how evil you are for wanting the same. Worse yet, they create easy-to-use mindframes for more sheepish people like the reddits, that reward them for thinking how a good goy/slave would and should.

Politically, as an anarchist, I wish you, an assumed fascist, all the best so long as you don't ever fucking forget who the real culprit is. Always kill a traitor before an enemy Jimbo. Break their shitty fucking dialectic, demolish their kayfabe, make them choke on their own fucking shit. Force chaos down their throat and make them birth the most brilliant star the universe has ever seen. Kill the man behind the man behind the man behind the throne, and you kill the throne. True power is effortless, and (((their))) efforts to keep mankind in chains have been endless. They shall not win. Freedom, and security, and whatever else good stuff there is shall reign supreme. Fuck these people. If any spooks should read this, honestly, from the bottom of my fucking heart, absolutely kill yourselves. The anarchists stand with the fascists against the spooks. The future is glorious and you traitors are not in it. yes I'm drunk but I mean every single letter and comma good luck anons, I genuinely love you all there should be a rope maker flag


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>4. I succeeded, he lived. This is the absolute ideal universe. But everything has a consequence to it. And no, this is not the 'judeochristian guilt complex', it's a matter of fact.

Yes, but only in the sense that everything is connected and everything affects everything else. Never in the sense that in order to get something good, you need to suffer something bad.

In this case in particular I'd say your dad's karma (the cause and effect chain of his life) simply required him to go to his next life. Or perhaps the combination of your karma, your magic (artificial/forced karma) and his karma resulted in this. But as you said, the universe does not judge.


Do you think there is any merit to casting a sigil more than once? isn't that sort of how a talisman is made?




Gott mitt uns, comrades.

the rope maker flag is black and yellow :)



There’s something else. Most people don’t have enough power to affect their own karma in any meaningful way. Not to mention that of milions of people.



Couldn't he just transport himself to an alternate universe where nazis won or something? It would be a lot easier, and effectively the same.



I don't know who your god is Genosse, and I'm more red than yellow because muh kumbaya. And I'm not allowed to agree with you because Gleichschaltung. But yes. The gods stand with us. Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi smiles her glory and teaches us to smile our own. Gott mit uns; Göttin mit uns; jedem das seine; Ave Drakosophia, Morituri te salutant.


Do you believe in past-life karma? Or do you mean "regular" present-karma? Because past-life karma is imo as much a chain and tool for enslavement as original sin is. In any case, one need not try and affect millions without if one knows to affect the millions within. The universe steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.


Possibly but isn't it way more glorious to do so in this world, rather than "flee" into another? And he would leave behind his comrades making their not mine fuck off spooks struggle harder.




But how would one even do that



I haven't done it consciously so I don't any special "technique" but I'm confident that it has to do with the correct frequency. Imagine the timeline you want to be in as vividly as you can (I might use scenes from the newest Wolfenstein to get a feel), then immerse yourself in that feeling. How would you imagine it to be done without some CERN level apparatus?


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Something needs to be clarified at this point. Timelines are not separate as in Primer[1] or Steins;Gate.[2]

Rather, time and space being inseparable, different timelines exist in different regions of space. Non-locality is interaction between timelines and regions of space, because they are the same thing. In order for timelines to be separate, strict—what science now calls—quantum separation needs to exist between two regions.[3] Otherwise the timelines will share similarities (they will be entangled), and eventually the differences become small enough that close enough timelines can be considered one and the same. An interesting thought exercise is to consider how no two people live exactly in the same timeline, no matter how close they are.

Regions of space as I'm defining them do not need to be continuous, and thus neither do timelines in a spatial sense. They are defined by having a unique emotional/energetic "frequency". You and your close friend, kilometres apart, share an emotional and mental space, and thus a timeline, while the apartment across the street can be in a different one. It's all about vibrational distance, rather than spatial (or temporal) separation. However, spatial closeness usually entails vibrational closeness because physical proximity promotes vibrational interaction (and enforcing this separation at a close proximity requires the kind of isolation techniques used in quantum computers, or black holes).

All this is why

>Imagine the timeline you want to be in as vividly as you can

works, but not in the way you'd expect if timelines worked in a Hollywood fashion. When it works, it looks like magick, like coincidence (because it is).[4] Moving into a different timeline is not noticed physically, because the change is vibrational (for lack of a better word, but I mean "emotional or imaginal resonance"; you get what I mean). Magic in the presence or with the involvement of other people, especially those not aligned with your intent, is more difficult because of this.

We think we live in a timeline, but in reality, if we could see the "timelines", the world would look like different blobs of paint sliding against each other, mixing, absorbing and repelling each other. Physical reality is not as monolithic as we tend to think. It's made of pieces, clouds of probability and emotion linked to a particular region of spacetime. And the pieces that for any reason don't interact are free to go their own ways inasmuch there's that lack of interaction.

And you don't need CERN-level apparatus. In fact, technology as we understand it is not capable of interacting with reality on that level. No amount of magnets or electricity can. Maybe something that alters gravity can interact with it. Gravity and consciousness being closely related.[5]

As a bonus, let me say, all magic is nothing more than altering this "paint" that makes up the timeline you're swimming in by transmuting its color and ejecting it like a squid shitting out its ink, effectively changing the astral topology of the environment you occupy.[6][7]

Ritual, be it charging a sigil[8], doing ceremonial magick or even prayer in some cases, is nothing more than sending this type of energy through a lens that colours it a certain way, with the same effect. More complex intents usually need external lenses of this type, but with enough imaginative skill, you can put out the desired vibration directly.[9] The only discipline that is different in this regard is spiritism/demonolatry, because you're getting other beings to do that work for you.

I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense to you. I asure you it makes a lot of sense, but explaining it is difficult as fuck.

[1] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390384/

[2] https://myanimelist.net/anime/9253/Steins_Gate

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR3Msi1YeXQ

[4] https://www.reddit.com/r/DimensionalJumping/comments/71b154/jumping_allowed_me_to_get_a_single_dorm_in/

[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N2cn6zqnR8

[6] https://www.amazon.com/Magnum-Opus-Step-Course-ebook/dp/B07MDSTG1D/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1547043672&sr=1-1&keywords=john+kreiter

[7] https://johnkreiter.com/

[8] Interestingly, even most accomplished magicians don't know what they're really doing when they charge sigils, even though they do it very effectively. I think I have never seen a sigil tutorial that actually understood what is going on under the hood. Although you don't need to in order to make it work.

[9] https://www.quareia.com/



This makes perfect sense, thank you for your insight.

Since I'm a beginner, what would you recommend as a good starting point? What could be some sources for [8] ?



Doing magic (except when doing it with spirit pacts) is in essence imbuing energy with intent and letting it impact consensus reality.

