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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The 7 Hermetic Principles | #WitchBabyWednesdays

>I started off on Youtube in 2009 doing music videos just to get over my fear of singing in public. Since then Youtube has grown into a home for me to connect with & inspire my beloved followers.

>I've slayed my own dragons, healed myself of depression, overcome drug & alcohol addiction & survived the suicide of my daughter's father & now I am here having walked in the trenches with all of you to share every bit of wisdom that I've been blessed with along my journey.

>My driving force is the deep love that I have for all of you suffering, unseen but with a deep internal knowing of your own magical potential. I'm here to show you that magic.



wat is this I don't even


does she even play the keys?


you say…

>"Until you become competent to remote view into the past with minimal to no perceptual distortions you won't know the true history of this planet."

…yet how can any mortal do this or how will any mortal ever know if this will be possible. Which among us have done this thing?

To quote Hume…

"Even the greatest of men have not discovered the ultimate nature of truth, so how can we?"

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not being able to pronounce the Hellenic tongue



>…yet how can any mortal do this

Practice this and similar material:


> or how will any mortal ever know if this will be possible.

By accepting that you can in fact see across time and getting some experience of this either personally or through witnessing another.

>Which among us have done this thing?

Only those who have personally attained competence in this matter would know.

>"Even the greatest of men have not discovered the ultimate nature of truth, so how can we?"

Ultimate truth of nature is different from seeing into the past or future.


File: b1c9a23fe23a4d6⋯.jpg (265.2 KB, 1146x1920, 191:320, 138c997187915558c7f1ea7af2….jpg)


File: 84d907028acdbcd⋯.jpeg (10.24 KB, 201x251, 201:251, images.jpeg)

I just started jacking off… ritualistic like


Enjoy hell witch



is this the "Christian response"?

doesn't really do justice to Christendom or justice to anybody for any reason…just sounds like back-biting?

almost for no reason? very mysterious



nice troll if trolling


Why do people read Kybalion when they can read the Corpus Hermeticum, also it seems that New Age hermeticism is based much more on idealism than platonism.



yeah, good point

a lot of the times imo reading ancient texts is way better and way more profitable than reading modern studies or modern renditions of ancient texts



It's so endearing when girls take an interest in magic. They don't even have to go through thousands of years of philosophy to start seriously believing in it. They just start doing horoscopes as teenagers. I guess that's how male-female consciousness works though.



Why not read both when you can read both?

t. have read both, multiple times over, along with a few hundred other books

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