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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 927f57d5db87083⋯.jpg (14.38 KB, 400x220, 20:11, UFO Abduction.jpg)


I'm being abducted on my dreams. Whenever I find myself in a shady situation, I'll often become lucid, try to fly and end up paralyzed in midair while being promptly deprived from all of my senses. Sometimes I'd have just enough time to look upwards, and I'd see a giant, translucent ship floating several miles over me. Every time I got caught, I'd try to pray to God or Jesus for help while the bastards messed up my mind to misremember the prayer or made me unable to think at all.

I don't have any recollection of operating tables, but I do remember vividly nearly every time they fed on me. Most precisely, on my sexual energy. You read that right, I've got alien succubi. I feel like I'm not in control of myself when they're near me, it's like I've got this unruly desire to ravage and my body moves on its own accord. And that's only what I'm able to remember, God only knows what else they have been doing to me. I always wake up tired and in a state of overall lassitude. Most of the time, I feel like shit.

I've been looking for a way to get rid of these scoundrels, but there's a little issue: my mind eye is blind. Every method I've found requires at least a modicum of mental visualization. I don't know if you're familiar with it; I'm talking about entering a deep hypnotic trance in order to connect with your soul, remove any "implants" they place in your astral body and finally teaching your soul to not allow any entities to take advantage of it. I've already tried psychedelics (keep in mind, I'm a natural hardhead, so I get few visuals) for this purpose, and while I get CEVs, whenever I try to meditate, I'll suddenly start seeing them. Grey/insect heads, repitilian/feline eyes, and familiar music would start to play on my head in order to distract me. Whiles psychs make me able to "see" (barely), they also make me more susceptible to their presence. They are a double-edged sword for that purpose, but so far I've had no luck.

I don't know what to do. I don't know anyone in person who I can trust to help me out with this. What can I do in order to open my third eye? I'm open to any suggestions.


Perhaps seek out Christ? Perhaps seek out Source?

A lot of the times the clouds of confusion are cleared for me through dealing with God on certain things. Also there is usually a "deeper revelation" which I am not seeing.

We should try our best, especially if we are dealing with God. This is just my personal opinion, but I'm sure you can see why I'd say this.


Fear is a choice

Accept your immortality and responsibility to defend yourself

It's easy when you have the balls to yell at death itself





Do not be deceived and tricked by dogma nor lying spirits (like the Demiurge).



Can you explain to me what's the Demiurge? I've read a theory from Corrado Malanga (italian scientist and ufologist) in which he said there are two creators, the second being a creation of the first, and all existence is essentially a part of him. Demiurges sound similar to what he described as "uomo primo" or primigenium man. I suppose I'm praying to the first creator, in hopes that he gives enough of a fuck to lend me a hand, or perhaps I'm actually communicating with the universal consciousness, or the source? I don't know. I don't know if it's even possible to know so.

I consider myself a christian in values, because I think of christianity as a whole as a necessary dogma for preserving the spiritual integrity of western civilization and protecting against the machinations of the jews. But I don't even know how to define God, nor have I ever felt his presence. I might be an agnostic in that sense. All I know is, that every time I dream and find myself in a predicament, I pray to Christ and they try their darndest to prevent me from doing so, and react negatively when I successfully do so. That makes me infer that there might be someone looking out for me. It's the only kind of esoteric defense that has worked for me. Do you have any other suggestions?



When did /fringe/ stop reading montalk.net?


If you see things when you meditate, your eye is pretty open. Now, nobody is trying to distract you. You are just trying to use a new sense you have no idea how to operate and its all over the place. Drop psychedelics altogether if you want to develop your skills at all. Meditate more.

Unless your woes have been going on for literal decades, I'd say they're just a sign your on the right track. I have gone through similar things. Keep meditating, take notes on your visions, and try to cultivate a detached view from your ego, meaning you are in control of your ego and not the other way around. You'll make it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your question is answered in this short video, but I recommend you watch the whole playlist and in fact read the whole of Montalk's website.




You quoted me twice, brah. I can't see anything while meditating. I don't think I was ever able to do so, at least not sober. Psychedelics aren't all the same. There are vast differences between something like 4-HO-DMT and 2C-E.

I find the first to be rather emotional and introspective, but one of the last times I've tried it, I was attacked by something and felt drained and depressed. I've never felt like that before. I think I can also become some sort of conductor and might had unknowingly channelized energy that affected someone around me. I've seen it while tripping close to a sober friend. It's like he got an "energy slap" from something that channeled energy through me.

Shrooms won't suffer fools lightly. You definitely don't wanna mess around with them, and if someone if interested in trying them, it is of utmost importance that you do them on a spiritually clean set & setting. A common mistake is to assume that just being mentally on a good spot and in a nice place where you feel comfortable is enough to trip on them, but no. Seriously, don't fuck with shrooms.

2C-E, on the other hand, I find it to be emotionally neutral and quite analytical. In my experience, it can pretty hedonistic. Best substance I've tried for music enhancement so far. According to a friend, t's simply perfect for entering into a hypnotic trance. In fact, after years of failed trials, the first time he tried to do a self-hypnosis while on 2C-E was the first time he had success. He was being abducted too, and he managed to kick them to the curb. Sadly, he can't help me right now. He's been sick for a while, so I'm pretty much on my own.


I'll check it out, thanks.

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