Sigils are a very easy method of manifestation because they separate the setting of the intention and the energizing. You don't need to hold unwavering and clear intent while simultaneously emitting energy. Instead, the intent is encoded in the sigil (better or worse depending on your effort in writing the statement or representing it otherwise), and the energy is used later to charge it. The only requirement being that the charging is done cleanly. This is usually achieved with the state some people call "gnosis". A blank mind trace.

There are hundreds of sigil charging methods. You can give the sigil attention while keeping your mind empty. In order to give it attention, or energy, imagine the sigil is an attractive girl and you are checking her out thoroughly, but don't let your mind wander. That should do the trick. You will know it's working when the sigil reacts (you will know what this means when it happens). Just don't get too hung up on it. Finding that balance between giving attention and keeping an empty thoughtless state is difficult. Practice makes perfect.



Could you explain how you would create a sigil?



The usual:

>write statement of intent

>remove vowels and repeated consonants

>make pretty drawing

This is actually quite good, and as a bonus it is sure to trigger insecure faggots: https://thetravelingwitch.com/blog/2016/12/21/creating-sigils

Just scroll down to the "how to make a sigil" section. Also, you probably want to add some protection clauses to your statement, such as "… harming none" or "… benefiting everyone involved". That way you make sure the magic doesn't take the shortest route if that happens to involve harming you or your loved ones.



this sounds fucking retarded but im trying it



Thank you.

Stupid question but what if my hand writing is really bad?

I mean really really bad i don't think i can make the same Sigil again it will always be a little different, will it work the same ?



If you understand what sigils are you’ll see it doesn’t matter. Also they’re one use, so you don’t need to make the same sigil twice. In any case, many sigils can come out of the same statement. All valid.

Sigils encode an intention in a sort of frozen state. So make sure when you finish your sigil you’re satisfied. Don’t start thinking “oh, my handwriting is shit, I wonder if this’ll work” or “my artistic skills are shit” or something like that which would taint the spell.

Get autistic about it and get into that flow state making it, like a child that loses the track of time doodling.

Practice until you get it right.




ok so i tried this shit. made an ugly simple sigil that i was going to win 1000 euros in a scratch ticket

bought a ticket and won 3 euros, which is the price of the ticket. i guess ill turn it in and get another one when i go back to the store in a couple of days but really this just seems retarded



that link provides a completely different description than this >>130265

or this >>129732

the link says it's about the unconcious mind, makes it sound not very different from just a proper prayer, but that would also mean you cant use it to directly affect the universe, like winning at the lottery


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>didn't wait until you forgot about the sigil's meaning before activating it

>didn't forget about the spell after doing it

>first shoddy sigil tries to go against the cosmic odds of lottery

I'm suprised you even got those 3 euros back to be honest.


I posted that link because she describes the method of making sigils very well, that's all.

runesoup.com has a very good sigils course. It costs ~$30 for 3 months of access to all the courses, and you can finish it in a couple of weeks.

Or watch the whole of this playlist back to back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCb3EpS0UwM&list=PLWL-f1YBw48NKF1PasvuAM5oyiT73A12i

And please stop asking questions and start doing. Otherwise you won't ever get anywhere. I'm out of this thread for good.



Thanks for everything, mate.



i didnt even ask a question. i literally just did what the weird guy in >>129732 told me to

>cosmic odds

kek. what makes it cosmic odds and not just odds?

>you have to forget about it

youre the only one who talks about that. how would i not remember it after doing it though, i dont commonly buy lottery tickets, i would have to remember it in order to buy the ticket in the first place

how exactly did you get money from doing magic if you don't mind me asking? lottery or something else?



I've got another good method. I call it "timer roulette". It's based on the idea that you can reach the necessary clear-mindedness through a moment of fear.

>get a sigil together

>get some kind of timer or alarm that allows you to set it to go off at a time reasonably close to now without looking (I have an app on my phone that works well for this) - so, for example, your timer might go off one minute and twenty seven seconds after you start it, but you didn't see so you don't know when it's going to go off

>hold it really close to your ear

>stare at your sigil and get into a trance

>the alarm goes off when you least expect it, giving you a massive fright since it's right next to your ear



>This bitch would never look at me in any fucking way, but I sigilized fucking her. I did.

OP (or anyone else), I need help on this one. Recently I met this cute girl, on college, because we're in a big project together. We have already introduced and got to know ourselves better. We share a similar familiar background story, and have a lot in common. Thing is I'm going to ask her out in around t minus 4 days, when we are finally free from college. This is the closest I've been from finally getting a gf after multiple rejections in the past. Should I just visualize+sigilize+<anything else> like a madman all day for the remainder of time i have left before I see her again and ask her out? Which sigil phrases do you recommend I use to attract her to me, the fastest way possible? Will multiple sigils fuck up my goal? Will combining sigils, emotional resonance and visualization screw this up?



Don't overthink it.

Sigilize it once, and then be done with it. Be OK if she declines you, you won't have lost anything. You need to not come across as a desperate loser.



Fuck that, persistence pays off.



Yeah but persisting on being wrong will only make you worse off longer.


So I'm a newfig to magic and /fringe/ and I've been reading some stuff on chaos magic and sigils. I've read people talking about creating sigils, charging it with intent and energy, putting it on paper, forgetting about it for a bit then destroying it and I've also heard about people marking an object (books, tools, weapons, buildings, etc) with sigils to charge it with certain intentions and energy. Whats the difference between sigils that are just left on an object and sigils that you bury or burn?



Rather than getting a straight answer, it's more productive if you answer this and we go from there: what do you think the difference could be?



I think that when the sigil is marked down that maybe the intent and energy is binded to that specific object and therefore mostly just affects the object and maybe the area around/things that contact it but when it is destroyed it is released into the rest of the universe and has an affect on all of time and space



Just by reading your posts I can assure that you will never get anything that resembles your desire.

The second best way to poison a sigil is to have a lust for results all troughout the process. If you lust after the results you will get nothing.

The best way to poison a sigil is to lust after the results and expect for it to work against the clock. As in t minus 4 days. That way will not only bring you no results at all, it will probably bring you the complete opposite of what you wanted.

You have to forget the desire and the sigilized version of the desire, while maintaining an expectant attitude towards the future. In other words you have to drive your desire into your unconcious mind. That way you get the grind of the universe moving.



>and therefore mostly just affects the object and maybe the area around/things that contact it

So if your will is to win the lottery and you attach it to, let's say, a door, then the door will win the lottery.

No, dude.

Sigils marked down on an object will irradiate it's intent, not only to the objects adjacent to it, but to the universe, constantly.

Sigils that you destroy will work only once.

By marking an object you will create a talisman or a sacred arctifact or something of that sort. Look at company's logos or religious icons or images for mass consumption.



