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Esoteric Wizardry


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Something is going to happen in a few days.


Is it something bad?


I have a bad feeling it is going to be.





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OP here.

how do you know its the 21st?




There is a nuclear device in a city.



Very specific premonition you had there.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I HATE laughtracks. That's some serious social engineering.


Sydney, Ferguson, blood on the market front, gas prices plummet to pre-2008 recession levels, bills passed in the dead of night expanding NSA power, 5million new latino compatriots signed into order…

Predicting that 2015 is the "launch party" after the groundwork laid this year.



anything to do with the global economic reset?


Do you know how many fucking times I read that "tribulation is starting" and that "something big" was going to happen. Big shit happens every day. Shut the fuck up already, you fucking retard. Grow the fuck up and focus on yourself instead of doomsaying all fucking day like a fucking autistic faggot. Fuck. You're such a god damned idiot.


Damn son, you're leaking mad loosh all over the place and I ain't even the guy you're responding to, I just want to bath in your splurgey loosh.


WWIII, brought to you by yours truly.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
For some, this is the year of the 7s also.


fuck up jewish shill cunts


Enter the void; Bring the void back with you.


not op but I pooped blood the other day, that has never happened to me before so I think it's a sign.

something bloody is going happen soon




On the 25th day of this month, something huge will happen. Many will rejoice.


or maybe on the 24th nobody will rejoice.


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reading through this thread and I have not seen anyone ask OP what proof does he/she have.
>not even once


No proof just an strong feeling.


*tips fedora*

>asking for proof

>implying OP has any


because we all feel the same thing man


Honestly the last fucking week I have been feeling that something absolutely terrible is going to happen and been really intense. I went for months not feeling this feel but in recent times this feel has kicked way up… and the feel hasn't let me down in the past, every other time these intense feels came up, something did indeed happen that was terrible.

tl;dr I sense a disturbance in the force


Instead of looking for something bad that's going to happen soon, you guys should be finding out who/what will prevent it. Because something always prevents it.


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I have the same feeling and don't know what to do about it. Its like something is wrong, very wrong. Like a subtle noise that never stops, always reminding me that something is off. If you haave watched The Serpent's egg you will know what I'm talking about.


The end of the Kali yuga is upon us, and it will not be pleasant as we enter the new Golden age. Who knows if the transition will kill mundanes leaving us on this planet to create a new utopia, or if all the awakened people will transcend the material plane and take refuge in the spiritual planes. Either way we are on the brink of war and economic collapse, it should be fun watching the circus crumble.



I've been told the the path towards a "golden age" will be gradual and not overnight.

It's been 2 years since 2012, and I believe we are just beginning to distinctly see the initial effects of the unfolding.

I'm not sure if it started in 2012, but for me at least, my life has been CRAZY for the past 5 months. It is only about a week or two ago that I feel like I'm becoming sane and getting a better grip on reality. Synchronicity, Symbolism, Time Travel, etc., do not seem to shock me anymore as I learn more and more. I am reading all the essentials, and I feel a sense of relief. This is all so fascinating. I didn't know this was real. I thought you guys were a bunch of Schizos for years.


Welcome to the party, shits about to get real


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john hagee and the filthy ilk of christian zionists have been making up shit like this since the 90s…

I mean really, I remember back when I was a kid listening to that fat chuckle-fuck talk about how we need to invade the middle east so that our armies can be there to protect the state of israel from the "prophesied" invasion of russia.

the man profiteers off of some new, wild, current-news-item inspired "prophecy" every 5 years or so, and then quietly goes back to preaching about how we need to ship our shekels over to israel once his bullshit gets called.


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It started 12-21-12

The events taking place will be on 12-21-14 and 12-24-14

12 21 2014
3 3 7
6 7

12 24 2014
3 6 7
9 7

Days apart - 3
The dates are sum to 4 and 7

12 confirms the month and 3 confirms the 3 day skip.

I have no evidence or proof of this, It is merely suspicion. I study ritual code and learned a lot about ceremonial magick and the secret involvements with it.




