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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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For the Devil and all of those spirits out there who condemn humans and this and that - it is true that we are but mere mortals and cannot match the power of the spirits. It is true that most of us are without knowledge of the Spirit World, yet they have knowledge of us.

But perhaps their judgments and perspectives are distorted because just as we cannot understand them, perhaps they also cannot properly understand us?

It is said that Jesus walked among us as one of us, and took on our mortality and the weight thereof. Perhaps Satan and those voices of condemnation in the Spirit World are too quick to condemn humanity without a proper understanding.

This post was inspired by God Elohim talking to me in my prayers. I think He said something along the lines of, "Is it okay that the demons get "spacecraft" and their own Marvel Universe and you don't?" I was like, "sure, I'm sure I don't understand the existential reasons for this sort of stuff…it's not my way to judge the way the Spirit World was created."

Then I feel like God said, "Who do you think is jealous of others like humans receiving things from God?"



>"Is it okay that the demons get "spacecraft" and their own Marvel Universe and you don't?"

Bro what the fuck are you talking about



lol my dude, what am I even reading rn




>we are but mere mortals and cannot match the power of the spirits

Excuse me? We ARE spirits. We can do anything any other spirit can do, with proper technique.


What exactly is different about the human perspective?



"human perspective" because we are trapped here on Earth and trapped in the matrix without proper levels of clairvoyance



>it is true that we are but mere mortals and cannot match the power of the spirits.


>It is true that most of us are without knowledge of the Spirit World, yet they have knowledge of us.

That's why they make fun of us. We are not inherently lacking any power, and in fact can do anything they can do and more.

Them making fun of us is only a front. They actually are jealous of us and continue to keep us deluded in hopes that we may forever feed their energy farms… Oh and I just finished reading your post. God needs to stop fucking trolling lmfao


We can have substantial learning experiences due to… many things



Why is it that U.F.O.'s have amazing powers that we can't reverse engineer and why is it that we do not have those same capabilities which they have?



>we can't reverse engineer

>we do not have those same capabilities which they have

Speak for yourself man. As for Humanity and society at large, obviously there are powers that are stalling development. Speed it up yourself if you can, otherwise stop bitching



>why is it that we do not have those same capabilities which they have?

Have you ever even tried to astral project? Just think before you say shit like this



nice response but your response is just for appearances of having something to respond with, you are not making any sort of a point

if the truth was anything otherwise then you would actually explain yourself like i do with all of my points



UFOs is literally just shit they don't want us to know about



Are you serious? What capabilities do you think you are lacking? You're the one who hasn't actually said a damn thing yet

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