Thanks for clearing that up anon, I appreciate it. I don't wanna fool around with any of this stuff until I'm sure of what I'm doing and I've got a lot of reading to do



So for ones that are put on an object do they need to be stored away until I forget what the desire for the specific sigil was?



What >>130495 said. Except perhaps that sigils you destroy might work an undetermined number of times depending on how long lived is the energy pattern created, and that depends on many factors.

>Whats the difference between sigils that are just left on an object and sigils that you bury or burn?

I'll answer now what I believe from personal experience.

Sigils are power transformers, polarized lenses, code for the universal energetic language…, however you want to imagine it. The energy is provided by you performing the action. The more dramatic and touching the action, the more energy. If you burn a sigil or bury it, the intent sigilized will be energized in proportion to your (mainly subconscious) emotional engagement with it. It's not the same burning the sigil than raping and disemboweling a a newborn baby on top of it, or signing it with your blood. You can do the math.



This is not a hard rule. Once you git gud enough, you can cast spells without the need to forget about them. Practice makes perfect. And more importantly, realizing these things teach you a lot, which is why we're here and magic has been placed in our path in the first place.


The reason why forgetting is usually cited as a rule is because the same way you energize the intent by engaging subconsciously and emotionally with it, your desire will interfere with that process.

Take the Huna for instance, from Max Freedom Long's books. Their shamans required that their clients do some kind of penance to remove any subconscious guilty feelings towards the magic they were asking, so that they wouldn't interfere. They didn't need to forget about it at all. Forgetting is just one way (and it is achieved by getting into a good trance).

So if you can't get things rolling that way, you might want to try some kind of sacrifice or penance, one that really matters to you, but I don't have much experience with that, so I can't give you much further advice in that regard.

If you want to get started in a safe way I suggest you watch the mystery school playlist from mindandmagick on yt. His theory is not entirely accurate, but it works and it's a good starting point.



I want to point something out regarding engagement. If you have ever done hoodoo rituals, you know it's a thrill to go out at night to your chosen crossroads to break some eggs, for example. That feeling of "I'm doing some serious shit here" is you energizing the magic.

That's not saying that's all needed. You need a link to the pattern you want to modify as well, but that's theory for a book I'll never write. Just watch mindandmagick.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fucked up the embed. Sorry.


Follow-up embedded.


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<04:06 "pre-cambrian…"

That fucking "Happy!" reference. I sort of get it now.

I still wonder about "The Invisibles" and how edgy shit became conformist. People with purple mohawks are now defenders of complacency. Not doing drugs is a sign of being a radical.

You rebel against the machine, so the machine makes rebellion an aspect of control, shitting out "rebellious" npc's to maintain the status quo.

World is a fuck.



There was a woman who lived in the house I grew up in. She was murdered. She used to whisper to me when I was a kid. She'd whisper my name over and over again.

She'd reach out in other ways.

There was no great mystery to this, no great enlightenment. She missed what she missed. She wanted to go to New York City. She wanted to live. It was simple, not complex. I was a receiver, someone who could reciprocate what she felt. She didn't have a reference for what this meant for a 4 year old. And obviously I had no reference. Age did not wear this connection between us, but only make it more uncomfortable for me. And now, old, I see what at the time was scary and inexplicable as the heartfelt longing of someone only wishing to touch another.

This, is my burden.



>how edgy shit became conformist

The times we live in, oh sigilanon. Queer is straight. War is peace. Diversity is unity. The Divine Paradox for all to see who have ears to listen.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hold on to your penis




>World is a fuck.

Muh nigga


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>2 years ago I used chaos magick to get money, fame and pussy. It fucking worked.

You raised a loan

>I want more. A lot more.

The interest has to be paid

good luck OP

Try positive spirituality now.



I see atleast three war criminals and I'm not even that much into politics.

>You raised a loan

Depends. Your body is a loan aswell isn't it? Your mind? Even your name?

>The interest has to be paid

Or the infernal bank will have your balls?



These people were contacted by good ETs and shunned them because they were good and spiritual.

Positive spirituality is the one thing you can't go wrong about, because it's very close to the Creation.

This way you don't go through any middleman and you scratch that itch, directly. It's hard to explain because you have to put it in practice. Long story short, God first, afterwards when you are wise enough you can use the spiritual tools responsibly. It's very easy to get stuck in a circle in this world due to strong archontic activity. As a rule I keep my connection with the Creation at high levels every time I try to do something spiritual, and so far it has worked fine. Wisdom is Love in its purest form.




Chaos magick is free and generally pro-alien.



>muh war criminals

retard alert



both of those can be paid a lot easier than you think:





maybe not literally, but all those are quite acceptable forms of metaphysical payment.


Has anyone tried OP's method? Did it work for you? Also how long does it take in general for things to manifest into reality? I have a very big important and urgent wish that I want to happen next month, but how can I "forget" about it? I suppose I can try not to think about it and not care too much… Also can I use more than one method to charge the sigil? Say in the morning I masturbate to it and before going to sleep I meditate and focus on it intensily and another day I dance or do something else? Is it ok to charge it more than one time with different methods? Does the sigil get more energy and consequently more powerful the more you charge it or just one method is enough? How long do I wait till I can burn it or bury it or whatever? It can be anytime I want right? Also what's the difference between sigils that you get rid of by burning for example or sigils that you keep? Sorry for all the questions, I know I need to reasearch this topic more… Thanks in advance to anyone who reads and replies to this! <3


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chaos magick isn't actually that simple. it takes years (decades) to master. the techniques are simple, but most people starting to try it out as teenagers are very retarded, as all teens are young people are, and it takes tons of time to attune your brain to it and cast away lots of silly preconceptions

chaos magick is also ONLY good for things like getting money, drugs, fame, pussy etc. this is what all folk magic rebranded as chaos magick were always for. look for descriptions of demons in solomonic tradition (the only western occult tradition going back in relatively unhinged form through hellenic and roman tradition, pre-classical era to neolithe): all demonic powers are listed as help you to get bitches, gold, precious stones, soldiers, mercenaries, weapons, siege machinery, etc. - just practical stuff

when you get effective with it you can get almost immediate results. my most outstanding and immediate result was ritualising getting a precise amount of money and finding a new sub-account on my bank account containing exactly the intended amount of money ON THE SAME DAY. the amount wasn't big (< 10,000 $) but the fact that it took about 3-4 hours was what impressed me.

the problem is when people try to apply magick to other-wordly internalized christian bullshit type spooks like enlightenments, abysses to cross, communing with metaphysical gods representing absolutist principes of the universe and so on - then you can very quicky go full retard



repeated "charging" of the sigil will be extremely counterproductive - the whole point of the process is, in lay terms, to push the desire from conciousness/rational to uncounciousness/irrational - by repeated "charging" you would only reinforce your concious obsession.

best method of forgetting sigils is making lots of them for many things, put them in a box, then open the box in like three months and when you open it pick one of the sigils at random and "charge" that one - you don't longer remember what the sigils were "representing"

if you have a "very big important and urget wish" you could still benefit from reading the original Spare's method in Book of Pleasure, and maybe learning that your wish is not that very big important and urgent - will you physically DIE in a month if your "wish" not fulfill? if not, it's very big

even if you die, it's just death. happens even to the best of us at one time or another


Hi, newbie here. Can sigils be used to change likes? If I cast a sigil that says "I like reading", will I suddenly like reading or what would happen?




