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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: d620f51f51fe132⋯.jpg (321.56 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, imaginary-friend.jpg)


Thoughtforms are basically "Imaginary Friends for Adults: Advanced, by Crowley" and you can't prove me wrong. You're just convincing yourself that your imaginary friend is "magic". You're just forced skitzos. Crowley thanks your for your loosh, manchildren.



I have an imaginary friend that nets me $42K a year very comfortably. Keep growing up, you sad fuck lol

now, do you want to discuss why you're so sad? make a question in the question thread instead of creating a useless one


>can't prove me wrong

You LITERALLY cannot properly prove anything. You can't prove to me that you exist, I can't prove to you that I exist. At best you can GUESS for yourself that you yourself exist but even that point is completely moot because ya boi Descartes invented the matrix argument called "evil-demon argument in which all your thoughts and sensations could be fed to you by an external force and you'd be none the wiser. Meaning that you equating thoughtforms with being a schizo retard is neither an original thought by any measure, nor is it a thought likely thought up by yourself. You yourself are quite literally a thoughtform of the All or whatever you want to call the highest order of intelligence. Do all the other thoughtforms a favour and kys.


>has taken the blue pill

Top kek. I love this timeline.



Foster's Home seems sort of MK ultra-esque to me.


File: afc075a2af59c17⋯.png (13.68 KB, 321x105, 107:35, unknown (1).png)


I already knew everything you just said but thanks for reclarifying it to others.

The point of imaginary friends is the pragmatic benefits of practicing things and acting out various ways of thinking so you can understand others and better understand how to interact with others. It's just like training to do anything else and you are only as good at it as you choose to be. Also, imaginary friends if you get close to them and socialize with them regularly, can be lilfelong useful allies and comforting friends -provided you aren't an idiot and don't socialize with them in public thus making yourself look like a proper freak.

People calling it magic is their B not mine. I know exactly what I'm doing and the pragmatic value alone makes it worthwhile. Our society being stupid enough to call imaginary friends too childish to be worth serious focus well, is society's loss and a great gain to any individual wise enough to partake. Though that may be for the best as I can picture a lot of retards taking it too far to the point of madness -see any religion's pantheon for details.


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Thoughtforms can be useful and serve a purpose. The problem is lonely KHV's using them to try and mindfuck their cartoon OC's.




File: 9c87d571acba503⋯.png (196.12 KB, 500x280, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)




Publicizing ignorance only curses yourself.


(Rule 5)
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>The problem is lonely KHV's using them to try and mindfuck their cartoon OC's.

Why is that a problem?


>no no Anon, don't create your own imaginary friend, use one of our many degenerate place holders instead


File: 829b12794b56e55⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 633x758, 633:758, 829b12794b56e556fce7cd6283….jpg)



Thanks for validating my argument, brainlets.


Imaginary friends are powerful though. Imagination itself is powerful and a force used in magick. The imagination is composed of the aether. The imagination exists on the mental plane.


File: 1b13c8b70e8734e⋯.jpg (13.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


File: f423b9d85edaee1⋯.png (571.82 KB, 444x606, 74:101, 3c3e8833f10e5a027c192f768d….png)


Wrong. Imagination inspires us to visualize, and possibly hallucinate. To do either of these takes a great deal of meditative effort to accomplish, especially in detail. I'm willimg to bet that many of the people here have never took to the cushion a day in their life. It's even more apparent considering the halfchan /x/ raid going on. Even occult isn't safe.

Plainly, I simply can't believe that any of you have actually put meditative practice into the visualization of a human thoughtform. I'm instead more inclined to believe you're either dilusional or psychopathic.




Stop using random words please.




fuck off fede-lasse



you said "stop using random words please"

in response to me saying:

"The imagination is composed of the aether. The imagination exists on the mental plane."

*sigh*, okay I will explain what that means. Those aren't random words.

Aether is the electromagnetic energy that permeates everything around us. It passes through us and we exist in it like fish in an ocean.

This ocean of aether is the mental plan.

When we imagine things we create forms in the aether.

So if you have an imaginary friend that you feed attention it exists as a energy construct in the aetheric plane, like a religious idol you pour wine offerings too.

And this functions as a sort of energetic entity that you can ask favors for that does things within this mental plane.

All things in the physical plane were seeded in the mental plane.


It's really annoying when people who don't know basic stuff come onto our message board and pretend they know what they are talking about.

I myself am just a novice and I only know basic magickal theory, so its really annoying that I have to be in a position to explain stuff to people when I am just a student myself.



Best way to master your understanding is to prove you can teach it

I will say this regarding some of the terms.

The phrase 'electromagnetic energy' implies that this aether is detectable. In my understanding, it is only when some of the direct interactions happen between that realm and the physical realm that result in phenomena that can be detected as the appearance of some sort of 'electromagnetic energy' but they are kind of getting closer, found something called quantum fluctuations.

However, obviously, when we imagine things, the physical brain phenomena (ie the electromagnetic energy resulting from the synapses and other brain circuitry firing up and activating) does correlate with the phenomena in the aether. Our perception is itself a mental phenomena that only correlates with some of the electromagnetic energy in the brain.

There is a lot of logic that can be decrypted regarding the mechanisms, but it doesn't really matter as the entities themselves are just going on interacting, with no conscious understanding that we as humans are able to grasp, yet perhaps with some inherent mental patterns that function within these mechanisms.

>All things in the physical plane were seeded in the mental plane.

It really is quite interesting to think about it. Which realm is a metaphor for which? Depends on who you ask I suppose. Must be a vicarious yin yang sort of thing.

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