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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


There is way too much to tell if I'm going to properly cover EVERYTHING so I will leave the gaps for you to fill in and just briefly outline somethings that have happened that have changed my life in "steps" as if it was a formula (though really it's just things that happened to me).

Step 1. Learn all about god and his attributes and get to know him well. Have a clear definition of god and ignore idols and nonsense that stands in the place of god. If it ain't the Most High; disregard it.

Step 2. Get to the essence of the teachings, always. Ignore and put aside what is not necessary, distracting, useless. Trust that all will be revealed in due time according to his Perfect Wisdom.

Step 3. Acknowledge that I am nothing before god and he is everything. All that I know is good he is surpassing in his greatness. Everything in this fallen world does not measure up to him.

Step 4. Accept his free gift of grace. Although I am completely unworthy and a fallen creature, a child of wrath, I can become a child of grace. Thank God that he gave me a heart and an interest that embraces him, that in hearing his word I yearn to know him further, unlike those who are not his elect and simply doomed for the lake of fire.

Step 5. Ask of god only what you know is right and wise, receive a response from god every single time, endless prayers fulfilled. God makes many promises to us and he keeps them! He is a sure foundation, a rock, and our hope!

Step 6. Praise him all the time. The best thing to do in your prayers is simply acknowledge, love, and thank God for who he is. This fills you with life, joy, and the spirit! My love for him can not falter and his love for me is even more sure! Even when death, sickness, loss, and all other temporal evils might overtake me god will remain the same god he always is. He is worthy of our praise, always, no matter the conditions we find ourselves in.

Step 7. Acknowledge your own mortality (memento mori), your insufficiency, your lowliness. Practice absolute humility before God. Thank him for all he has added unto you, and know that the good belongeth to The Good. Know that you live because he lives, that his strength is all the strength there is, he is the life!

Step 8. God does the work of redemption in you. Thank him for every day, for every denial, for every turn of fate, for every fruit, for every decree. Put yourself in god's hands every day.


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