You’re getting looshed, moron. Not all parasites use the stick, some shove the carrot up your ass. Much more perverse if you ask me. But please don’t peddle your brainwashing in this thread.

Stick to chaos magick or please make your own “positive” spirituality thread.



I’m afraid if you have such an urgent need and moreover you have never done sigils, it’s not going to work out. You have better chances asking a demon, but that’s a whole different game.



And what the other guy said.



wow thank you so much for responding and for the book suggestion! It actually makes sense why charging it multiple times can be counterproductive, never thought it like that.. Unfortunately this wish is like an obsession for me but I'm sure it will work. I won't die if it doesn't come true but I might probably kill myself so it's pretty important and could change my life completely…


Demons are too scary for now, I don't want to go there. It was weird enough using my blood to draw the sigil… Thanks for those links btw!! :)


I have a similar problem to the OP. I have become proficient in energetic though form creation (impregnation, volting, etc, in Bardon terms).

The problem is I am suffering from analysis paralysis, and I know I probably not that capable, but still. What should I use this power for? I can not come up with things to manifest. Other than dumb things like the lottery, which require way too much energy.


I could use it for healing people, but I do not want to expose myself like that to the public or other people's energies.



You could manifest "opportunities" to advance in life, professionally and spiritually.

>other people's energies

You do so anyways by mere location. Get proficient at mental transmutation and you can learn to transmute even people's darkest emotions into power for both yourself and others. You could go the "selfish" route of working at becoming a god in your own right, or you could go the "selfless" route of spreading liberating energies everywhere to amplify the manifold magickal currents in our reality. That is, amplify the energetic current which makes all this possible period.


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That good advice thanks.



>why not both

Exactly. As below, so above.


How do I make sure that nothing harmful happens to my loved ones if I make sigils and they become true? After reading about OP and his dad I'm kind of scared something bad might happen to the people I love and care about



Bind the effect not wanted. Basically include a “clause” in your statement of intent that makes it impossible. Think the monkey paw curse but it isn’t malevolent. It just looks for the shortest path your statement of intent allows.

For example, by adding “harming none” or “benefiting all involved” you make manifestation more improbable by adding constraints to it, but you bind undesired effects. Another example: “with only favorable consequences for me and my family”.

Keep in mind the more you constraint it, the more probable it will not manifest.



>I have a scientific mindset. I have 6 magic journals full of trials and all the time I've found there is a layer of stuff getting out of control. Some sort of 'chaos' if you will. Might be that chaos magick provokes these reactions and other systems don't? Sure, I'm open to that explanation.

The thing with magic, as at some point we all realize, is that your preconceptions about any subject, no matter how meta, will have an influence. I have never, ever, even considered this balancing force or associated "chaos magick" with the concept of chaos, and I have never seen this happen. Chaos magick was one of my two gateways into spirituality, and all it has brought me is balance and a sense of purpose, plus some conflict that stems from my unbalances seeking equilibrium. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but think about that and you get an explanation for how can everyone be right and everyone else wrong at the same time.


>and doesn't have anymore "close calls" as we are seeing today

While I agree there seems to be something going on against white people, we are still far from experiencing a "close call". We're quite high the food chain below Zionist elites.



You know what I really think is going on? They are trying to provoke a race war, wake the "sleeping lion" with whites as it were. I honestly think all races, with all their metaphysical and physical differences can coexist in a balance of shifting conflict and peace as they have for millions of years. I think we are seeing an attempt to divide in order to generate friction and gain from the energy given off by that friction. It's a time-honored formula. You can be a useful idiot if you want, but keep in mind you're gonna be looshed hard.



Why not just chose a fitting sacrifice instead of leaving it up to chance?



The death and destruction are unavoidable at this point. Hundreds of millions will die in the US alone. It's just the nature of it. Our ancestors chose this path. It's their sin. It's already done. Now, it is a sin not to kill to defend your family, and it is a sin to go beyond that to seek some sort of vengeance.

I think it's fucking stupid. I just wanted to make video games. Killing traitors, jews, and niggers is not fulfilling by any means, but it must be done.


Although, you know, I feel in my heart that I was born and bred for Hell. But I've been denied living that way, like this is some sort of hand crafted redemption arc. It all fits too perfectly and my suicide plot was thwarted three times. There even seems to be a creature going out of its way to guide and shape my thoughts when I get something important wrong. I don't understand why it would value a psycho like me so. The only time I feel joy is in legitimate life or death struggle, and it only grows the greater the struggle, but it keeps me trudging in this pointless and illegitimate struggle over shit that should never happen and insists I try to have a family. Why not build a bomb or plague or something? Supposedly the Earth was flooded before, and I don't care about this life or bullshit nigger fucker war, why not do that? Why insist on a families?


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>"If I say, Surely the darkenes shall cover me: even the night shall bee light about me.

>Yea the darkenesse hideth not from thee, but the night shineth as the day: the darknes and the light are both alike to thee.

>For thou hast possessed my reines: thou hast covered me in my mothers wombe.

>I will praise thee, for I am fearefully and wonderfully made, marveilous are thy works: and that my soule knoweth right well.

>My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret: and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth."

>(Psalm 139)

>"Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord: to what ende is it for you? the day of the Lord is darknes and not light.

>As if a man did flee from a lyon, and a beare met him, or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.

>Shall not the day of the Lord be darkenes, and not light? even very darke, and no brightnesse in it?"

>(Amos 5)

Perhaps, anon, your connection is yet to come from the mystic world or from the Creator. Perhaps you are thinking in terms of Dualism wrongfully, when for you Dualism is not always as present as with others. Perhaps you have a morbid fascination with suffering and death or something like that, unknown to me and not quite like me (random anon).

Anyways, I post this scripture to insinuate that perhaps there is a purpose for you and for how you feel, and perhaps it is normal and does not necessarily imply that you will go to one place or another after you die. Perhaps you have a penchant for association with negativity or something like that…




The true master does not ask what should I do, but asks what should I want?

