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Esoteric Wizardry


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Have you been naughty or nice this Christmas?

t. Santa Claus

ITT: We discuss Christmas, whether Santa Claus is real, who Santa Claus really is, what the purpose of this holiday is, what magick we will be doing in this time, what presents we want, etc.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Christmas Trance - Carol of the Bells



My Christmas Wish List

1. An effective air filter for my room, to remove dust and mold spores and other crap from my air, and ensure I can breath better in there. http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/home/heating-air-conditioning/air-cleaners-purifiers.html (not only just to filter the air but also hopefully to add whitenoise to the room so I can sleep better despite all the fucking noise in this house)
2. A water filter or else a bunch of things I can fill up with like a month's worth of drinking water from way up North and then I can live on that until I get a refill. (nothing specific I have in mind, you guys got any recommendations?)
3. A waterproof keyboard that I can clean without destroying. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=lm&q=Silver+Wave+Waterproof+Keyboard&ia=products
4. A new computer that I keep to myself and bring with me anywhere and run Unity 3D on.
5. Would be nice if parents provided food and kept things clean.
6. A clear mind free of mental fog and skin free of blemishes, a body ready for action.
7. Help with setting up a multi-stand grow op for starting anti-ZOG plants cheap… I have tons of wood and nails, could get the lights that are best for plants, but no skill or knowledge at all of carpentry!


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This here is the best keyboard ever and I really want it.


It's kind of weird how the spacebar is split into two spacebars but oh well.


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>Santa Claus is just a thought-form created by the mass belief of little children
He's real.


True story here:

>be ummm I don't remember how old anymore now, maybe a young teen

>one day it's Christmas
>someone in the house notices something odd
>brings our attention to it
>physical evidence Santa Claus had landed on the roof at some point
>what his real name is, what he actually does, etc. I don't know
>but he was there… and the prints were perfect and nothing indicated that they were faked, there's no way anyone could put those prints down without making some mistakes or leaving footprints around
>100% sure nobody went onto the roof in the night to do that and fake it

All I know for sure is there's a sled, it can land on roofs and so probably can fly, and it's pulled by something that leaves its hoofprints behind in the snow.

It seems so absurd but it really fucking happened and I had so many witnesses besides myself.

My house btw is big, has a chimney, etc. and is a pretty good candidate for this kind of thing to happen to it.


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>tfw some key military personnel probably monitor Santa and realizes how shaping the beliefs of the population creates reality


Anyone else here going to do a ritual to Santa Claus? I am. I'm going to evoke him and ask that he makes his presence known to me again this Christmas. On the night before Christmas I'll probably do it then. If anyone is interested I might write more in-depth on how I plan to do this ritual. I hope I can get everything needed for it.


Why the fuck would you bother him on his busiest night?
How are you planning on doing that anyway?


So all our childhood christmas gifts are stored in the astral, since Santa exists as a thoughtform but lacked force to bring them to matter?


Huh. Just another reason to learn AP I guess.


i hope these two are the same person.. or are people on fringe supposed to like waterproof keyboards for some reason?


excuse me. forgot my hat.


I wished for a bathrobe, so I can meditate cozily after a hot sauna, and some books, "Wisdom of the Mystic Masters" and "The Law & the Promise".




>implying time constraints are an issue

It would involve scented candles, christmas themed decor, christmas clothing, a christmas hat if I can find one, a snow flake or christmas tree symbol in place of pentagram, trance induction via some modified jingle bells, and sending out the will intent that Santa Claus in some way makes his presence known to me this Christmas and gives me a present.


I want a waterproof keyboard because:

1. My previous keyboard was destroyed my liquid spillage. In particular; water.
2. My previous keyboards have been fucking disgusting due to all the built up dead skin and oils and so on them.
3. I have acne problems that I believe will be much reduced if I'm not constantly touching a nasty unclean keyboard and I can actually give my keyboard a wipedown every few days.

Also that one keyboard in particular is ergonomic and the layout I like. I am NEET and spend insane amounts of time at the computer all night and day typing and don't want to fuck up my hands. I also have huge hands and need moar spacing between the keys, hence I like that design. There's other keyboards with different layouts and which may or may not have:
>multimedia keys
>laptop style mouse


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No presents for bad goyim!


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kek Shlomo you forgot your hat!


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You Jolly Guys?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Trance - Christmas Techno {HD}



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>>>/asatru/917(No flag. )


Is he? Seems to me more like a jupiterian one.


I know it sounds weird at 20 u ears old but I still believe in Santa smiley.
Because I saw him once when I was little.
I know it wasn't my parents because I was going to their room because I had night terrors every night a growing up.
And when I went over to where he was bending over when I saw him there was a present there that my parents claimed to not know about which led to them believing one of them was lie in but since it was Christmas neither of them wanted to think about it.


