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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Racial survival is tied to the survival of consciousness after a person passes away. After people die their memory is carried by the race they are a member of.For this reason the survival of consciousness after death is tied to the survival of their ethnic group, because their consciousness lives on in the genetic memory of that ethnic group.

Nazis called this "blood memory". Actively remembering people through monuments, movies, and stories, and images, helps to reproduce the physical and mental likeness of them in future generations. If you talk about a dead person it brings their spirit to you and also it gives them life.

feeding the dead attention helps to give their consciousness life within the afterworld.

Ancestor veneration was one of the most prevalent pagan religions. This is basically confucianism, but White people were basically practicing a White version of confucianism. Check out this Norse poem


And the Roman custom of Lares


The ancestors were the original guardian angels.

White people have no choice but be loyal to the white race because in a anti-white society, the other races have been encouraged to resent the memory of white people. So in order for white people to have their consciousness be honored in future generations, they have to preserve the existence of white people in future generations. Even if those white people don't venerate the ancestors, the memory of the ancestors will still live on in their blood.

White people are not being given the option of joining other ethnic groups because non-whites are encouraged to hate "dead white males", so the only suitable race for remembering white people is: the white race.

The ancients believed the spirits of the dead can influence the living vor good and bad, for this reason they would pray to the ancetsors for help with all manner of things including health and love, ghosts were believed to be able to influence the living.

The white race must be preserved in order to preserve the ghosts of the ancestors and in order to preserve the ghosts of those white people who have not yet died. Spiritual immortality is related to the survival of the race. The biological is the spiritual.


staring into the blackness or blueness of the sky for a prolongued perios of time, like 20 minutes, is a way for the mind to people able to see the spirits of the ancestors. I saw some of my ancestors after laying on the ground in my backyard staring into the blackness of the sky at night for about 30 minutes or maybe an hour, I eventually saw visions of my ancestors. They are still here.

The afterworld is on earth. The afterworld exists within the aether, subtle fields of electromagnetic energy that exists all around us. This is why spirits visit people in dreams, spirits of the dead, because dreams are impressions the mind receives from the aether, the energy around us. And that is where spirits exist.

The sky is filled with pure aether and that is why staring into it, attunes the mind to be able to perceive aetheric things, Spirits don't literally exist in the sky, staring into the sky enables you to see them.

The afterworld is hear on earth and is directly tied to the fate of nations here on earth, these political and racial struggles are simply humans carrying out battles existing on the aetheric plane between the spirits of the ancestors of different people.

This is why venerating the ancestors is the key to racial survival.


Bullshit occultists like nazis love putting pseudoscience into every topic to push their agendas.



Sush! This is the /x/ retard containment thread.


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go back to /x/ pls, this is a nazi board


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This isn't a Nazi board you poser cucklord ass. This board is what we collectively make it and I'm overriding your desires. Got a problem with that? -good luck out-memeing [redacted]. My /fringe/ is about the underside of philosophy that logicians can't explain and elaborate symbolic guesswork that isn't proven but isn't worth throwing away either. We aren't a bunch of genocidal freaks or at the very least I'll fight every last one for cultural dominance of this board. These parts are the realm of free speech, the realm of memes, the realm of [redacted], and don't you forget it. Nazis can stay, but they barely hold a candle of power in our superior chaos. Power comes from the creative greatness of ideas not the destructive terror one wields to stroke off their edgelord dick and empower misunderstanding of the difference between race and person. Now take your /pol/ agenda and shove it and if you've got a problem with that, tell /pol/ to hit /[redacted][redacted]/ with their best shot. I'll be waiting for their failure.


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>reality is whatever I want it to be

Alright there, Thanos. Calm down. We've heard the same psychological buttfuckery from you for awhile now, and no matter what "tulpa" you choose (out of the 10 or so you have), you always try to override critics in the same way. If all of your imaginary friends have the same quality as your super-ego, then are they really seperate humanoid thoughtforms acting independently, or are you just a megalomaniac?

Coincidence? I think not.

A self-righteous psychopath? I think so.

Inb4 "hurr durr i use memes to get my way".

Fucking powerless git.


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Yggdrasil, the tree at the center of the universe, is your race. Without racial consciousness the universe is overtaken by chaos: nihilism and cultural relativism. How can the world have any order, up or down, if you are not seeing the world from a racial vantage point?

Having your race as your basis for perception and seeing the world, making judgements, is what gives the world order.

For example: if a rabbit does not see itself as a rabbit, then to the rabbit the wolf has no meaning, just a meaningless shape. The rabbit is only able to give the wolf meaning if the rabbit knows that its a rabbit, once the rabbit knows this it can identify the wolf as "dangerous".

