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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a0a4661a25b6b5d⋯.jpg (93.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, german-merit-cross-first-c….jpg)


I have a German WW2 war merit cross which belonged to a nameless soldier supposedly from the battle of Monte Cassino. The story goes that he was blown up in an explosion. By analysing the medal one side is clearly damaged and completely unrecognisable of any insignia with the other side displaying the Swastika and left largely intact.

One night I had a dream that I saw a transparent WW2 German soldier running somewhere. As soon as I saw him I called "Halt! Soldat!!" With that he became clearly visible, no longer transparent, turned towards me and ran at me shouting in German.

I'm unsure if the dream was a coincidence with the medal being in my room, but it got me thinking as to find out who the original owner was and contact him through spiritual means. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I've thought about drawing blood and pouring it on the medal to invoke the spirit somehow but am relatively clueless on how to communicate with the dead. My intent is not malicious but rather to reawaken the spirit from it's slumber and see what it has to say.

Attached photo is not the actual as I'm on holiday and cannot take a picture.



"halt soldat"

"אני אידיוט יהודי!"


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Shit that was supposed to translate as "I'm Jewish asshole!" not "I'm a Jewish idiot!" Damned Google Translate.



File: 7309fddd4648d76⋯.pdf (14.45 MB, Daniel Ogden - Greek and R….pdf)

Check the sticky for a few PDFs on necromancy (talking to the dead) which is what you are doing.

During dreams our consciousness is awakened and we move outside the body able to commune with others. Clearly this soldat wants to go home and see his family. You could try looking up the WW2 Registry of soldiers during the battle of monte cassino (allied atrocities happened here be careful) and look up names, then find the rank of the soldier and narrow down the list from there.

Once you find a list of canidates you can narrow down names. Upon holding the medal you should be able to get his name by calling out from that list or the name may jump out at you by reading it or simply by asking him "Name bitte soldaten" (my german is shit).

You might also want to look up necromancy, talking to the dead, ghost and psychic phenomenon. Those ideas will help you communicate with the dead.

Best of luck Cammraden


File: 593737761f618ba⋯.pdf (5.04 MB, Daniel Ogden - Magic, Witc….pdf)


Also you dont need to 'bond' the medal by using your own blood, that wont help you communicate with the dead.

Check the archive for bloodsigils if you want to get into that.

Also, try using the medal as a method of communal meditation and mediate with the medal as you like.

Also dont trust google translate for your german, do some basic reading and congratulate him on his heroism for fighting for our furher and the empire.


Much appreciated anon. I can't wait to get back home from my holiday and try to contact our kamerad. Hopefully I can bring him peace and give our gratitude to him for his sacrifice.



>talking to the dead

What about making zombie frens?



I'd like to add that most regular joe dead want or need to move onto the afterlife, so helping him do just that instead of being stuck here is probably the way to go.


Good luck and please report back.

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