>An effective air filter for my room, to remove dust and mold spores and other crap from my air

Open the fucking windows smiley

>add whitenoise to the room so I can sleep better despite all the fucking noise in this house

Didn't you live alone innawoods?


>Open the fucking windows smiley

I do this whenever possible even though it lets in cold winter air. Also every window I have is rotten, broken, has to be forced open, and usually gets frozen shut for long periods of time.

I still need that air filter.

>Didn't you live alone innawoods?

For awhile.


Is your family noisy?
Do you have little siblings?
What's your skype id?

Tell us about yourself, we wizards want to know more about our overlord ;)


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Wish list??? What Does montalk reality creation redux say about wishing for things?


.. I think. Tell me more plz.

I know his hat symbolizes the rings of Saturn or something.

What's the deal with saturn??


>Is your family noisy?

Yes. They keep the electric jew going all the time, radios, etc. it's really awful.

>Do you have little siblings?

No not really.

>What's your skype id?

Fringe Wizard

>Wish list??? What Does montalk reality creation redux say about wishing for things?

It's just a wish list. Doesn't mean I'm approaching from the mental angle of wishing for those things. I can very well be intending for them.


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>>>/asatru/ here

Santa Claus is just Odin you guys, this is his way of the old gods living on. He never truly left the hearts and minds of his white children.

Soon, they'll all see the light and return to the cult of the old gods. And then we'll unite to defeat the Jews.

Praise be to the Æsir and Vanir, greatest ancestors of the North European kin!(NON-FLAG USER BREAKING RULE 4)





Santa Claus is the head of the illuminati


He's a hyperborean magi


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Meaning he's legion.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anyone think I should salvage my book review from this thread before it 404s? Literally one more bump and it's going off the last page.


⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)




>Because this is an animated cursor, they do not load on any browser other than Internet Explorer. Because IE is the only browser that chooses to do so. However we have a tiny workaround that shows one single frame of the cursor to Chrome and Firefox users. You however can still install as your computer mouse.

Well that sucks dick.


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🔥🔥🔥♿ 🔥🔥🔥♿ 🔥🔥🔥♿ 🔥🔥🔥♿


Because I work for evil Corporation, I wasn't able to celebrate the solstice.
And now Christmas won't be fun.








💣💣💣ALLAH AKBAR💣💣💣 👳👳💥


👃The nose knows.








stop sperging out


Thanks for the loosh.




>A clear mind free of mental fog and skin free of blemishes, a body ready for action.

That's what I want too. My body has been covered in eczema for 2 years, and I seem to have this brain fog that keeps me inert and powerless. I'm almost certain that my body is malfunctioning as a result of being exposed to EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) coming from wifi devices, my computer, cell masts etc.

EMF can seriously disrupt the cells and immune system. Check this out:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4JDEspdx58(>thinking you can just slip a post in like that without a flag)





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Smiley u can learn about carpentry and hydroponics on YouTube. Just use YouTube-sleep script for Linux to hoard videos

My favorite rig is the fish aquafarm. Their wastewater is pumped to ur vegetables (or boutique weed for Mega stoners, which is What I'm gonna doe when I move outta cramped L.A.)


U ever eaten a tilapoa? Thwyre pretty good grilled or deep fried (all the Mexican Filipinos eat thethem around here)

Also u need to see the first 8 or 10 minutes of this video because the guy in it has a nice rig… youtube.com/watch?v=I2kqpoCondk


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Why though

What's so special about Saturn? Is it the rings?


Youtube-dl is the actual name , smiley


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How do I channel these potent ennergies? Act like Santa? ( ie give out free shit to ppl)

I also would like to be jovial and mercurial too please


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I wouldn't be so sure it's the EMFs until you've lived away from them all for an extended period of time and see how that effects you.

Shit sucks.


You're lucky you got dubs, I was about to ban you.


I doubt Greco-Romans knew it had rings when they correlated the planet with the father of Titans and personification of primal instincts.


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I ate one of these yesterday.


Can we have dream thread for interpretations and shit


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There already are multiple, fucking use the catalog and ctrl + f


24 Dec
2+4 = 6

2+5 = 7

Mind = blown


That took a long while to sink in for me. At first I was about to denounce you as being a faggot but then the significance of the numerology you just posted hit me. Damn son, my mind really is blown.


It's good to see you faggots lighten up for once instead of the usual end times talk, happy holidays Fringe!




"Y-you too" he pants needily. you're going to town on his dingle dangle crown. The reindeerboy shakily grabs hold of your head, running his fingers nervously through your hair. "It feels s-so good, your hair I mean" his slightly less nervous tone changes as you run your tongue down his entire length. His moan is cut short as he apologizes "I mean you're fantastic at this too, I didn't mean to, you're great I'm sorry". A quick caress of his heavy balls sends him back to moaning. His fingers finally clench in your hair as he presses you down softly.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
[Talk Gnosis] The True Meaning of Christmas


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