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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What whill happen in the near future.

>one world leader will appear - new age communist, maybe pretending to be a Buddha, its highly possible that demons pretending to be an aliens or spiritual leaders will be part of his image

>he will be so called Al-Masih ad-Dajjal

>he will be killed by Mahdi - the actual Antichrist who will be aided by False Prophet - islamic Jesus

>people will think that Dajjal was the Antichrist and will cherish Mahdi and Islamic Jesus as the good ones

>Islamic Jesus will make the Kaaba stone speak - it will be Image of the Beast

>Islam will conquer the whole world and the ones who wont convert will be killed

>Kingdom of Shambala will reveal itself and forces of Islam guided by Mahdi will try to conquer it

>King of Shambala - 25th Kalkin - will defeat him and the Kali Yuga will end

By the way - Allah is the same being as Baal. He's basically a demon.

The true religion is Buddhism, but Christianity also has some truth in itself.

The message is: don't believe that masonic new age guy will be the actual antichrist. Mahdi will be the Antichrist. Islam is a demonic religion.



Baal is one of the cainite gods. Cainites were a tribe of jews. Before the priests of Yehova convinced the king to flush the rest of the pantheon down the toilet and only keep him (then god of laws and war), they had many gods, which then were portrayed as muh evil demons when the old testament was written and the rest of the tribes that didn't accept that change were written off as evil and insane pagans.

I know you're way too dumb to pay attention to any of this, but maybe someone who reads this comment will be interested. Indigo Speaker has a series of videos about the true origins of the bible. Very interesting stuff.

By the way, there is no such thing as demons, angels, or even gods. There is just conscious beings, same as us.






Islamic Jesus has already returned


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