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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Im 19 and I need some direction about what kind of knowledge to soak up next because Iv'e hit an absolute brick wall. Ive read countless history articles and books, have probably read more psychology than a college psych major graduate, listened to hundreds of hours of countless podcasts and lectures from IDW people although I regret it, have read countless "redpilled books" , the satanic bible, the price, whatever and feel like no new knowledge has shocked or opened my mind in over 6 months. Where do I go from here?


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Take the Hegelpill


Have you read the ancient greeks and compared them? Stoicism, Platonism, Socrates, Aristotle, etc.?


You could read every book out there and remain right where you are now. I really don't know your situation but probably you need to put into work the things you read.


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It's time to take what you've read and put it into action. Mix and match, find out which ideas speak to you and put them into action. It's time to develop your own personal philosophy instead of regurgitating what other people have said.



- The Ra Material

( https://www.lawofone.info/)

- A Course in Miracles

- Mahamudra

Those all teach non-duality and God-realization. Especially ACIM is the the word of Christ from a channeling. There is knowledge in everything though but you need true perception to see the Plan of God. God is not external btw it's the One or The Source.

This quote from the Gospel of Thomas

77:1 is the true nature of the Son.

"Jesus said: I am the light that is above them all. I am the all; the all came forth from me, and the all attained to me. Cleave a (piece of) wood; I am there. Raise up a stone, and you will find me there. "

This directly contradicts an external God. God is what is. The main distinction we have to make to find what is real is the difference between the Eternal and the transient. The Eternal cannot not be and the transient is a projection or a distortion of reality but not reality itself.

You either choose the ego at any time or chose to align yourself with God since you are He's extension as his Son and Co-Creator. The real Life is so beautiful. You literally create whatever you can imagine in accordance with the Will. (or else its a distortion) But this presupposes a remembrance of who you truly are and this takes time and effort depending on your attachment to the perception of the world you made.


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If anyone is interested in Vedic theology here is a Mega whit a bunch of Sanskrit classics translated into English by Srila Prabhupada https://mega.nz/#F!xNZhAZha!pu7OrPzQqPXUYdyINwJEbg


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File: b6a328763b25600⋯.jpg (161.3 KB, 800x566, 400:283, Quotes-by-Srila-Prabhupada….jpg)

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read we want to live by aajonus vonderplanitz


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Learn to meditate properly (connect to chakras above the head and to the Earth, true Samadhi, Kundalini Kriyas) and remove your energy blockages:

Energy Enhancement Level 1 for free in ebook:


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