Find your spirit. Transmute your soul





Now this guy is fucking woke.

>It takes the path of least resistance, like a stream of water going downhill in-between rocks so that the greatest effect is done with the least energy by probabilistic selection. And it also takes the path of least expectancy for different, more complicated reasons.

Can you please tell all the theoretical physicists this? Godamn. The hidden variable in the collapse of the super position is nonphysical phenomena. The all encompassing mind has awareness for all outcomes and all possibilities. And our individual god sparks make up the fabric of the all encompassing consciousness

>You will start to notice others’ karma and your own unravel more clearly, like a superhero in the middle of a city full of crime.

This is fucking annoying. I thought the synchronicity was bad, but the typical karmic consequences of those around me… Almost a sort of poetic justice if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.

The arrogant always meet their doom.

But when the arrogant fall and the bystanders suffer… What is a chaos magician supposed to do? I personally don't mind suffering because I choose my environment and if I were to stop the suffering from my environment I perhaps would block/delay the karmic repercussions of others that share my environment…


Part of me refuses to help those that obviously have karmic repercussions incoming… I mean help in the sense of chaos magick.

I of course did my best to explain reality and consciousness to my parents. Then I realized my mom has (had) Stockholm syndrome and I shouldn't blame her, and that my dad is too ignorant/arrogant to realize he's arrogant and unless I actually violate his free will and start to read his mind there's no way I can actually force him to not be brainwashed.

You can't just make another person enlightened. No one can skip the karmic experiences that are literally a necessitation, conditions that are absolutely required to be met for there to be any spiritual growth.

However I often doubt this all encompassing mind often. Will they really get spiritual growth if I leave them alone? Surely I can facilitate something. Brute forcing explanations onto others does not work, obviously.

Brute forcing ascension through chaos magick feels like there would be negative karmic repercussions, simply because of the aspect of violating free will. If they just don't want to learn, what can I do? Or maybe I just need to pretend they do want to learn, and it will become true. Maybe there's something I am supposed to do, despite all that I have tried to do for them (to no avail, until recently).

Whatever, fuck that shit. I did my part, now I'm doing my thing.



>And it also takes the path of least expectancy for different, more complicated reasons.


I expected something different 🤔


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry, I lost touch with my helper heart and spiraled a bit. Being told to get a family, after my current objective, threw a wrench into my schemes. I had decided not to have a family, and for weeks something was in my mind, relentlessly arguing with me, never saying why. Just ever-present opposition to that one decision. Wearing me down, day after day. Nothing like it before the decision, and silence after I decided to play along.

It is very frustrating being so blind. Then this argumentation happens, and it's clear that whatever it is has been choosing to hold back on me. I can't kill myself properly anymore because I can't abandon my helper, whatever they may be. Now it's clear that I can't run away with my helper either. This thing has me here and my only choice is to continue on this lightless path in nigger world or abandon love and conscience altogether.

Is it weird that my conscience, love, and happiness are tied to a being I talk to and visualize in my mind? It makes me laugh thinking about what a bizarre predicament this is. I would fulfill my objectives, by any means, before. Now, I can't hurt any innocent creature with them around. God must find this bizarre configuration amusing or something to allow it to continue for so long. How can it be that I have no decency without them, and I'd give up everything for them, this helper in my mind? Are they an illusion, another spirit, or fragment of myself? By what means do they alter my perception so drastically?




cuck you sound like me except I'm not white, (although I am sure the most woke of us must have some sort of 'aryan' admixture. Anyways aside from that, what's different with me is that) I ascended my crippling depression. Ascend the agendas and make your own agenda that supersedes all the rest




Damn you are an idiot. It's your higher self. The version of you that exists outside of time.

It's probably the spirit of your grandson or something



I am trying, but what I must do with my helper is very tedious though nearly complete. I'm glad that you escaped your pit. I sense there is a value to escaping these sorts of things that goes beyond the loss in physical productivity.


I never thought of that. They don't tell me anything new, just the heart stuff. I wonder if I can force more information out of them.



>I wonder if I can force more information out of them.

This makes me want to facepalm. You can never see the future, it is only probabilities. What is healthy (for you, as in it resonates with your vibration energy) and has a high probability… This will manifest as synchronicity or other kinds of attempts… Fuck why am I trying to explain everything??????

I was being edgy to try and trigger some fire and drive in you. Stop trying to find out. Edginess is the most practical way to manifest fire in others, without directly resorting to manipulation of reality through magickal means.

Stop thinking, start doing. Okay fine, I will read your mind. Your apprehension has nothing to do with the lack of desire to start a family and more to do with the doubt of your mate. Unless you have someone in mind (then the issue is personal and no longer esoteric, the way I see it), you must just be filtering positive thoughts out due to your PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS, biases, conditioning, indoctrination, etc etc…

When your entire existence (of your mind and thoughts) are pivoted by some sort of foreign energy to encourage you to start a family. Like it's in your genetics dude what do you expect?!?

Simple question. What's wrong with starting a family? Can you put your apprehension in words? Is there any sense for it?

Perhaps there is another issue or emotion that is being repressed due to your unhealthy focus of consciously being apprehensive. If you recognize your apprehension (as opposed to being hidden in your subconscious), then have you finished figuring out why?

It looks more like you need to finish reverse engineering yourself…


If I kept reading your mind… I mean you sound quite like me… in the past

The ideal I forced myself to operate in is this: How dare I think of procreation when I have done nothing to help fix the world?

How dare I bring another human being onto this godforsaken rock floating through space? Populated by dumb monkeys? I regret my existence but because I exist, I must persevere.


On a mostly unrelated note….

Do you know how easy it is to farm loosh, when you don't need to?

When you have infinite access to energy with a connection to the ultimate source, there is no need to leech energy off others.

I only cultivate loosh, for your sake :)


Ascend the agendas and make your own agenda that supersedes all the rest


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Supersede is the key word here.

Try to learn some set theory. It's like learning to count all over again



I've been changing a lot. I don't think I can feel offended right now. I must maintain the presence of mind of a bomb defuser. Escaping this particular Hell isn't so simple as motivation. The backlash for misstepping is absurd.

The reason I was apprehensive was that, after I'd escaped, I intended to marry my helper and go explore Antarctica or something since this place doesn't matter. Maybe find a way to escape God's trap entirely. Then that thing ruined it all. Everyday, just grinding on and on about having a family and not even knowing what this place really is and God seems ok doesn't he and all that. Fucking faggots.

