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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So I was listening to this you tuber called Enlighten and I just figured something out:

The feminine mindset and religion is always about having sex, making love, procreation and the circular current in the Universe

The masculine mindset and religion is always one about abandoning the matter, renouncing the pleasure's of the flesh, purification for the transcendental, virtually denying the feminist religion mindset. That is the reason why monks and holy men were supposed to abstain from sexual intercourse with women. They were above women, they didn't want to contribute to the profiliferation of the material world with their seed.

And in many ways, we the incels and mgtow of 8chan are the same. Despite what reddit propaganda would have you think most guys here could get a roastie or a degenerate feminist. But they choose not and to derive pleasure from denying them their reproductive mandate and seeing them dying childless.

In many way we are the last outpost of the masculine mythic mindset.


You are right. This makes you really see how much cucked and blue pilled /pol/tards really are since they do nothing else but whine about having children and how mgtow is a jew psyop. Also some of their leader faggots like Varg really go out of their way to be extremely cucked and pathetic and worship placentas. It's disgusting.

Anyway, the man of real wisdom and intelligence will always realize that monkhood and renouncing matter and the pleasure of the flesh is the true way to go. Mgtow is just a lower level manifestation of that. Some men will even be antinatalists who at a lower level will believe that having children is not good, and at a higher level will believe that even being alive in the mundane physical world is no good and that death as soon as possible is the desired way.

And since 99% of all "men" out there are cucked children who babble nonsense you really can't talk about this with much other people or share your ideas, since you will be shamed and laughed at. It doesn't matter, those people are dead and that's good. As long as you have the realization inside you and you follow the right path, all will be well. Fuck the demiurge and fuck all the cucks. Being a mgtow monk antinatalist gnostic is what it's really about. Women are just tools to fuck you (the spirit) up and keep the shithole matrix running. That's what it is.


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This idea of it being spiritual to not reproduce is why Europe lost its priest class, and why Europe became dominated by Jews. The priests of Europe didn't reproduce for over a thousand years. This was horrible. You don't get apple trees from pears. If you want a priest class you need them reproducing. You can have a monk or two be childless but you need most your spiritual people having children. You can preserve the semen and build up strength from not masturbating but a man should be engaged with some form of communion with a woman and sexual reproduction perhaps sexuality. Tantra.



I agree. It should be ritualised. The highest level most worthy monks doing the most.


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>But they choose not to

Lol, what a fucking bullshit. It's just some excuse they made up why they are still virgins at 45.


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women are retarded animals that shold be kept in rape dungeons oh wow


I believe the more important questions are "why is that the case?", "what can I assume on male/female energy because of this?", and "when/where/how these ratios should be mixed and balanced?"



Sex is one of the most abused aspects of humanity for time untold. It's always been abused because "control", it's always easier to control fewer people than it is many, and the abusers get the narcissistic satisfaction of having it "all to themselves"…


This post is more representative of the coloring of your opinions rather than divine truths.

It's also funny you talk about reddit, because "incels" as a term, originally came from reddit's /r/incels.


Incels and roasties aren't as different as you think.

>Both are typically lovesick, desiring companionship.

>Both have unrealistic expectations on how relationships work.

>Both have some form of social maladjustment, usually from parents not teaching them how to be social.

>Both have parental issues of some kind, and relentlessly project these issues.

>Both expect the world to be served on a silver platter to them.

>Both expect their prospective partners to be their indentured servant.

The difference is…

>…The incel never even tries to start a relationship, giving up before he begins.

<…The roastie starts, but never keeps faith to her partner, falling into the same trap that black men looking for cheap fucks do.

Robots on the other hand? I've noticed they're usually depressive, but kind, and just need an introspective journey to get their out-of-whack mind sorted out.


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>desiring companionship.



btw where's my sociophobe flag?



Blah blah blah whatever

Either you integrate both your masculine and feminine sides, either you stay incomplete your whole life believing all that bullshit.

True incels can't into any kind of deep spirituality.



That wasn't what OP was saying. He said that overbalance of the feminine-passive mind leads to hedonism, and that this should be avoided. You definitely don't need to go around chasing females and enslaving yourself to their whim to have a balanced mind. Such behavior is foolish and the mark of a hylic.

>True incels can't into any kind of deep spirituality.

Sure, if you use the actual definition. People like OP have taken to using involuntary celibate as a synonym for any type of celibacy for some reason, which is frankly very bizarre.



In your ass.



>you integrate both your masculine and feminine sides

That's what OP was saying. And these femboiz, soyboys, cucks, sex addicts, etc. They all think they've mastered some sort of balance but they are still just a puppet of their shadow.



It is hard to find a balance for some people, especially when you've already be infected with degeneracy. It feels natural for a man to act feminine when the Jewish psyop tells them it's okay



That's why you stop taking your thoughts for granted and try that new hip thing called meditation!

you are all indoctrinated, conditioned, brainwashed

you have limiting beliefs, delusions, pretending to be things you consciously decided to believe but you never once actually thought about them and simply accepted them to be true because you watch too much TV or happened to go to those indoctrination institutes called schools


I can't shake the pleasure Jew. I am stuck in a sad place in life and I keep finding ways to distract my self from it all. Im doing it right now on 8chn ffs.

It all feels hopeless, I just don't have the will any more. Im not talking about sex or women though, I'll never have that and I don't care too much right now. Im talking about vidya, junk food, internet, fapping etc. How do I muster the will to stop indulging in worldly things and distractions so that I can focus on spiritual development?



First, define spiritual development in a meaningful way.


What form of retarded Gnosticism is this?

>it's the women who care about procreation

Fucking bullshit^100

It's men care about love, raising kids, having a family, etc. Women only care about fun until they get all used up.


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Developing your ability to gain wisdom, insight that helps you see things clearly and to see past false personal perceptions. I don't know, that doesn't quite cut it, it's something more than that too I think. How am I supposed to define something I haven't really experienced? You know what I mean when I say spiritual development, and I know you know, and you know that I know that you know.



Willpower is something you learn and train, not something you're born with. Bare minimum, set aside so much time a day for just spiritual development and get in that habit. Getting /fit/ might help too.


just turn gay bro, embrace those masculine energies



So you desire truth. Well the first step is to find out the truth about yourself. Analyze your desires, keep asking why you're doing this until you can't ask anymore. Find the core of your being, what really motivates you.



What are you guys even arguing about? The solution to this is simple:

Sex drains vital energy from both men and women. To obtain spiritual enlightenment whilst simultaneously maintaining a physical racial presence, one would have to be celibate and only engage in sex for the purpose of procreation, nothing more.



Yes! In all seriousness, girls are very easily convinced and happy to think about babies in connection to sex. Probably not the thots though

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