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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a1c45af957c05a5⋯.jpg (83.47 KB, 880x495, 16:9, zao-fox-village-japan-22.jpg)


hey /fringe/…you guys want to have a meetup and go on a backpacking travelling trip to Japan? i really want to go to fox village in Japan and see all the cute foxes

…maybe we can share books and knowledge and visit some oriental monasteries along the way



I would like this, but I'm not in a place right now where it is possible. Too much shit going on, and trips already planned.


The CIA was literally just advertising at some anime expo

Really makes you think



Anime is a front for the CIA.


How can I backpack to Japan when it's an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?


The red haired woman appears to be a mongrel of some sort. Has oriental/Japanese features yet very light skin and red hair.



My next door neighbor is at an anime expo right now. When he gets back I should make an inquiry.

I can't travel because I'm a hermit with a large collection of rare plants to take care of that require me around every day.


File: 595bde5b8ac756f⋯.jpg (78.63 KB, 713x475, 713:475, 7D94FE8D850389F85A65297AE8….jpg)


When are you going?

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