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Esoteric Wizardry


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aight fringe ill give you a chance. open my eyes.


fuck off we don't want you here.
open your own eyes


The entire comunity is like that guy.
you dont want to be here.


Sure I'll try opening your eyes OP. I just need to know to what it is that you want your eyes opened to. Also, it would be better to open your eye, then your eyes… if you know what I mean.


Both of these posters are the same guy and fedora.


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oh i see what you did there. but seriously tho im interested in incidents where thing that we thought as mythology turn out to be reality. specifically stuff from the ancient world.

i used to see some post back on half /pol/ about dinosaurs and people co existing, giants, Atlantis and all that stuff.



Check out top fringe sites. Especially bibliotecapleyades.net that's a big source. Lobsang Rampa has a lot of neat stuff to say about that. Also check out Montalk.net's resource section, especially the parts about hyperhistory, as those are relevant to you. Along with that, there is the gnosis section.

Personally my focus is magick/occult that can be used TODAY however the scope of /fringe/ is very large a lot of people interested in the particular fields you like will surely show up in this thread and start filling you in on it.

I'm more about doing magick and developing abilities.



thanks anon, ill check them out.

>Personally my focus is magick/occult

but the bible says we shouldn't, aren't you worried about getting in trouble? you seem like a nice guy so watch out ok :)


K bud, the Western tradition runs further back in the Occult (Hermeticism -> Gnosticism -> Akhenatism etc) than Christianity.

Christ was a half-rate Hermes Trismegestus.



i can get not liking them, i don't, but don't actively help SJWs.


Just follow a meditation guide. It's that easy. There are multiple psychic/Magick adepts on YouTube as well. Just don't become a neo nazi, it's a pointless waste a energy.


wanting to believe in something - doesn't want committment

finds a non-plausible system with an active social network

gets laid regularly - still wonders about wierd stuff


The Kraken turned out to be a Giant Squid. Megalodon still exists. Fairies are real and have not gone anywhere, they continue to reside in their dimensions and can cross over here as we can there.

Giants once roamed and the remnants of their DNA are around in gentile populations. Dinosaurs are also alive at the moment, including large carnivores. People can fly, teleport, withstand fire and shoot plasmoids from their body. Telepathy is possible but tricky until you get the hang of it.

Jews are biological robots controlled by demons that wish to destroy all chances to ascend this plane or even improve it. Hitler is a god, National Socialism is the only way to make a more noble world and all jews and gentiles must be killed in a heroic act of racial self-defence. The Third Reich never fell.

Open your eye OP and Hail Eris.


I don't care about the Bible, billions read it, and billions are in a state of degeneracy and sin and hypocrisy. It's an old silly text that has too high a noise to signal ratio.


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I'm going to continue to shit on fedoras every time I see them making fedora-tier statements. Atheists that aren't fedora will get a pass but few atheists I come across aren't part of the Fedora Package. I behave very differently when I come across an actually knowledgeable Atheist who merely rejects the idea of a deity but isn't militant about pushing the whole materialism/moral-nihilism/atheism/etc. fedora combo. Religious atheists, Occult atheists, etc. are tolerable. Fedora atheists are not.


>Just don't become a neo nazi, it's a pointless waste a energy.

*Subversive Kike Detected*


Hey there anon, I'm an atheist myself, I browse this board on occasion because the occult is always interesting to me.

I'm really against the militant atheism movement, I see it as a reactionary movement to the stigma atheism has in the US. But it borders on dogmatic. Something it's supposed to be fighting.

Just let everyone make up their own mind about things and call them out on bullshit when it's warranted. As long as you're no detriment to society you're ok by me and free to do whatever you want really.

You wizards are way more fun than the other religions in my book.
*tips fedora*


Have you seen some of the recent conversations on wizardchan? The fedoras in there refused to follow any links, ignored medical science journals and other material I post of that nature, and kept insulting me dogmatically while proclaiming themselves to be anything but dogmatic.

These weren't just people that "don't know and aren't sure what to believe", these were people that are absolutely certain there is no god and so on, and wanted to shut me down for saying otherwise.



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