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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: acacc0d753bf91e⋯.jpg (31.45 KB, 736x654, 368:327, michael.jpg)


Hey guys! I posted some days ago that I would perform a ritual in which I would invoke the Archangel Mikael (Michael or Miguel, for spanish speakers like me). I used the Modern Angelic Grimoire by Rufus Opus but I translated all the chants and prayers to spanish, because then again, it is my native tongue and I'm qute happy to report that it worked. It workes quite awesome if I may add.

I spoke with Mikael and he, though the Holy Spirit initiated me in the path of the Great Work.

I shall say that that was my first time (that I was aware of) doing any kind of Magick and the results, as described by Opus, are immediate and powerful. I even felt like Mikael wes trying to contact me for a long long time and I wasn't opened to this connection, but that changed know.

To finish my writing, I want to let you know that I will be walking the path through the 7 Spheres, learning form the 7 Great Archangels. I will periodically post my results and reports regarding every Angel I come across with.

Needless to say, I'm opened to questions and comments from you friends, so we can keep expanding our colective knowledge.

Thank you all for you help.




did the archangel tell you anything that you might be willing to share here? Did you get an impression of what he looked like?



of course, lad. Mikael told me to write all the knowledge he is inspiring me and share it with every person is willing to listen.

Regarding the second question, yes, he did showed me an aproximation of what he looks like, that's because I asked him to do so. It was like… Watching the sun for a few seconds and then closing your eyes… You know that yellow/purple/green-ish halo that remains in front of you? He looked just like that.

Before you ask, I was in a dark room with only an incense as a source of light.


>I posted some days ago that I would perform a ritual in which

Link to the original thread?

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