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Esoteric Wizardry
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: e018b7f47f85e44⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 470x705, 2:3, 2aa24a01dbe0fda0107b08b243….jpg)


>The O.T.O. became the first officially Masonic body, and "the first great order of antiquity" to accept the Law of

Thelema. Crowley reorganized, and remodelled, the Grades above the Fourth Degree. The first four Degrees

retained their traditionally Masonic character, although with modifications to obviate infringement of the rules and

regulations of orthodox Freemasonry. With the Fifth Degree, however, an entirely new Current appears. Crowley

replaced the traditional rite of this Degree with a symbolic abnegation of historic, as opposed to Gnostic,

Christianity, a ritual involving the crucifixtion of a toad previously baptized in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. This

was a magical affirmation of the supersession of the Aeon of the Dying God by that of Horus, the Ever-Living One.

>involving the crucifixtion of a toad

from Crowley and the hidden god by Kenneth Grant, pag 35

so it's not enough that these degenerates fuck each other in the ass, they are also ritually killing KEK's children. I think this act alone mandates the declaration of a holy crusade agains them. I think it's time we declared jihad on the OTO


Rosicrucians have been waging war on these butt fuckers for decades, where have you been.



obviously not reading about magic

any source about that?


Isn't the OTO like a fabricated spiritual fraternity for retired American veterans?



nvm…i just read up on it a bit…i guess it is not only that



Good to hear.

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