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I have pondered over this trying to come up with some sort of ritual that can erase the spark of sentience from someone's mind but my only conclusion so far is that such a thing is impossible, since all magick requires at least some form of self reflection to perform correctly, the only possible method then would be some form of mundane mindbending technique such as buddhist style meditation or yoga, and although I'm clueless about such things they don't appear to be anywhere near effective enough to change a person's mind in such a drastic way, it is really impossible to undo the "red pill" process short of sacrificing yourself completely to some thoughtform, and even if you were to do that, I doubt it would drain all your potential for internal monologue.

Does anyone here know of any way to accomplish this? I know it's antithetical to this board since most threads here seem to be focused on ways of heightening awareness not reduce it, shedding your sapience becoming a bugman.



Why would you wish to crawl back into the cesspool from which you escaped? Is it not better to be a thinking and willing man rather than a mindless drone?



There are plenty of reasons to do this, I personally want to regress to this level so that I can try different methods to break out again, and see what it's like to have no cognitive ability deeper than the instinctual level so I can find out if such people truly are "zombies" in the Robert Kirk sense.



I guess it depends on how "red-pilled" you are. If you just know some things you've read on /pol/ then it's good that you're intellectually honest, but knowing those things alone doesn't make you a non-NPC. Plenty of people can be socially conditioned into believing those things; they used to be, in saner times. If you've reached the point where you're striving to be a Greek Hero then you're probably "too far gone" to go back unless you become a prisoner of the demiurge.



(Exoteric) Buddhism sounds right up your alley

But it also sounds like you're already where you want to be.


Some synchronicities going on with this thread. Someone was just talking to me about this very thing except they're worried they are an NPC or becoming one.



What you are asking for is disconnecting your soul (the sentient energetic spawn of your current incarnation) from your spirit (what you call "the spark of sentience", the immortal spawner of souls outside of time and space).

The problem is, ignorance is not bliss. Your soul in that disconnected state is going to keep feeling miserable, and your spirit is going to keep throwing you clues to find your path to it again.

If you insist on trying, though, all you have to do is basically lie to yourself every chance you get. Since I believe giving up self-honesty once you have really conquered it might be impossible, suicide might be your only real chance at this.

Think about it: if you threw yourself at drugs, wouldn't you almost unconsciously strive to gain knowledge about yourself from that altered state? Even with alcohol this happens. You could try embracing your unconquered flaws, but in doing so you would be actually on your way to conquer them.

I know this post is very disjointed, but words don't come easy at this moment.

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