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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Hey folks! I have some questions and this place might be the one I've been looking for (this is actually my second time opening this domain). I've done some research over angles and their power, I have to say I feel quite attracted to angelic magic even though I've never done any ritual nor something similar. My first question is: Can you give me some heads up in where to look for more info and posibly even a link to an Angelic Grimoire? And that leads to my second question being: Do I have to do or use some protection rituals before starting an angelic invocation?

I think that would be all for now, lads. Thank you and good night.



There is an angelic grimoire in this.

>protection ritual

Depends. Unless you're coming at them with the threat of destroying them if they don't do your bidding you should be fine. Especially with "non-fallen" angels. If your weltanschauung is close to being "yhvh is the creator god, all others are either angels or demons" you should be fine as long as the angels you're planning to work with have thrown their lot in with Abraham's god. In any case, the first regular ritual that is advised to neophytes is almost always some banishing ritual to dispell the negative juju and influences that might want to fuck with your working. For good reasons.

I can greatly recommend vkjehannum.wordpress.com The dude is a demonolater but also works alot with archangels like Michael and Raphael and he has a bunch of rites, hymns, sigils etc on his site. I haven't read the angelic grimoire in the mega link but the rituals on the wordpress are specifically designed to not really need any materials and in my experience they get the job done.

You most likely don't need any protection rituals if you are actually working with angels, as angels are much less adversarial than demons or djinn or what-have-you. Be advised however that many spirits are not full-bred. Lucifer and Samael, among others, still hold to their angelic titles because that is part of their essence. "Angel" seems to be a sort of species of spirit and not all angels serve yhvh.

Just have respect for them and if you're not a total shit you will be fine. Have fun angel-invocation-anon.




Why didn't you just say "worldview"? Really, I want to know.



Honestly? Idk. I could've used "vision du monde" or something look at me, multilingual n shit

Also, it might be some form of latent nationalism but I personally dislike the hebrew concept of coercive demonolatry. Calling upon the biggest guy on the block to bully others into doing your bidding is kind of… shitty.

Looking at the world around us, the controlled dialectic of historical materialism everpresent evermore obvious, I felt it right, in the name of accelerationism and general-not-being-a-bitch, to use terminology of "the enemy".

I'm in no way a white supremacist or a nazi mind you, I just like for things to be connected. As such, using a german word, in connection to a "hebrew" form of magick is something I find sort of funny. Also I think that on a meta-level it brings both of these worldviews and paradigms closer together, which creates chaos and friction and yaddayadda, energies rising, adversity increasing, kali-yuga type stuff. A sizeable part of me is a discordian.

Also, it gives me personal brain-points because it connects those parts of my mind which speak primarily one language.

Learning languages is a huge boost imo and I want to use and diffuse that.

tl;dr: native tongue is german, I like some languages more for some things, french for arts and philosophy, spanish for emotion and passion, german for actual philosophy, english for uh "simpler" things.



Awesome, thanks for the nice and down-to-earth response, anon. I'm relieved knowing that angles don't hurt good intentioned people. I don't actually seek destroying an angle, I just want to comprehend and learn more about them.

I'll proceed with the invocation and will post my foundings. Thanks again for the help, mate.



>I like some languages more for some things

Good thing you bring that up, anon.

My native tongue is spanish and I was wondering if I can translate the spells and rituals form the grimoire from english to spanish and if that has a repercussion in the rituals.



No problem magick-fren.

>good intentioned people

I agree but morality gets real muddy real fast. Even the darkest of beings generally have heart and empathy and take pity on the well-meaning and down-trodden. Empathy is one of the most important skills to ever exist especially when it comes to magickal reality-altering stuff.

>destroying an angel

Good, because many of these beings are way wiser and powerful than one can imagine.

>learn more about them

Very good. Understanding and wisdom and knowledge are usually the keys to the highest emanation on whatever tree-system you're working on. Personally I would still recommend to not lose the focus on yourself. You should always strive foremost to understand yourself more than anything else. Know thyself as the ancients said.

>will post my foundings

Please please please do. I will await eagerly and wish you all the best.



I’ve translated rituals to my native Catalan before for great effect. I’ve also done rituals in English and it wasn’t a problem. I haven’t cared to find out why this is. I just do what works, but it would be interesting to experiment in this regard.



I think it depends, but usually these rituals aren't just written willy-nilly. Afaik you channel information for the ritual via invocation or possession. Additionally the involved entities tend to enchant the chants and spells and infuse them with their essence so as to drastically highten the potency of said spells. According to some occultists it is the specific words in their order that get enchanted for greater effect, which is why some claim that translating them is not advised.

However! Intention always matters much more than the thing being picture-perfect. If you feel the spells working just as much in your native tongue, then translate them. I'd be interested to hear about possible differences.



Oh. Interesting.


Disregard this post then. I haven't ever tried translating any rituals.

>do what works

Nothing more to add.

Please do experiment and report your findings, I would be delighted.



Will do friend.

Thank you all for all the help, in the following days I'll prepare myself for the ritual, in the mean time I'll read the Modern Angelic Grimoire by Opus and check the wordpress page anon mentioned. Have a good one everyone!



95% of this mega is trash




You ain't wrong there lmao

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