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Can music change matter(DNA)?

DID anyone here do it?

I'm considering starting using dna-change music as I sleep,I sleep a lot so if it's real I'll quickly notice results.

Which channels do you recommend?

I heard good things of sapien medicine


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I have tried this sort of thing for many years. I'm not really sure about it. I have never researched it in an academic or scientific way.

I imagine it does something like to help you relax. I'm not sure if it can actually alter matter. Maybe only after many generations of progeny come and go after listening to 'binaural beats', and evolution takes effect? (lol)

It probably has a little a therapeutic effect, like to help relax.

I feel that some of the ones involving hypnosis or magic spells perhaps may invoke some sort of shades or rogue spirits, which then perhaps will effect the physical world.

Perhaps the synchronicity or God pays attention to you to see how you will react to stuff like that, whatever it may be. Perhaps God imbues it with power just because it is something you are trying?

I have done hypnosis and such containing stuff like magic spells and prayers and it seems like it brought about some form of intentional supernatural activity.



Yeah, I've used binaural beats & some carefully created psytrance (from a friend, now no longer on the mortal plane) in conjunction with LSD or DMT to attempt to reprogram myself, undertake pathworking & guided meditation.

There's a way to use the 3d-audio effect & rapidly move a kind of "pixel" around in your consciousness, to create a kind of environment of sound (like, the impression of a hallway, or a forest or some other almost visual, synesthesia impression). Play around with some music software of you're good with that. Add in some ASMR type effects & combine it with your meditation. Or move the "point" to each chakra, and vibrate it at the chakra frequency. All good stuff, since you can just let yourself enter a really deep trance and have the music & sound guide the experience.

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