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Guys, either I'm going insane, or time is actually physically moving faster than it used to.
At a family gathering today, I mentioned the upcoming new year, and how 2014 seemed to have vanished in the blink of an eye. One of my nephews said:
>"You've noticed too? This year seems to have passed faster than any other before it."
To which one of my aunts, a schoolteacher, says:
>"I thought it was just me. I've been teaching for twenty years, and it seems like this year we've been in school for barely any time at all, and we're already halfway done."
These aren't the only ones. Every time I mention this to somebody, they say something along these lines. People of all professions and who are decades older than me are agreeing that this year has passed abnormally fast.
My question is: is time actually moving faster? What would cause it to do that? What will the consequences be?


This is a commonly reported symptom of aging. When you're a child the summer holidays seem like a lifetime but when you're an adult an entire year doesn't seem like that much at all. Time isn't going faster you're just experiencing it differently.

My theory on why this happens is that when you are a child everything is new, every situation presents an abundance of new information and so your brain responds by creating lots of memories in order to store that information. As an adult most situations are at least partly familiar so instead of creating new memories your brain is able to simply compare them to pre-existing ones. The difference in the rate at which memories are stored could explain why retrospectively time appears to be going faster.

If this explanation is correct, the 'cure' would be to constantly seek out new and exciting experiences. If you view your changing perceptions as a problem it could be a sign that your life has become too predictable.


I've read some texts where people relate this perception of time with a change in the frequency of the Earth's magnetic field. I don't know to which point this is true, or how to confirm it. Here's a small text on the subject.



I've had this perception and so has almost everyone I've talked to about it. I can't discount what 14571 said, but I'm also open to more interesting explanations. For instance, Fotamecus seems to be increasing in popularity.

Also, it's contradictory to say time is speeding up, i.e., that it's moving faster through itself (i've gotten condescending looks from people when I said that). I always say that it's being condensed(and then get confused looks). But then who knows wtf time is anyways?


Aren't the Earth's magnetic poles due to "flip" soon?
I wonder what effect (If any) this will have upon the earth and more importantly, human perception.


Confusion of subjectivity and objectivity seems to be a very common mistake on this board.


This doesn't happen to me.


I personally feel like time is getting slower. The start of this year feels like an eternity ago and so much stuff happened it's crazy.


Time is just a product of consciousness interaction with the fractal hologram of existence and is entirely dependent upon this interaction.


The generally accepted explanation is that in your head, time is relative to the past, if that is the right word (English is not my first language). Basically, when you are one, one year is 100% of your life. When you are two, it is 50% of your life so it seems shorter compared to your whole life.


Yeah bro, this has a natural explanation, nothing /fringe/ about it.


Yep. There's this and the fact that monotony registers as having taken less time in your brain. If you go the same places and stuff every day the days will move by faster. If you go out and do new things, time will seem to have moved slower. Nothing /fringe/ or magical here, just how the brain works.

Shit, forgot my hat the first time.


>just how the brain works
>not /fringe/ at all


I think this is why adults should practice mindfulness, a la Eckhart Tolle. Retain that freshness of every moment.


I can agree on that too.
I'm from Europe and I use the FIFA world cumps as "points".

2002 cup to 2006 cup felt like a lot of time

2006 to 2010 felt like 2 years

2010 to this year's cup felt like a few months…


>in your head

Not even like the vast majority of physicists today would subscribe to such a silly notion as you have about time.


>If you go the same places and stuff every day the days will move by faster. If you go out and do new things, time will seem to have moved slower.

I never leave my parents house and yet time goes real fucking slow for me and I pretty much post on imageboards every day.

You seem to be obsessed with that retarded normie activity of arbitrarily relocating your body to various other places aka "travel".

Your theory is so bunk.

>Nothing /fringe/ or magical here, just how the brain works.

How the mind works you mean. …and it is very magickal.


A single month feels like eternity for me. When I have to remember everything that happened in just one month of my life I can't, it's too much. I think part of it is because of all the astral travelling I do… I go out into the astral for a long time, come back to third density, then go back out into the astral again for a long time; repeat ad infinitum.


>these fucking fools dismissing the physical results of a situation as "evidence dat itz not fringe XD"

mundanes please

do you really think that what is view-able with the 5 senses is the only thing that exists in reality?


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Hate to fuck with your hype, OP, this was the most slow year of my entire life.

If time got objectively faster, I mastered time perception even before Astral Projection.


More or less right which surprised me since I come here to laugh at the crazies. Being able to form correlations and detect complex patterns rapidly and store that information for a long time is what makes humans so dominant (see the massive amounts of gray matter). Between massive brain development and the massive amount of patterns stored as time goes on you tend to simply have to consciously think less since your brain can already react to shitloads of things therefor making time seem faster since in a way you're not actively thinking as much. I mean really this thread should have been over after his post, even the part about seeking out novel stimulus is correct which is why I'm not bumping.

There's still loads of retarded shit here to giggle at but not enough.


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>mfw yesterday was months ago for me
>mfw I just lived out an amazing post-transhumanist experience in the astral


>physical things
>implying the physical plane isn't maya
>implying there even are physical things


While I agree with most here that this is probably just a mental trick, just to make sure:

Has anyone you know invoked Fotamecus? I assume you'd have mentioned it if it was you.


>mental trick

If you are doing evocation though, there probably are impostor entities that are pretending to be who you evoked.

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