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Esoteric Wizardry


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So, I had a strange experience when I was younger, I can't remember how old I was but it was when I was staying at my best friend's house.

Essentially, I was sleeping on the bottom bunk and then, somewhere in the middle of the night I suddenly woke up, but couldn't move, that's when this strange silhouette thing, looked to be about the average size of a man, just stood in front of the door (the door was open slightly) and just looked at the bunk for about 3 minutes.

It then walked to me, stared at me for about a minute, and then put one if it's hands over my face and I lost conciousness.

After that, my life took a turn for the worst, I began having problems at school and people started bullying me. (This was like late 4th grade I think.)

My life took a complete turn, and left me completely devastated.

I won't go into the details, but in some ways I'm thankful for it, because I'm able to do a lot of things that I couldn't had it not happened but..

By what right did that.. Thing have to come and fuck with me?

What do you think, /fringe/?


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>After that, my life took a turn for the worst, I began having problems at school and people started bullying me. (This was like late 4th grade I think.)

>I won't go into the details, but in some ways I'm thankful for it, because I'm able to do a lot of things that I couldn't had it not happened but..

so, which one is it in the end/at this very moment? positive for you or negative for you?
also, pls get into those details and let us know, if you really want this thread alive


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Overwhelmingly negative.

The only actual positive things is that it showed me the really bad side of the world, as well as periodic clairvoyance.

It could be some sort of thoughtform, but it's always ended up right and has helped me, some time after this happened I became lonely and started speaking to what I perceive (and still do) as "god".

My main reason for posting this here is because I want to know what it was that interacted with me.


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>Overwhelmingly negative.
elaborate, it presents to you in the same form as it did the 1st time?; what do you feel abt it and what does it feel like when it manifests(familiar/foreign/etc)?
what exactly is the typical interaction and how often? can you summon it at will or not? etc.

on the positive, is it just the insight on the negative aspect of 3D reality through clairvoyance?


wow, my first time on here and I have to explain shit.

Thats called sleep paralasys, and it usually has to do with demons.


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I worded my last post a bit oddly.

"God" is a separate entity (I think) that happened to come along a bit after this happened, and when I was lonely.

Elaborating how it is negative is difficult, since I don't know whether or not it directly affects me or affects others around me, I have not seen the silhouette since then.

My life has gone down the drain in just about every way to where I'm essentially a shut-in and have anxiety and depression problems, even though I *actively* and constantly try to figure some way past them.

I didn't want to get into details because this isn't an r9k thread to cry about how bad I have it and >tfwnogf.

When the silhouette did visit me, it was frightening, and seemed malevolent.

I can't summon it, I'm a neophyte at the moment, I came to the conclusion that I need to know more, but perhaps the answer doesn't lie within the.. Obvious, I've looked at the obvious.

>on the positive, is it just the insight on the negative aspect of 3D reality through clairvoyance?

I'm not sure what you mean there, but I have periodic moments of knowing what's going to happen, *always* right when I *need* to know, this manifested around the same time I started communicating with "God".

Ah yes, thank you for reminding me, that's the word for it.
A demon, however?

Sorry for my long post.


I'll bump this once and let it die.


*tips — oh wait you did mention demons.

Anyways you told him fucking nothing man. Calling the entity a demon, it seems like a good label, but it doesn't explain shit at all.


If you have ever had a positive experience with what plebs call "shadow people" please tell me about it.

Also, I called it a demon because it is one.

Loosely defining entities is for morons. People that still think ghosts exist. Shit like that.

>inb4 some medium tells you it's a ghost

read some demonology, they love to impersonate ghosts.


What kind of demon is this?

Is there much I can do about it, or has it caused an unstoppable chain reaction of unfortunate events already?


Maybe you just had certain abilities before your initial encounter with the entity but those abilities were just "awakened" from their dormant state when this entity interacted with you.
Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good, it may want you to think it's "good" but it's most likely just playing head games with you.
With that said, have you taken any steps to get rid of this entity?


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If you're talking about the silhouette, I haven't done much, because I haven't been able to find out much about it.

If you're talking about "God", I've attempted to get rid of it, and I've tried to absorb it.

"God" doesn't seem to be malevolent, more neutral and helpful when it can be than anything.


I don't really know a lot about getting rid of demons/entities, however I do know a little bit.
I'm fairly certain there are certain there are banishing rituals you can look up online to get rid these things.
Also, get some sage and burn it around your house, hit every inch of your house with sage smoke.
That will probably help a lot, although depending on how powerful this thing is and how attached it is to you, I can't say for certain.

