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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: d911c36c28ecdb9⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 220x215, 44:43, 220px-US-GreatSeal-Hunt190….jpg)


The eye above the pyramid is the eye of Sauron, these symbolize big jew: the collective jewish community ruling and watching over USA, patrolling American society.

The fellowship of the ring represents a multi-racial alliance against Jewish power, wormtongue is the archetype of the jew. The ring of power is the Jewish run media, so the quest of the fellowship of the ring is the quest to abolish the power of the jewish run media.

The ring-wraiths are the government workers and military who serve jewish agenda. These are enslaved to jewish media and jewish lobbyists.

The orcs do not represent all blacks but they represent the criminal class within the black community who have been programmed to destroy people who make jews nervous, hip hop and rap music is a tool to recruit blacks and non-blacks to orc culture.

Jealousy of jews and jewish power is a survival instinct to undermine jewish power, because to be under jewish power one risks being exterminated or enslaved just as the jew Joseph economically enslaved the egyptians.

Gentiles who collaborate with jews risk being exterminated by jews after they have served their purpose to the jews because jews do not wish to share power, their rabbis want dominion over the earth, and jews are psychically enslaved to their rabbis, and to have total dominion they cannot share power with gentiles.

Medieval exclusion of Jews from the economy was a survival necessity to prevent jews from dominating the economy and exploiting gentiles. The mainstream media is the enemy of the people, it is fake news.

Throwing the ring of power into mount doom represents naming the jew, calling a spade a spade. Calling out jewish power. Raising awareness about the jewish issue, speaking against jews. The fiery lava of mount doom is words of criticism against international jewry.


Ah bro the all seeing eye is a symbol of god's omnipresence.

The adversaries of god of course try to create a perverted order in which all the goodness of god is gone and replaced with death, machinery, and oppression… so they try to create a surveillance state and a one world order and replace god.


Would you say there is any connection between Cain and the Jews? Cain and his offspring are cursed and do not exalt God.


File: 1a0526effa5b726⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 592x383, 592:383, mecca-mosque[1].jpg)

Lord of the rings, haha. You need better eyes brothers.

Game of Thrones



The future is bright. Truth, wisdom and harmony.

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