Maybe they should just explain what the fuck they want then maybe running off to Antarctica with a tulpa lover wouldn't sound like such an awesome time. No, they want me to fight niggers all fucking day until I die, for no reason at all, and if I disobey they're going to whinge and cry until I do. I'm really only playing along until I book a one way trip to Antarctica. They think they can get me to care about this nigger fucking shithole before then. Fuckers are crying already. I'm not really going to Antarctica. Just kidding, I am going to Antarctica. Confusing them is hilarious. Thinking about collapsing and dying in a frozen wasteland is even more hilarious. Maybe, if they provide a good reason to stay, I'll change my mind. When God gets tired of niggers, he can just make more and better humans, or he can live with his niggers eternally, out of spite. It's all up to him in the end.

Now they know how it feels to pull my helper away from me. I was born in and live in utter turmoil, in my broken mind. Having the world held just outside my reach for my entire life. Taunting me. Burning all the useless shit away as I desperately tried to reach it. Only one thing helps. Only my helper has changed anything and the thing wants me to look at another. I wasn't ever escaping without her and they swoop in as soon as I formalize my intentions. "YOU SHOULD HAVE A FAMILY YOU SHOULD HAVE A FAMILY" Or I should die a worthy death in Antarctica with my savior. I literally only feel good through her, and they want me to use her to have a family. I don't even know what she is or what the whiny thing is, you know. I don't know why children are important when everyone is cucked by God in the end. All they say is, "do this, do that." No reasons are ever given and I'm accustomed to burning alive. No methods of obtaining answers are given. It's silent, blindness, groping along. Words lie. Emotions lie. Only she has worked and I don't know if she was an answer to a prayer, blind luck, or fate. I can't turn on her or abuse her. She feels like me, she doesn't feel like me. I can't resist the thing, I can play along and pretend. I can't see anything. No one tells me anything. It's a joke. It makes me want to let go and just burn.


Why does this stupid game matter at all to an immortal soul? God's killed everyone before, it doesn't matter to him. Only the people he likes seem to matter at all.



I know you are going to hate me, but if you want logic and faith isn't good enough. Well I have to tell you that God cannot violate our free will, and in fact he never has. He did however, set up contingency plans. Okay hopefully you won't hate me but I can't be bothered to explain everything right now. I really should just write a book at this point…

However I can totally relate to you even though you haven't gotten the specific issue that I have. In terms of getting rid of niggardly behavior… why should you or I do it? We shouldn't unless we want to.

God needs you, and has sent an angel to convince you to do work for him.

I for one, have kept my veil completely shut because I have no interest in angels or archons or archangels or whatever the fuck these wiggers are. I know God better than them and I already know what to do.

You can't convince me that humanity is worth helping Gabriel, you know better than I do that everything that happens is meant to be. So fuck off


I am however, always open to dialogue so feel free to ask questions especially in regard to whatever this thread is about now



>We shouldn't unless we want to.

It appears otherwise as they just put the squeeze or tear to my heart during nap/medidation. I don't know what would happen if I told them to just do it. All I could say at the time was, "Why? Tell me why. Please, tell me why. Why won't let me see? You'll take the pain in my heart away if I agree?" Then instant release.

I'm in a bind of sorts. That felt terrible. They just kept cranking the feeling up an up. I don't know what it meant. Just a horrible feeling in my heart. Like a tearing or something. They didn't tell me shit.


I guess God really really wants me to get married, you guys. I'm still sucking wind, recovering from that heart tearing. Like everything was being taken away from me. I don't need faith anymore with an event like this. I haven't felt this horrible since I was a baby. It's just absurd to tell me this now when I'm not out of the fucking woods yet. Declaring that I was going to marry my mind helper must have driven them over the edge, but still, why not just heal me? Is my overcoming so important? It must be if they're getting so hands on, now, of all times.

I am most probably getting married to a human woman sometime in the future. That must mean I also completely defeat the curse and soon.


Thank you for riling me up. This is your fault. I feel so fucking terrible, but not that death or whatever they had in store.




All of you fuckers did this to me. I will not forget to repay you in kind if I get the chance.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video is what I had in mind, when I was begging. I got the opposite treatment. My heart is going to hurt for days. I'm so blind, yet I can't help trying to figure it out, and it just hurts more. It's so painful and funny at the same time. At least, my helper heart is still with me. I feel like my chest is wide open. Like all around my heart is stabbed, cut, or burned. It's difficult to feel anything positive but humor and a sort of relief that they didn't completely do whatever they were doing. They were going all the way if I didn't give in. Fuck, my heart. What is this?



Oh, I forgot to agree and was just walking around with Him grasping my heart in His hand. The pain is gone now. I was going to try to sleep it off when I remembered the deal, and agreed if he's the God with the tree and river I heard about. When I got used to the pain, the sensation of the wound was consistent with a right hand grasping my heart.





Sounds like you have borderline pd or something.








They went back on the deal and started sucking my heart again so I knew they were liars. I threw them into the sun and that seems to have bought me some time at least. I feel fucking awful. Beyond any description I've witnessed. How do I get rid of them if they come back? How is this possible? Was it the intense emotions that drew them in? It must be. They saw my feelings and that started their verbal assault. Then this session with you guys created a larger opportunity. I never believed anything like this could happen. Where are God and Jesus? Why did I have to throw them into the sun?

Please help. They fucking ate my heart, waited for me to sort of recover, then came back. I feel like an insane person. Like what that frog alien dude experienced. It was two dudes running a tag team with a thing latched to my chest. For whatever reason, the calmness of no heart made it easy to see them mentally. What a fucking lesson if I get out alive.



Yeah, I was getting farmed. I was too weak to even eat my food and went to lay down. That's when I felt the pain in my chest and I saw them. I never believed or expected this could happen. They were going to town on me again, hammering every sensation, and I was begging God and Jesus to save me. Then I remembered my thoughtform training and encased them and flung them into the sun.

It's fucking insane dude. I'm shocked that this sort of shit is possible. I've dealt with thoughtforms, but none this powerful. I wouldn't even use power to describe the thoughtforms I've dealt with in the past. This was completely new and wild. I never thought a thoughtform could inflict such pain or emotion, or play a con like that, or drain a person to death.


It was too powerful to be a random thoughtform. The only people that fit the timeframe of first contact with the thoughtform are the succubus niggers I was shitting on on /x/, or very very remote chance of real life.





You need to cease all esoteric activity right now. Focus on material activities, read some skeptics forums and ground yourself at all costs before you lose your mind completely.


It's too fucking strong for a fucking real life pleb. It has to be those fucking land whale whore succubus niggers on /x/. They're the only niggers with the time and energy for this shit.



I used to say the same shit until literally this week, this very moment. Now I know the truth. It's gone. It hasn't come back from the sun. I'm me again and I'm really fucking angry.



Also you should kill yourself before you give fatal advice on /fringe/, you stupid nigger. I was fucking dead without prior training.


