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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I didnt know where else to post this because /pol/ would probably laugh at me and call me a shill.

So for 2 weeks now i am now pretty certain there will be a big event at the end of this year.

I have this strange sensation of dread and fear looming over me daily.

I see pain, fear, uncertainty, fire and death on a scale which has never been seen before.

Im not trying to fearmonger or make anyone afraid i just need to get this out of my system and is anyone else feeling or seeing this?


Youre just picking up on the pluto saturn conjuncts energies. Should be lasting till around the begining of 2020 then the fireworks will really start popping.


Trump is trying to push a Peace Plan and the evil realms are going batshit. What do you think?



Are you implying that something like WW3 will actually happen?



Late 2022/2023 is when the transition happens, on this timeline at least.



Europe will be a bloody mess soon enough and it doesn't take mystical powers to know this, just observation. It's run by unironic communists practically. The Christchurch shooting was only an excuse for political censorship, they jumped at the opportunity, it was the plan all along. Censorship will get tighter and tighter until violence is the only way Neoreactionaries, Nationalists and any other no no think can express their politics.

Sometimes I don't know if these people are just really really stupid or really really evil, or both



I'd say really really evil, the people that run this planet are the most vile beings on this plane of existence.

You can call them satanic/occult jews or whatever but it doesnt really matter.

The thing is they want nothing more than to destroy the white man, everywhere you look you can see it.

I cant tell you exactly why they want to do it, it depends on what you want to believe.


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To turn us all into nigger cattle obviously

If they take everything from us that is sacred, that is worth more than the material, everything with higher meaning and value than work and consumption (spirituality, tradition, kin, roots, FAMILY, nation etc) then what is there to live and die for when the only thing you have is what they provide you with?


>muh good versus evil




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>s when the transition happens, on this timeli

Man, what drugs are you talking.



Fuck off, the prophecy will be fullfilled and the satanic kikes will be banished.

We are entering a golden age.


Kys marxist scum


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Marxists are digesting each sphere of public life we know,

you have to admit they figured out how to fuck shit up.

<Ehh, why even on such boards they tell me to fuck off… all I try to do is challenge some beliefs.



Ok, here is my vision of future:

the humanity will speciate into

- self-designed, genetically engineered, rich superhumans

- information-farmed organic portals

The problem is when you are born with soul into a corporate labour farm.



Thats true but those are not virtues i would admire or strive for.


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I think we all feel something big is due. Maybe because something IS coming or perhaps just because we're programmed to be paranoid.


Guys I am a gardener and I just want to say that in my country where UV rays are normally extremely low, this year the UV is insanely high, and many plants I have that have been fine every other year have been completely blanched and the leaves turning white or brown/purple because of it. Even the plants that can resist the UV are changing color and developing deep purples and other colorations in response to it, and although they aren't dying like the plants that are getting blanched, it's very obvious they are adapting to extremely high UV. I don't live in Australia where this kind of issue has been normal for some time, I live in a part of the Earth where this kind of thing is extremely unlikely. What the fuck is up with our Earth right now? Why is the Earth not filtering out the UV like it should?

Also my black clothing is rapidly turning white because I work outside all the time and the UV is fucking everything up.



As I type this btw, the last night the UV rays were high, and this very moment they are "Very High" aka 8 on the UV Index. Precipitation is at 40%, humidity at 48%, and max wind at 19 km/h (it was way windier yesterday).

I have to either let a lot of my plants die or put up some kind of tarp to filter out the UV or take them inside and into the dark until this high UV passes away. The thing is, it's been persisting constantly. We're being bombarded with UV and it seems to never let up.



What you're feeling is upcoming war and it's been in the air for a couple of years now. As for future events…the economy will be taken out thanks the debt usury, which is followed by starvation, a race war with the blacks and a religious war with Islam. That's all a given. What needs to happen before is a massive false flag event that puts the blame of usury on others (because everybody knows this one is totally on the jews) or it will be so absurd that it hides the collapsing economy.

The most likely event is the destruction of Christianity, with the release of scriptures that prove that Christianity is nothing but a big ass fraud created by jews (oops, strike that)…by whites. Afterwards Christianity will be banned , called a terrorist organizations and the jews will go all out with white hate propaganda to dump 2000k years of human atrocities on the whites.