As for seeing "God", I've seen it as well, in the form of a "binary-like" symbol, it was like seeing the entire multiverse at once all summed up into a single symbol.
It also greenpilled me to the fact that the abrahamic god is bullshit.


>green pilled me to the fact that the abrahamic god is bullshit

There is your problem.

It's not going to go away until you get a priest, and even that will not automatically make your life better.


I'm not OP, please read the entire thread.
As for a priest, that only works for people who are Christians because they believe it will work. It's also a very simplistic form of banishing, which isn't always successful.


also, I'd like to add that more than likely you "seeing god" is just a delusion.

But if it means anything, god's value is 72 and gods name has all kinds of kabbalistic meanings.

Other people will tell you different things depending on their religion, and this is probably because they are wiccan or into chaos magic or some other ridiculous shit.

If anyone initiated into the occult long enough to know that most of those are total bullshit, they might just lie to you anyway, like spirit channelers lie, etc.

You aren't talking to a ghost, you are talking to a demon.

This is why I usually skip right past new agers because they usually don't know their shit anyway.

Demonologists and exorcisms work. That shit doesn't.

I've seen more than enough decent cases of this to be convinced of that.

By demons, it could be lower demonic entities that simply influence your emotions and life, causing things to go badly for you as you mentioned.

This is called oppression. Demonic oppression and it's pretty frequent.

You wouldn't understand what gives license to these entities to do something like that, and it could happen in a number of ways.

Either way, good luck.


Good luck with that, I'm sure I'll call the local wiccans for help if I need someone to waste my time.


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>"seeing god is just a delusion."
>only believes something when it fits his personal narrative/idea of "God".
>Pushing a Semitic religion.
>Thinks I'm a Wiccan when I'm a pantheist.
Try again Scholomo.



It doesn't really matter.

Let me put it to you this way, when someone is a useful idiot, when they spread the lies for you and do your job without you even having to do it, do you stop them?

Do you ever wonder why people like alice bailey and widely known satanists and occultists make tons of cults on their own?

If you aren't getting the picture yet I'm not sure if you ever will.

I'm not here to talk you out of worshiping proxy gods.


How do you know you're not the one spreading lies anon?
The only respectable sect of Christianity are the gnostics, with that said, you sound more like a mainstream christian.
Also, you do realize that the modern bible has been heavily edited for political reasons right?
It's not a source of legitimate spirituality, it's a means of control.


I'm not a christian though, am I?

If I was, I'd be worshiping god.


>I'm not a christian though, am I?
What do you consider to be "god"? Because your posts would heavily imply that you're a Christian.
And if you aren't, then what are you if you don't mind me asking, and why are you pushing the christian narrative on an occult message board?


Me pushing a christian narrative is actually me not bullshitting the original op.

It's what would be best for him.

I'm more of a person who seeks advantages.

I see god and satan as more of a political thing.

But usually people like op will be either wrapped up in the "narrative" of any number of trendy new agers.

This would be my example of useful idiots.

I'm not doing anyone any favors if I allow them to get possessed and manipulated and then give them no way out.

Solomonic magic, freemasonry, the order of the golden dawn, hermeticism.

I'm more like crowley than I am like a christian.

Read some manly p. hall.


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It sounds like you're the one bullshitting OP because you're telling him that your way is the only way to get rid of a negative entity, when there are many other (and better) ways to get rid of negative entities rather then just "accept Jesus". (which is what a priest will undoubtedly tell him to do, and which is also what you're basically telling him by giving him shitty advice.)
He's better off getting professional sage to perform a banishing ritual, rather then just resorting to:
>muh Jesus



>muh jesus

Normally I would probably give him a line like you are giving him, but I'm not in the bullshitting mood.

Like I said, you can be as edgy as you want.

You sow the seeds, but you aren't really understanding who reaps them.


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I'll spread some sage around since that seems like a good idea regardless.

I'll also look into Demonologists and exorcisms, hopefully that might help.

Anything else I should know?

Would asking the "God" I speak to help, maybe ask it to remove whatever is hurting me?


You could try some of these spells, the "top" spells might be your best bet.


Also, asking the "God" couldn't hurt but I wouldn't count on something else fighting my battles for me.


A similar thing happened to me when I was sharing a bed with my cousin. I woke up and he was crying and a silhouette was standing next to the bed.
Sometimes I wonder if that's a real memory since it seems so strange. But I'll try out these anti-demon tips.


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Interested, my best friend was on the top bunk, when this happened.

How long ago did this happen to you?

Is there a possibility it happened to a lot of people at the same time?


Anything, at all?


Guess not.


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