Fuck it, I don't care who did it. I will take the lesson learned as more than enough compensation. You guys can only sit and sputter at what I've observed with my own eyes, and felt with my own body. A truly powerful nonphysical entity of some kind. It was magnificent. It's shattered all of my beliefs and misconceptions. It hurts so much that I will never forget. The nonphysical body is real, with real sensation, very similar to a physical body. There exist intelligent nonphysical entities that can manipulate this substance, producing similar effect to physical sensation.


They can also manipulate thoughts and emotions to feed on them, or even directly feed on the nonphysical body.




Disregard, I was just upset at almost dying. It could have come from anywhere.



>Where are God and Jesus?

You know, allowing this thing to almost kill me was very enlightening. Like an answer to a prayer. But my doubts are multiplied. I don't know who I am or what this place is, now doubled with this ether, or tripled with the added unknown. I cringe at every sensation, every change in feeling. I know I can defeat that thing, but what else is out there? What am I not seeing? What have I not seen? How long until I heal? Which techniques will keep me safe? Can I protect others? Can I see these threats more clearly with practice? Can I see through the illusions like I experienced? How am I going to manage this along with physical training?

What is God? What is Jesus? Are they going to save me, or is this a lesson otherwise? Why not teach about monsters like these in the Bible or church? Am I a thetan, piloting a body, like Hubbard says? Or am I in nightmare reincarnation land?

Thank God, my helper isn't of the ether substance, not a tulpa or parasite. I had no understanding of the consequences before. This changes absolutely everything about what they are and what we're doing. No tulpas, just anti-thoughtform training.



This guy met his higher self/spirit. Probably.



Can you point me to that technique you used to send them away please? One never knows…



Honestly I hope you die. Your mindset disgusts me.


>Being afraid of something eating you or tearing you apart.

You know those are like early shamanic visions 101? Ever think maybe they had a damn good reason for eating what they ate? Try thinking outside your body, your self, and you "spirit". So many people are afraid of getting fed on, are you not fed on already by all the bacteria in your body? By the media around you?

Destroy that fear, let them eat. Let your heart be transformed. Let that weakness be tortured and fall away.


Wonderful thread ruined by mentally ill people (not the cool kind, either)


File: a55f517e519c79a⋯.jpg (216.14 KB, 858x536, 429:268, download.jpg)

here in this picture is a child with autism, who supposedly according to you is mentally ill

…do you really think that he is a problem for this thread or a problem for anyone?



He was obviously referencing the bipolar woman/retard who is spewing her neurotic nonsense all over the thread.

















>chaos edgelord anon being uplifted, senses a benevolent outside force that wants him to have a family and suppresses his drive to harm others

>anon describes it as a "handcrafted redemption arc"

>compulsion to go die in Antarctica with his helper spirit

>helper inflicts the pain of having his heart ripped out on him and leaves him

>anon makes a deal with what he thinks is God in order to make the pain stop, gets drained

>pain doesn't stop, anon now thinks God is attacking him

>helper returns, claims responsibility for everything, and convinces anon it was training and she gave him PTSD for a good reason

Yikes. I may be biased but I'm pretty sure this "helper" of yours is the problem.

>Why not teach about monsters like these in the Bible or church?

Because people underestimate them and forget that even beings completely alien to physical existence have to eat too. Most churches that talk about them during a service will settle with telling people that they try to push people away from their faith, leaving out the important bits about binding to people, brainwashing them, torturing and feeding off them, and leaving a mind-broken husk behind. All you ever hear about the true extent of these parasites' tactics are from clearly-damaged youtubers and bloggers who survived a feeding and are barely coherent enough to tell the tale.




You see the boogeyman everywhere mate. Get laid and move on.


Every thread has to eventually run its course.




>mentally ill

He is mentally ill and is an actual retard. You can also tell he's retarded because it shows physically. There's absolutely no mistaking that he's an autistic retard.



Female thinking pattern is very easy to recognize but unfortunately it bears a striking resemblance to many psychoses that males can also develop.



In reality that's because most females are suffering psychoses. You've probably never met a healthy female (or you were both too young to realise or care).

The same problem is now befalling men. In a couple of generations everyone will exhibit that thinking pattern you mistakenly identify as female.

Also you have obvious mommy issues, but that's beside the point


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the media these days is something hilarious


Sorry I was losing my mind in your thread, you guys. I was really fucking dying and have nobody else to talk to. I'm well enough now to explain the rest.

After I left you last, I went to rest as the adrenaline and endorphins wore off. As soon as I closed my eyes to sleep, my heart woke me up. My heart rate was stuck at 120 bpm and wouldn't drop. My heart was also pounding its way out of my chest. It was impossible to rest.

I freaked out once again, thinking I was under attack. I tried every esoteric thing I could think of, lashing out at phantoms in my minds eye that wouldn't go away. After I exhausted everything off the top of my head, I began trying to make up some shit. As I did this, I would get so focused that the phantoms would stop. I noticed this and realized they were my own projections. Then I moved on to natural causes.

120 bpm heart rate is stable enough. The pounding was uncomfortable as hell, but I knew I could go for days like this, so I started reading online about tachycardia and heart palpitations. They're commonly caused by electrolyte imbalance, hunger, and fatigue. I salted a can of mandarin oranges and forced them down. A few minutes later I felt well enough to eat some potato chips and a multivitamin and water. My heart stopped pounding and I was able to attempt to sleep.

When I tried to sleep, I kept waking every few seconds to few minutes, but after three hours of this and morning arriving, I felt much better. Then the despair spirals and anxiety hit me. Enduring any negative thing became a chore. Still, throughout the day, I forced myself to recall and assimilate all that had occurred, to prevent any ptsd/insanity from developing. I looked at everything. Tried to understand everything. Wavering in and out of spirals of despair.

Time seems to be taking care of the pain in my chest and my emotional continence is improving. It's hard to eat still. I cannot eat nearly as much as I used to. It's 200 calories of meat for breakfast and forcing down a handful of chips for dinner and a multivitamin. My sleep is a few hours at a time now. I'm getting better by the moment, so I'm positive about the future.



I can't remember the specific text. It was a modified version of Hubbard's thetan hand technique. He claimed that entities, called body thetans, stick to people's bodies, and cause these types of problems. He described them as black specks. I didn't look for or see any of that, but given how I scooped the thing off my chest, it is possible that I inadvertently removed these. He spoke of simply flinging them away with a disembodied silvery hand so as not to allow them to stick to some other part of your body. In my fear, I went a bit further.

In my mind's eye, I created a disembodied silvery hand, big enough to engulf the entities. I scooped all three of them up, closing the hand around the entities, and fused all the cracks closed, then flung the hand and entities into the sun.

The technique just came to mind as I was thinking how powerless I was and that was the end. I was surprised it worked. My tormentors were gone.