But don't be scared, anon…at least it will be entertaining.


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I am very far away from the equator.


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Who knows why they microwave the atmosphere. Some say it is weather manipulation. Others say some sort of weapon. Maybe it's to sell chemtrailing services to block the UV. It could be anything and everything since they share all their toys across their family.



Thank you for the great answer anon, i like to think of the coming conflict as the war to end all wars.

The kind of war that will restore the natural order of the world, with the aryan race getting back on top, the black magicians that run this whole shitshow will be killed off and humanity will rise to greatness again.

At least thats what i truly wish for.

I've heard from a guy who has looked into a lot of news articles and numerology over the past ten years and concluded that the false flag that will set all this off will occur on the third of november 2019 in seattle but i cant really say if its true or not.

He said that there will be a nuclear strike on seattle and afterwards they will asassinate trump and start a full blown war with iran which will set off ww3.

He also mentioned a great electricity blackout in europe, which will happen during the winter afterwards.

I find this very interesting because 2 weeks ago they had a 3 day long blackout practice scenario in austria which was curiosly called "helios" and was meant to simulate how to deal with an europe wide blackout.

There has never been a drill for this topic before, they also said that such a scenario is highly unlikely but could happen because of "natural disasters".

But then why would they do something like this now and why would they simulate or think about how to deal with europe wide electricity blackout?

Well whatever it means it seems all very strange to me.



When the power goes out,

Thats when the real 'white genocide' begins.

And no one will be able to talk about it online



I forgot to mention China and other third world shitholes. They don't give a fuck about any atmosphere. Giving a fuck is strictly a European thing, and to profit off Europeans.


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>When the power goes out

Imagine 72h with no electricity, no TV, no instagram, no frozen pizza.

No organized action would take place, let alone genocide. People would start waking up from coma and ask questions, so suicides - yes, but the ones who organize best would float on top.



Relax anon! The Big Event will not happen until late NEXT year (2020). It will be a doozey. LMAO.



I remember the 2012 hype train. I remember all the other shitty prophecies following that one. Always the same excuses. Always nothing actually happening. Doom priests deserve death.


Eschatology is universal throughout human history, everything is the "end times".


I think if you went on the street and asked randoms if they felt like something ominous was on a future horizon, many of the people you talked to would say yes. I've felt a kind of anxiety building inside me over the last few years watching everything unfold, like a light cloud of dread hanging over everything. Ever since the shooting in NZ it seems like events have been barreling toward some kind of major event.

Whether or not it's the machinations of a select few or the collective unconscious of the entire human race pushing us ever faster toward some kind of event doesn't matter. I think the most likely time for some kind of kickoff will be in 2020, during the US election. How or why doesn't really matter. What does matter is if you're prepared.

Ease your dread for the future by preparing in the present. If you want to survive, accumulate the skills and supplies necessary to do so. If you want to die well, give yourself sincerely to a cause, but ruminating on your dread will only make you suffer.


may God be with us, and may our deaths, however they may be, be quick and calm and painless. I look forward to being with God in heaven, because earth is hell. Meanwhile:

>eating veggies

>drinking water

>doing yoga



Something interesting that happened to me in the last years after Trump:

I usually think about political policies/solutions and then in the span of a month these solutions are talked by politicians or the policies are implemented.

What is this? Is it prediction of the future or psy controlling politicians?

This type of things happens only when I naturally think about the policies/solutions. If I am aware of them and try to force them they don't happen.



>that date on the poster

the fuck??




it wasn't the end of the world, it was the end of a age and the start of the next, the age that ended was the dwapara yuga, the one that started and which we are currently on is the kali yuga.


You're all freaking out like /x/ LARPers because of the current astrological conditions. This thread does not belong on /fringe/. Take this shit to your Facebook walls and your YouTube channels. Other normies like you will eat this shit up.




The world is so plentiful, it's difficult to be completely aware.

Can't you see what is to happen happens?




no lol, the age of kali yuga started about 3100 years before christ and is supposed to end about 10 000 years later, which will be about 6900





Isn't it just an approximation though, more than gospel? Different cultures, different systems of counting, something about maps and territories.

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