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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 02f0408a76fb0d0⋯.jpg (473.59 KB, 2500x1835, 500:367, research3[1].jpg)


Is it possible to charge pictures of the holyhoax that 6 millions of normies view every day as a spell to attract and summon a real holocaust of dead jews?

Think about it.

>Normal cattle view holyhoax pictures far more than we ever do and would recieve the spell using their loosh as a charge for it

>we fap to the famous and meme-able holocaust pics initially charging the spell with the intent to bring a real holocaust into action

>the magic of the holocaust as a meme viewed by millions of norps in "holocaust classes" and museums and ADL "educational vids" every day will propagate the spell far faster than we could ever using our own power

>the filthy jews are driven by the spell to start a chain of events through the weave of fate to trigger a real holocaust of 6 gorillion jews

>the holyhoax actually happens this time

What do you say lads? Can we charge the holocaust images (the most viewed ones) with a spell to summon a real genocide of all jews?


I think it'd be very difficult to alter the purpose of a meme as powerful and widespread as the holocaust. It'd probably be more feasible to send energy towards a symbol of nationalism, like the swastika or CSA flag, and tinge that with intent for an uprising as well as some magnetizer to make the idea more appealing to norps.



I think you're more likely to summon those kinds of experiences into your own life, but hey, report back what you find.

Also, your green text is completely clueless as to how magic works.


now THAT is what I call REAL degeneracy


fap-charging is inefficient and only used by people who are too lazy to learn energy manipulation



Good intentions, wrong strategy. The holocaust meme is designed to empower kikes. You'll only make the stranglehold it has stronger by giving it energy. Try putting your energy into something Aryan instead. Also I would advise against ejaculating to feed energy into something. Semen is vital energy, and you want as much of that as possible. Meditation, visualizing, and mantras are much more cost-efficient for people who don't know tantra.


File: 496dcfcb0cb16bf⋯.jpeg (117.78 KB, 863x626, 863:626, D-aUgyeUYAA9qX5.jpg:large.jpeg)


I wonder if this thread is some lefyfag's psyop.

The TOPI has been trying their hand in meme magick lately.


Well /bane/ did it by memeing a specific event over and over until they accidentally crashed a plane with no survivors into the banes. It takes cues from the meme, but will interpret it in its own way.

Because of this, you run the risk of giving chaos a choice, it will either successfully kill 6 million jews or it can have an off effect such as the jews doing their own holocaust. It also has several other possibilities, the question is "Is this worth the risk?" because meme magic is rather VERY fickle and does what it pleases.

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