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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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A talisman is an object with a word or symbol intentionally inscribed upon it. A TALISMAN IS A SYNCHRONICITY MAGNET. That is to say that if you have the word “money” inscribed upon an object or a symbol representing money, you attract to your self circumstances related to money due to the fact you are carrying a synchronicity magnet. SYNCHRONICITY WORKS THROUGH RESONANCE, what you focus your consciousness upon, an idea you focus on, creates ripples in the aether(electromagnetic energy) that then attract to you circumstances related to that idea.

For example if you have been thinking or talking about something and then see a movie or hear a song that relates. These aren’t omens, these are just energetic effects of the activity within your mind and mouth. So a talisman is something you carry with you in order to attract to you circumstances related to the talisman. The principle at work here is “like attracts like”.

A symbol is one with that which it represents. The word money is one with the actuality of money, by carrying symbols of money you naturally attract wealth. This is why jews gave themselves names like goldberg and silverstein. It was an attempt to manipulate synchronicity. Magicians are masters of synchronicity who use words and symbols to cast either good or bad synchronicity upon themselves or others.

Luck, good and bad, is a term that relates to synchronicity, it happens through processes of synchronicity.

The reason a talisman works is because when you inscribe something on an object you create imprints upon the aetheric fields that then create perpetual ripples in the aetheric field(the electomagnetic energy all around us).

This is why monuments are so powerful and new political orders tend to destroy them. A monument is like a giant antenna broadcasting energy related to that which the monument represents or inscriptions upon it.

Throughout Europe jews have erected monuments to the holocaust where upon those monuments in hebrew they wrote something along the lines of “may their blood be avenged”, referring to the victims of the holocaust. These monuments have broadcasted energy waves to help contribute to situations that have resulted in Europeans losing ground by virtue of the fact Germany is part of the European Union necessitating that revenge be Europe-wide due to Germany’s political union with Europe.

The Washington monument is the largest obelisk in the world, This has a lot to do with the global cultural power america has. Obelisk are symbols of power.

Obelisk represents petrified light. Planets revolve around the sun. The nation who is the light becomes the center of the world, becomes middle earth. Becomes the middle kingdom. The nation with the sages, the wise men(and women), is the light of the world through which other nations revolve.

Obelisks are wisdom magnets, they help draw into your nation wisdom which then makes your nation the center of world affairs culturally.



Stop spreading bullshit written by idiots.

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