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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: db3938ada7a8654⋯.jpg (32.47 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, euler-identity[1].jpg)


All is number- Pythagoras


File: 4fb19a93fb9b08b⋯.jpg (55.94 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1434---packaging_flat_4.14….jpg)


To those of you interested in where to start in learning mathematics, this lecture series by The Great Courses is recommended.

"The history of mathematics concerns one of the most magnificent, surprising, and powerful of all human achievements. In the early 19th century, the noted German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss called mathematics the "queen of the sciences" because it was so successful at uncovering the nature of physical reality. Gauss's observation is even more accurate in today's age of quantum physics, string theory, chaos theory, information technology, and other mathematics-intensive disciplines that have transformed the way we understand and deal with the world."


>TTC_-_Queen_of_the_Sciences 1.86GB



File: 87951442594e23b⋯.pdf (4.82 MB, Franz Bardon - Practice of….pdf)

File: 66590f06a4ecbb4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 8.92 KB, 196x220, 49:55, Cheikaseph.png)

>Tfw cheikaseph is getting me through basic bitch math that i had previously given up on.

Bro tier, would recommend, passing my class with a 98% and things are just clicking. Also there's no way you can misinterpret communication/synchronicities with him since with math it will either work or it won't, would recommend as first evocation for this reason.


This thread is a reminder for me to go read the parts in The Secret Teachings of All Ages about Pythagoras again.


its funny but all texts are in fact digital

they simply cannot degrade - they're digital (bitrot doesn't count)

in fact everything is sort of digital but texts were very early digital thing that humans had


oh sorry i didn't see the word 'general'

now sage and hide



How do you practice Sacred Geometry & Math as a discipline? Do you construct the various figures and meditate on them? That's been my approach so far. Anything else /fringe/ recommends? Need a good quality reading list as well IMO.


Tell me about the number 4. What does it mean that I have been obsessed with it my whole life?

Also 9.


What do you guys think of Tarot? Every number literally tells a story, all 10 digits from 0–9 and any exploration of metaphysics delves into nothingness, unity, duality, trinity, etc…



>they simply cannot degrade

>what is authors regurgitating shit and perverting the sense of the text by adding their preconceptions?



creating memes does not affect the fountainhead meme.



4 is a door, and 9 is a stable spin.

Don't spin me, Seth!

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