I made a video about synchronicity, time, and religion. The idea is to discover truth through projection onto symbols: disassembling the “self” to discover the sincerity of your own individuality. There will be more in the future (I’m already filming and animating for the second one), but this video in particular addresses time, Christianity and Hinduism, and the difficulties of being a truly sincere individual in the modern world.
Interestingly enough, there were a few synchronicities that took place following the publication of my video. In my video I reference Self-Immolation in front of the White House: two days later on the 28th, the Australian band King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard released a song called Self-Immolation. The next day on the 29th, a man passed away after setting himself on fire in front of the White House.
I hope that this video is of some sort of use to you, and that whatever you project onto it will help you understand the universe a little more, or at least give you some sort of aesthetic pleasure.