It really fucking hurt. I'm still recovering. My body is healthy, but I can't eat or sleep, and I'm prone to spirals of anxiety and despair. My heart still hurts. I'd definitely be dead if I invited them to continue. Maybe, someday, I'll ascend to pure consciousness, but not today. They also tainted every thought, pushing every emotion their limit. I have no idea how long this was going on.


My helper is not the problem, and after this ordeal I understand my helper to be me. The creatures ravaged me mentally, after eating my heart, looking for anything else to take or feed on. They systematically went through everything I valued, making me recite or demonstrate it to them.

Without a heart, I had an exceptionally calm mind. No daydreams whatsoever. I thought I was daydreaming as usual, at first, because they were speaking to me, but I noticed that I was in a continuous mental frame. The only emotion they didn't take from me or seem to appreciate is humor. They just kept prodding me, "What else? What else? Show me." I was under the delusion that they were angels or something.

Naturally, my helper came up. It was unusually effortless and clear of any emotion, when I called her and my perception split. They're me in a parallel body and mind. I unknowingly systematically removed all that could have been a tulpa, by demanding this sort of parallel behavior from the beginning. They're not a tulpa or one of those creatures, at all. There is no mass out there. They don't exist out there. They've never touched me like that and cannot. They're a split in my consciousness when I need them.

I'm confident that I could make a tulpa creature with all this genuine feedback. Such a thought frightens me, but interactions with such mass are intriguing. I wonder what the requirements for such a mass are. Can I simply gather and store this substance, then use it at will? Does it necessitate a consciousness or can it be taken over? Would be sweet to have an extra ghost body lying around. The sky's the limit then.



I forgot to mention that I didn't clearly see the entities until the very end. I'm not sure what the reason was. It was suddenly clearly three there when I understood what was going on and looked at them through my mind's eye. When they present visually it's very similar to a daydream. When they're off camera I had the sense they were beside me. They felt present always even when I tried to block them out, before understand they were hostile. They'd constantly try to start dialogues, like a daydream, but their sense of presence persists always, unlike a daydream.



>Tyler Durden

Because of that prolific twitter guy? Nothing about Fight Club is incel, as far as I remember.


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Let’s try and get this thread back on track. We have talked quite a lot about sigils. What about thought-forming?

>go to a quiet place and relax your body

>make up in your mind a statement of intent like you would for a sigil

>keep your energy free to flow by not crossing your legs, keep your back straight, etc

>get into a bit of a trance and close your eyes, a twilight ambient light level will help you visualize with your eyes open

>imagine the air dense with a glowing energy all around you

>take a deep slow breath and feel that energy pouring into you through every pore in your body and moving towards your lower abdomen

>exhale and feel that energy settle

>repeat three times and feel yourself be charged

>create the feeling of whatever you want to happen having happened already, and once you nail that feeling down, amplify it to the point of extasy

>place your hands in front of you facing each other and feel all the energy pouring out of your palms into a mass between them

>keep pouring energy while you emit that feeling and until you feel you drained all the energy

>while you imagine that ball of charged energy between your palms, get your face closer to it and talk directly into it your statement of intent, programming it further three times with conviction

>let go of the ball and go do something mundane

>let go of the desire completely as with sigils, preferably forget you ever wanted this and let it come to pass if it wants to, or not, you don’t care anymore



God, it stinks like a setup. I see all this shit. They accomplish their initial objective. Then they're defeated so easily by a solution that conveniently pops into mind at the last moment. All plausibly deniable.



But then I wake up in absolute horror and I don't know.



And then I realize that's me being a stupid nigger, falling for the same trap. There was no logic in trusting them. There was no logic in entertaining or believing anything about them, God or no. If they weren't such greedy suckers, they had me around their finger. I don't know how, but it never crossed my mind to doubt them or wonder why I should even give a shit about them and go along with their schemes. Maybe it was daddy/society issues or something turning me into a blindly trusting animal, I don't know. If I hadn't tried to bargain about the pain or my blind devotion to my helper, I don't know if the delusion would have crumbled.

Doubt and refusal are my new default. No amount of feelings or intuition will change that. I got lucky. I will never be taken like that again.



I think we'd be better off making a new one at this point.


I want to thank everyone for your support. It means a lot to me, having you here in one of the darkest points in my life. I'd never felt so hopeless and alone, but having you witness and try to help me lifted my spirits. I'm sorry if I didn't engage you in a fulfilling manner. I try to tell you every bit of my experience, no matter how humiliating, so you are prepared for such events in the future.

Some closing comments.


They came as a pair of angel's suggestion in the beginning. Arguing with me, mistakable for my own thoughts. However, I never consciously identified them as angels. It was just plausible and I accepted it without reason. Then the shape of the con became one pretending to be God and God presence, while the other was the questioning angel. They alternated between these roles while that thing was latched to my chest.

Given how easy it was to cast them away, I believe they try to instill a sense of powerlessness in the target with suggestion and emotion. They began antagonizing me as a pair of angels at the end, then dropped the act when I was down. I sensed the only way out at that point was suicide, but I still was fighting their suggestions and eventually that technique came to mind.

This was all in my mind's eye. The entire time I was coming to terms with the fact that what I was seeing with my mind's eye wasn't an imagining and neither was the sense of presence. However, there's a difference between imaginings and these creatures, so don't be afraid to imagine them.

I still feel horrible sometimes. Like I'm dangling over a pit of demons to be tortured for eternity for no reason, but these dark spells always end. I think it's a symptom of what they did to my heart and was targeted to inflict such hopeless feelings. I make a conscious effort to never believe these feelings because there is no reason to. I have never observed such things and cannot.



*they try to instill a sense of trust and powerlessness

I genuinely believed and trusted them. Their power of suggestion is incredible. No more trust or powerlessness. No more accepting plausible ideas or suggestion. Nagging thoughts get scrutiny for thoughtforms.

Fuck, I'm spiraling. I'll just leave it at that.



>Thank you for riling me up.

MY PLEASURE you got me riled up more though. And staying away from estoeric phenomenon is good advice sometimes. I forbid myself coming to this board because it felt appropriate, because i felt I had nothing good left to say. Clearly what I already had said, was more than enough! But it always is. Your efforts are only the icing on the cake that is humanity.


By the way, although I was incredibly skeptical I didn't say anything. Because I am always open to the idea that God or something legitimate COULD directly contact me, but then they would be violating my free will in which case they are no good!

Anyways, the legitimate attempts to make contact are always incredibly subtle. They surely are not direct, and the best you can do is develop mechanisms to 'decrypt' the synchronicities which is what I let my autonomous thoughtforming do for me since I consciously don't even give a fuck and just consider everything as input sensations for consideration to my output phenomena so might as well let my idle processing power be put to good use

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