The world makes no sense to someone who is not anchored in racial identity. If a white person lacks racial consciousness, then to them jews have no meaning. Also to them there is no significance in what race white people marry. And without racial consciousness there is no knowledge of Black crime.

The racially conscious white person lives in a world of meaning. Jews are seen as the race of devils that they are, inter-racial marriage is seen as the crime it is, and white people are seen as a blessing to the planet where each white birth is celebrated.

The Dark Tower by Stephen King is about a wandering jew trying to destroy The Dark Tower, a Tower at the center of the universe, and in destroying it, ushering in chaos. The Dark Tower is Yggdrasil, the world tree. The Dark Tower is white racial consciousness.

This is what has happened in the world, Jews have attacked and eroded white racial consciousness, creating a world of chaos where the world has no meaning. Where nothing matters, there is no history, and there is no direction.

To rediscover Yggdrasil is to return home to The White Race, it is to re-awaken your White Racial consciousness. It is to be able to live in a world where a moral order exists and human groups can be divided into friends, enemies, and neutral parties. It is to actually have a history and roots.

The concept of race being like a tree is related to the concept of the family tree. The gods holding court at yggdrasil relates to ancestral consciousnesses living upon the genetic code, upon the racial tree(yggdrasil).

The awakening of the ethnic European soul is essential to restoring order to the world. It is vital and necessary.

Yggdrasil is The Dark Tower is Mount Olympus, and perhaps it is even the beanstalk from Jack and The Beanstalk.

We are white men. The white race is our home. The white race is our homeland. A man protects and defends his homeland. Racial consciousness is the key to remasculinizing the white man, public school was a process of castration via white guilt indoctrination. 1488



I personally see wolves as good creatures though.


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You're viewing tulpamancy in too simple of terms that's not how it works and of course they all aren't like this just because this is how I happen to communicate. That's like saying everyone in the U.S. talks like Trump because Trump is the President -you're not hearing every single imaginary voice in my mind only the one I give you.

How should I explain this…

The individual will of a single person is an amalgamations of tulpas, which are in themselves imaginary personifications we choose to create, based on various phases of our lives, and those phases are products of observations triggered by information generated from our experiences.

So when you're talking to me, and when I'm talking to you, I'm sending messages to a collective embodiment of a lot of circumstances and interimaginary correspondence between various portions of your imagination.

We are representatives of our individual imaginations, and the only distinct difference between your imagination and mine is I happened to give a little more representation in personality and thought to portions of my mind. You however have only personified yourself, the 'master tulpa' which in reality is an amalgamated product of various imagined centers in your mind you have yet to give personified representation to as I have. Tulpas are categories, boundaries we choose to invent around various bits of our mind and we choose to give a clearer semi-conscious voice to.

But as for the messages from me on this board, those messages chiefly come from ME, the master tulpa, as well as with inspiration from a couple others.

I have at no time made any particularly ludicrous claims here that are fictitious or above verifiability. It is more than reasonable to convey that people go through phases, that people anthropomorphize things, and that people can roleplay and imagine interactions in their own mind. If free will is scientifically viewed as an illusion, then you can likewise say that imaginary beings can have free will too since both would be illusions.

As for megalomania, we do not choose to be 'master tulpas'; we are born as representative amalgamations of the information within our mind. That does not mean we are in charge -it means we are representative of the ones who are truly in charge. The mind in this regard is a tad more democratic than one might think at first glance as we otherwise on the outside appear to be a unified dictatorship of our own singular free will, when in reality the mind is many wills produced from many experiences and many phases of our lives that is unified into a single representation; such as the one that speaks to you now, and such as the one you embody right now.


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Not reading any of that but I will call you a faggot.


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You let everyone know you are ignorant and then bragged about it, and the only people who could possibly agree with your sentiment are people who are also ignorant. Calling people you disagree with homosexual sticks isn't persuasive nor impressive and just directs people to care even less about whatever you are saying.


(Rule 5)
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Jewish immortality pursued by the survival of the Jewish people is Confucian. In China they do the same thing except it is more focused on immortality through family bloodlines through a process of ancestor veneration. People are encouraged to be good parents because they want their children and grandchildren to venerate and remember them. Ancient Romans did the same. Roman households had household shrines to the ancestors, the Roman concept of the afterlife was that spirits of the dead lived on earth with the living. And so the afterlife of a soul was determined by how well the situation their descendants were in. Nowadays both Christians and Pagans are reviving ancestor veneration. I have a shrine to my ancestors. The idea of soul survival with ethnic groups and family bloodlines is correct.


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Ad hominems are mostly cheap, on this I do agree

But yes, both name fags

And your postings

They reek of faggotry.


Hey wasnt the thule society influenced by some slavic whore named blavatsky?

>big white think

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