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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 4c2b240ffc8e6e4⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 692x1024, 173:256, PatrickNagel2.jpg)


We should explore psychic warfare to use against the enemies of our people, and in particular this psychic warfare, or telepathic warfare should be used against the jews. The jews have used psychic warfare against gentiles in the form of praying against gentiles. See this psalm, psalm 109


Psalm 109 is black magic, we should be cursing the jews every day. Pray "God curse the jews" and say this 9 times a day. To repeat something three times is a charm, and three times three is an incantation, a chant. 9 is sacred because it takes 9 months/moons for a baby to be born.

Please DON'T sacrifice animals or anything like that, doing stuff like that is not cool. You can do black magic rituals without that. Any sort of praying or chanting against your enemies, calling down th curses of God or Mars upon your enemies. You can focus your third eye upon your foe and imagine them consumed by a psychic flame as a means of cursing them.

We should start using black magic against the Jews.


Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications.


According to author Gordon Thomas's 2007 book Secrets and Lies the CIA's Operation Often was also initiated by the chief of the CIA's Technical Services Branch, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to "explore the world of black magic"


Please repost these ideas and spread the word that we need to use black magic against the jews. Psychic warfare


This is a book on Black magick. That's a free pdf but its also on amazon.


Throw a penny in a wishing well and pray for Jews to be cursed


There is no such thing as private thoughts, we exist in an electromagnetic ocean of energy through which consciousness reverberates throughout like waves. So if you have hate in your heart and direct it towards someone it curses them, this is why it is important to have love for ourselves or be loved by others, to protect us from any hatred, and evil eyes, directed our way.

Also trolling functions as verbal curses direct verbal curses, it can, depending on the nature of the trolling. The ancient form of the internet was people would curse each other from a distance and this would function the same way online trolling does but instead of being broadcast through screens a curse would be broadcast through the web of interconnected energy that connects all things.


File: 5b6276ce9bd21e0⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, AG_jKM0f.jpg)


>We should start using black magic against the Jews.

>W E

There is no, we.


We're not your personal army.


File: adf5622c0342bed⋯.jpeg (405.17 KB, 1600x1329, 1600:1329, 1_cLSxT5AwMI_-LOGlfEXCFw.jpeg)


If the op does that, all jews will die! You've opened up Pandora's box!


I already curse jews every single day.


An example:

Oh lord, let the jewish evil be put away, let all their evil be thwarted, and their lies exposed. Let nobody have confidence in them nor give them refuge. Let your wrath be felt by these wicked jews and your grace for those whose hearts are soft enough to feel the depth of their sin. Let no true aryan be lost, let the degenerates be cleansed from our land, and our land returned into the hands of the faithful and pure. Break the evil machinations of the jewish world order and give good men everywhere the strength and the courage to stand against degeneracy.


Oh, look, the spammer from halfchan's here, too.



I like that you're using adjectives in all instances when you refer to the subject of your curse, meaning good Jews like myself will be spared. Thank you for taking that into consideration.

How do you empower this prayer?


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Which one?!

You guys are testing me.

Pls don't make me snap. I don't want to snap. You wouldn't like me if I snapped.




the bible is filled with black magic, yes Psalms is filled

with it but also letters by Paul as well, I surmise that

Paul would talk about his sufferings as if to challenge

others to put themselves in those situations for Paul

to fool them into allowing abuse in their lives,

I think it is Corinthians where Paul says that his hands

are marked for Jesus, it was a ritual for some to have

their hands & feet branded by hot irons & for this they

stay in Greek temple of the gods for protection as if

to incite others to willingly get their hands & feet branded

& to allow injury to be incurred on themselves as I

believe that Paul would challenge or provoke people

to ruin their lives by willingly incur injury on themselves

as if it would make them better than Paul in the sufferings

he talked of in his life,


There's no need to level curses at the Jews.

Just call them out in their bullshit.

Jesus did that and they're still butthurt.


Avoid dogmatism. The Jews are lords of dogmatism and all manner of secret/manipulative dogmas.

(See: Talmud)

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