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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The truth about America that we frequently fail to consider is that it is intrinsically a primeval, backwards caste society of spiritual darkness.

I am not sure which came first. Spiritual darkness or totalitarian militarism.


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What an absolute letdown of a thread.


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Manly P. Hall… Canadian saboteur


America is not totalitarian or militaristic. It's a nation of degenerate, decadent, faggots begging to be replaced by foreigners.



good thing before the faggots are replaced they left us all these cool inventions and stuff like electricity and internet


This is just a theory. I was considering this.

What if, perhaps in the Rightist ruling party's infatuation with Communism and the Left (coming from Europe's revolutions, I suppose…) people in those days developed these possibly false spiritual ideas such as 'Hermetic mentalism' and "thought-form based spirituality".

See, to contrast Marx's idea that human consciousness is driven by materialism….many of those in the right…perhaps the ruling party or the academics clung to these anti-Marx ideas that human consciousness is driven by ideas, rather than materialism. Chiefly, the ideas of those in position of power and many on the Right are wealthy or influential.

It's like, in the same way people idolize the Bible and turn the Bible into idolatry (this is a sure fact, IMHO), perhaps these Right-leaning academics in those days turned those post-Hegelian concepts and ideologies into idolatry seeing as they were driven by this anti-Marx notion that human consciousness is driven by ideas.

This theory of mine is kinda off the wall, and I don't think it is credible because there is so much involved we're talking about here and so many people and so many ideas and so much time between the days of Marx and today.


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>caste society

figures that a freemason would be under the egalitarian delusion



presupposing authority and centralization in a backwards dystopian racket based on the interests of a few guys here and there out to make a profit and to abandon the kingdom which they rule to enemies and to their own defenses is delusion…all they are going to do is turn the proletarian war machine on the profit-seekers at the top……if you oppress them then it is totalitarian


of course your kingdom is filled with degeneracy and foreign profit-seekers coming here to get a piece and watch it burn…you turn your backs on the kingdom and call it ideology




this message is not directed towards anybody in a personal way, but rather directed to the American aristocracy in general



>muh British empire dindu nuffin



>a primeval, backwards caste society of spiritual darkness.

Not primeval, at least not in the 21st century.

The United States when not a puppet state is solely concerned with spiting European superpowers. When it is a puppet state, it is solely concerned with spiting anything which is mildly antagonistic to its owner.

America was never truly totalitarian so your question is wrong. America was always militaristic though, probably longer than it was spiritually bankrupt.

The true answer to your question depends on the nature of eighteenth century freemasons, really.



America will prevail, one nation under GOD.

enemies of freedom will only receive hell as a reward. GOD is with U.S.



are not most U.S. dogmatists, bureaucrats, corporatists and politicians 'enemies of freedom'?



one Nation under God indeed…let's get rid of the bullsh*t we're dealing with

let's all go off the grid and live off the land and boycott the broken system and become renegades and rogue patriots and chastise the nigs


or better yet let's go to canada and build a legacy for our people (Americans)…we'll call ourselves American Canadians…there's so much land up there


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I'm in Canada and it's horrible


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