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Hi, /Ebola/ here. Is there any knowledge you have on these date's. As you guessed from looking at my name, I worship Ebola-Chan, the reason I'm so interested in this is because I started a Mass-blood letting on the 21st. And the 24th at the stroke of midnight. I don't have to guess who swayed me to tell my fellow Ebolites to bleed for HER. Just what significance are these date's?


I will not tell you because of your undeserving satanic cult. It will come to you but you wont know until it does.


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I'm sorry you see us as satanic, we do not associate with satanist's, as far as I know. We see our selves as her instruments of balance, she calls upon us to give her energy so that she can do what other's refuse. The balance between Nature and Human expansion has been uneven for far too long, and Mother Nature is on her last leg. In the line between sanity and Madness lies our kingdom.
Thank you for at least replying to me.



Your black magic WILL have consequences.
Many people on this board seem to think morality is relative and subjective, and that the universe does not care if you behave in a good or bad way.
It's natural for the criminal to hope there will be no consequences for his wrongdoings.


How did you learn so much about the secret workings of high ceremonial magick?


Words have not been more true than this.

The worship of ebola is satanism in every aspect.


Studying it of course. Experience.


Well that was specific.

What are you implying is going to happen on these days?


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NOVA 2014


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Just look into the astral and see, the flaming red comet that blazes across every sky. Every eye in the galaxy can lay upon it.


I see the Galactic Emperor.


Solstice is the darkest day of the year.

Don't take my word for it do your own research!


Sorry I meant that symbolically. literally it is the shortest day and the longest night (depending no which part of the world you are in) The news will probably say its something else.


You posted that once before, and I'm still not sure what it means. Where are those numbers from? What are you getting at?


The numbers come from the name.


lol what name?


>The worship of ebola is satanism in every aspect.

*Retarded Christfag Detected*

It's black magick but has nothing to do with your favourite scapegoat "Satan".

Satanists are fucking lame. Real black magickians like me don't want to be associated with them. We are too evil for Satan.


All evil is regarded as satanism.

The name of STONEHENGE


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Oh. I thought you were referring to Sol Invictus.

What meaning do you find in the numbers and gematria of the name STONEHENGE that is relevant to the dates of 12/21/14 and 12/24/14? I am trying to follow you here and understand what you are conveying, but I am afraid it is all very vague. I would love to know what you think or what significance you personally find within the correspondances you see. Can you spell it out a bit?


Now I am too original NatSoc 4 u.



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Rate my gf on the edgy scale.

Totally not flood.


Are you enjoying your Christmas break, anon? ;)


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The simple trick is. There are no tricks. Take the alphanumeric values of the letters reduce them combine them and sum them.

Do this with all reading. Language is numerical.

Follow the evidence of who is doing sacrifices and rituals. Follow the money trail.

Its quite simple too simple to see that is why it goes unseen.


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I am actually starving right now due to severe neglect and no fucks given on the part of my caregiver and feel absolutely fucking awful and am bleeding quite a lot from my lips. So no.


Hotwheels? You come on /fringe?


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reload! *BAM BAM BAM!!*


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Hail You!





>Take the alphanumeric values of the letters reduce them combine them and sum them.

Sounds like a trick to me.


Ho Ho Ho!


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Ebola Chan is Love, Ebola Chan is Death, you are men of no faith, who cling to the material world even as it increasingly becomes degraded by selfish clinging and desperation and ignorance. Ebola Chan will bring illumination and death. She will purge the world and make it clean again. Those who are truly religiously inspired will fear not her love and will go willingly and spread her love as well to as many people as possible, so that they too may be joined in the hereafter, and the manifest material made clean again.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>13553 speaking of alphanumerical. And i admit I'm pulling this out of my ass. But, what is relation to G and it being a seventh letter? if there's any?


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>tfw people are using your chant(USER HAS BEEN ABDUCTED DUE TO A LACK OF A FLAG)


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Was his name Matrim?


>tfw it's gonna be fucking soon


exciting so very exciting


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forgot all about this, what a "coincidence"

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